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C. (Carla) Besora Barti

PhD Candidate
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Exploring Diversity
Area of expertise: Sexuality, gender, intimacy, aging, critical feminist theory, visual arts
Photographer: Michiel Devijver

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Carla Besora Barti is a PhD candidate at Ghent University and the University of Amsterdam specialising in gender, sexuality and aging. She works within the ERC-funded research project "Later-in-life intimacy" (LiLI), which investigates women’s ‘unruly’ sexuality in later life. In her PhD research, she examines how pleasure can be an element of subversion of social norms from a feminist anthropological perspective.

    Carla has a background in visual arts and gender studies that informs the methodology and outcome of her research. Besides her work at LiLI, she is actively involved in the Centre for Research on Culture and Gender (CRCG) at Ghent University, where she has co-organised symposia, seminars and other academic events.

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  • Research

    Research methods

    • Feminist anthropology
    • Ethnography
    • Arts-based research methods
    • Interviewing

    Current research projects

    • “Unruly pleasures. Women, aging and the work of intimacy”

    Current cooperation

    • CRCG Center for Research in Culture and Gender
  • Teaching
    • Guest lecturer (2024) on arts-based methodology for the pre-MA course “Onderzoekstaak”, Ghent University.
    • Guest lecturer (2023) on aging and intimacy for the BA course “Love-Politics. Relationality, Futurity and Affect”, University of Amsterdam.
    • Guest lecturer (2022) on the Anthropology of the Erotic and course design (2021-2022) for the MA course “Feminist Anthropology”, Ghent University.
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities