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Research facilities are crucial for conducting scientific research and fostering innovation. The AISSR houses high-quality technical research facilities for social and behavioural research.
Research Facilities

Click on each of the headers below for further information about a research facility:

List of lab facilities
  • Geographic Information Systems Lab | GIS Lab

    The GIS Lab is a centre of GIS expertise and resources at the University of Amsterdam, housed within the Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development. With the growing popularity of digital maps and geographic information technology there has been a ‘spatial turn’ in the social sciences. To address the spatial dimension of social science research questions, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support scientists exploring and making sense of social reality.

  • Behavioural Science Lab | BSL

    The Behavioural Science Lab of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences houses high-quality technical research facilities for social and behavioural research. Our labs are multifunctional and equipped with the latest techniques, which are regularly renewed. In addition to the availability of this equipment, we have a team of highly experienced technicians who can support the implementation of the research in the lab. In addition, our technical staff has a lot of experience in finding technical solutions for set ups that need a more costumized solution. 

  • Social and Behavioural Data Science Centre | SoBe DSC

    The SoBe DSC is the social and behavioural sciences hub of the university’s central Data Science Centre. The centre includes the four domains of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of the University of Amsterdam: Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Development and Education, and Communication Science. The SoBe DSC covers all activities at the intersection of computer science, mathematics and statistics, and at least one of the substantive disciplines of the social and behavioural sciences.

  • Audio-visual Lab

    The audio-visual lab is a space that caters to students and staff from the social sciences who want to experiment with camera-based research and filmmaking. As a knowledge center it is a place where people meet to critically discuss and explore the affordances of film in research methods and the dissemination of research results. As a workplace, the audio-visual lab offers 12 top-notch editing suites for video editing and film production. From September 2024 onwards, the lab will be operative in the L building at the Roeterseilandcomplex. A website with activities is under construction. If you are interested to work in the lab, please contact Mattijs van de Port.

    Prof. dr. M.P.J. (Mattijs) van de Port

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

    Exploring Diversity