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The AISSR has several clubs for PhDs. These clubs meet to discuss research plans, design, data, manuscripts, etc. They offer a friendly environment in which to give and receive feedback on research, ideas and papers from a group of peers rather than the supervisory team.

At the same time, these clubs offer an opportunity to learn from fellow PhDs about their research projects and to learn to give constructive feedback. PhDs are highly recommended to take part in one of the AISSR PhD clubs.

There might not be a PhD club for your research interest, in that case PhDs are encouraged to start their own PhD club. For information please contact the PhD Coordinator Simon Cijsouw. PhD clubs are not necessarily organized along the lines of the programme groups.

Current PhD Clubs

  • Gender & Sexuality PhD Club

    The Gender & Sexuality PhD Club is a monthly interdisciplinary meeting of PhDs who work with gender and/or sexuality, during which we primarily review each other’s work. Members of the club come from all disciplines hosted by the AISSR, namely anthropology, geography, international development studies, sociology, and political science. The topics we study span a wide variety. Examples include the study of gendered protection norms in armed conflict, sexuality in political representation, and women’s underrepresentation in organizational authority. Likewise, among us you will find PhDs employing a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative methods and data, such as participant obser-vation, interviews, critical frame and narrative analysis, and quantitative analysis of sur-vey and register data. In cooperation the Amsterdam Centre for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS) we organize master classes with visiting scholars and short intensive courses.

    Interested in joining? Contact us

  • OLA PhD platform

    For PhDs who conduct research in Latin-America and the Caribbean area, please refer to the online OLA PhD Plaftorm.

  • Quantitative Research on Social Inequalities (QRSI)

    We are currently with more than 10 PhDs from different disciplines, most of us do quantitative research on social inequalities in the broadest sense. This means that we discuss a broad variety of topics, such as inequalities in education systems and the labor market, in family and social network structures, in political attitudes and participation, and inequalities between neighborhoods or other geographical inequalities. Anyone who is interested in these, or related topics is welcome to join us. We meet once a month on Tuesdays (13.30-15.00). In our meetings, one of us shortly presents ongoing work, the others have read it in advance and give constructive feedback. It is also possible to give a short presentation on a paper idea or draft and discuss it with the other members.

    If you’re interested in joining?

    Please contact Viktor Decker

  • UvA Migration Dialogue

    The UvA Migration Dialogue provides a platform for early career migration researchers of diverse disciplines, backgrounds and research topics.

    Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of UvA at different levels of research and academic career progress are invited to join the community to share knowledge of migration theory and methods and have access to original discussions on conceptual and empirical contributions in migration studies. Advanced master's students with experience conducting migration-related research projects are also welcome to join the circle.

    Together, we scrutinise migration-related contemporary political and socio-economic issues and decolonial and postcolonial inequalities and challenges. We aim to provide a platform for researchers of all backgrounds and identities to explore critical topics at the intersections of migration, governance, race, gender, human rights, and more.

    We organise monthly sessions. To become a member of the Migration Dialogue group at UvA and to receive the event announcements, write to us at:

  • Fieldwork related PhD clubs (Department of Anthroplogy)