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In the final weeks of June, Professor Joyeeta Gupta and her team with postdocs Hilmer Bosch and Luc van Vliet, travelled to Rome for the sixth in-person retreat of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water. They were joined by other contingents from the GCEW, including commissioners from the World Bank and UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.
The GCEW Commissioners

As the final in-person meeting of the Commission before the publication of its report later this year, the aim of the retreat was to collectively review the draft report collating the Commission’s work thus far, as well as agree on the approach towards and beyond its launch. Discussions therefore covered the report’s structure, content, and overall messages.

The UvA team’s contributions cover the justice implications of the water crises, including the costs of inaction of water problems, just contract design for water use, and a just approach to water utilities.

‘As the Global Commission on the Economics of Water nears the publication of our final report, the team at the UvA has fought for justice as a pillar of the approach to the ‘glocal’ water crises. This means recognising that the costs of not acting outweigh the costs of a proactive, programmatic approach to water that changes the way we conceive of governance, utilities, property rights, finance, technology, adaptation, and water itself.’ Joyeeta Gupta

The final report will be available in October and builds on the Commission’s previous publication ‘Turning the Tide: A Call to Collective Action’.

Prof. dr. J. (Joyeeta) Gupta

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

GPIO : Governance and Inclusive Development

Dr. H.J. (Hilmer) Bosch

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Dep. Human Geography, Planning & International Development Studies