Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research / AISSR
The programme manager support academic activities, the acquisition of indirect and contract funding, financial management, reporting and communication. They act as a link with secretaries who carry out institute-wide duties.
Each programme group selects a PhD representative. They represent all PhD Candidates in the PhD Sounding Board with AISSR and GSSS Management. The representatives advise AISSR and GSSS Management on PhD-related issues and for this purpose they make inventories of such issues. They also facilitate meetings at programme group level between PhDs and intellectual community oriented activities like discussions of papers and Seminars/Lectures. They introduce new PhD and are the primary point of contact for PhD related issues.
Sociology |
Political Sociology | tba |
Institutions, Inequalities, and Life courses (IIL) | Luisa Burchartz & Viktor Decker |
Cultural Sociology
Anthropology |
Exploring Diversity | Albina Abzalova |
Moving Matters (MoMat) | Arati Kade & Tabitha Hrynick |
Health, Care and the Body (HCB)
Political Science |
Challenges to Democratic Representation | Larissa Böckmann & Daniel Komáromy |
Political Economy & Transnational Governance (PETGOV) | Sebastian Pantoja Barrios |
Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance
Geography planning and development studies |
Political and Economic Geographies (PEG) | Ouejdane Sabbah |
Governance and Inclusive Development | Frank de Morrée |
Urban Geographies (UG) | Jakub Crcha |
Urban Planning (UP) | Vivian Yeboah & Rianne Janssen |
There are five AISSR PhD mentors: Marieke Brand (Anthro), Nicky Pouw (GPIO) Floris Vermeulen (POL), Kobe de Keere (SOC). The PhD mentors integrate the role of AISSR confidential counsellors and their new role as PhD mentor. AISSR PhD students may contact the PhD mentor of their department as well as any of the other PhD mentors.
PhD mentors:
PhD mentors safeguard the confidentiality of the PhD students. The PhD in question shall be consulted prior to informing the program group leader or head of department about the issue. PhD mentors work according to the FMG ‘Working method for social insecurity FMG 2020’.