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Professor of Sociology Hein de Haas has been awarded the PrinsjesBoekenprijs 2024 for his book ' How Migration Really Works' (Hoe Migratie Echt Werkt): the true story of migration through 22 myths. The book sheds light on the issue of migration, unraveling this complex topic in an accessible way.

With a record number of 91 submissions this year, De Haas's book managed to "astonish" the jury. Jury member and NRC journalist Floor Boon described the book as ' essential reading' for anyone wanting to engage with the migration debate.

According to Boon, it offers a much-needed, fresh foundation for the public discourse on migration. The PrinsjesBoekenprijs, awarded annually to the best political book, is regarded as one of the most prestigious prizes in Dutch literary and political circles.

De Haas's book outshone strong competitors, including ‘Waardenloze politiek: hoe de Nederlandse politiek de kunst van het conflict verloor’ by fellow UvA and AISSR professor of political science Tom van der Meer and 'Gekaapt door het kapitaal: zorg, onderwijs, wonen en kinderopvang’ by Mirjam de Rijk. The prize was presented in the Senate Chamber by Senate President Jan Anthonie Bruijn.

Prof. dr. H.G. (Hein) de Haas

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Institutions, Inequalities and Life courses