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Dr E.C. (Emil) van Eck

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Geographies
Area of expertise: Urban Geographies

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B4.00
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am an assistant professor of urban studies at the University of Amsterdam. I am interested in immigration, urban politics, inequality and labour, with a focus on understanding how (immigrant) workers construct everyday geographies through their mobility practices, agency and struggles in a context of (racial) capitalism. In order to understand the material and subjective life-worlds of workers, I mainly employ ethnographic research methods. 

    My most recent ethnographic work Public space in endless motion: The politics of markets in the Netherlands interrogates how street markets emerge, evolve and function as important public spaces in cities and towns. By documenting the lives of market traders who work on two different markets in the Netherlands, this research challenges the purported inclusive characteristics of markets by showing how racialised policies, multinational legislation and unequal gender relations impede access to markets for certain traders. I conclude that we need to look beyond the boundaries of public space to fully understand issues of inclusion, access and inequality. 

    My research appears in different journals in the field of urban studies and human geography. I have also written pieces for popular venues, including ESB and Since 2023, I am executive editor of Rooilijn, a professional Dutch magazine that publishes popular and scientific articles in the field of urban and spatial planning. 

    I teach in the bachelor's programme Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschappen (ISW). I coordinate the courses Cities and ChangeAmsterdam: Sense, Space and Public Design; and Placemaking. I also supervise bachelor's thesis projects. 

    Previously, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the department of Geography, Planning and Environment of Radboud University Nijmegen. I was involved in the research project Innovatieprogramma Active LivingIn February 2024, I defended my PhD thesis at the same department (cum laude). My PhD research was part of the international and interdisciplinary project Moving MarketPlaces (2019 - 2022), funded by the Humanities in the European Research Area. During my PhD, I served as a visiting researcher at the School of Geography of the University of Leeds (UK). 

    I completed my bachelor's (2017) and research master's (2019)  in Human Geography and Urban Studies at the University of Amsterdam. During my master's, I completed serveral courses at Northeastern University's School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs (Boston, MA). I also conducted fielwork in Boston  and Amsterdam to understand the differences and similarities between urban immigrant policies in both cities. 

  • Publications


    • van Eck, E. C., & Schapendonk, J. (2025). Moving behind the scenes of public space: the differentiation of market traders’ routinized mobilities. Social & Cultural Geography, 26(1), 79-99.



    • Dahinden, J., Jónsson, G., Menet, J., Schapendonk, J., & van Eck, E. (2023). Placing regimes of mobilities beyond state-centred perspectives and international mobility: the case of marketplaces. Mobilities, 18(4), 635-650. [details]
    • Jónsson, G., Lindmäe, M., Menet, J., & van Eck, E. (2023). 'ALL EYES ON ME': The (In)Formal Barriers to Market Trade in Europe. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 47(2), 221-236.


    • Breines, M., Dahinden, J., Jónsson, G., Lindmäe, M., Madella, M., Menet, J., Schapendonk, J., van Eck, E. C., van Melik, R., & Watson, S. (2022). Re-producing public space: the changing everyday production of outdoor retail markets. Urban Geography, 43(6), 878-885.
    • van Eck, E. C. (2022). The Dynamic Relationship between Immigrant Politics and Urban Policy Making: Protecting the Rights of Undocumented Immigrants in Boston and Amsterdam. Urban Affairs Review, 58(1), 164-195.
    • van Eck, E. C. (2022). “That market has no quality”: Performative place frames, racialisation, and affective re-inscriptions in an outdoor retail market in Amsterdam. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47(2), 547-561.
    • van Eck, E. C., van Melik, R., & Schapendonk, J. (2022). The multi-scalar nature of policy im/mobilities: Regulating 'local' markets in the Netherlands. In C. Sezer, & R. van Melik (Eds.), Marketplaces: Movements, Representations and Practices (pp. 150-160). Routledge.
    • van Eck, E., & van Melik, R. (2022). ‘Soft’ privatization of public space: autonomization of outdoor retail markets in the Netherlands. European Planning Studies, 31(10), 2196-2215.
    • van Eck, E., Watson, S., van Melik, R., Breines, M., Dahinden, J., Jónsson, G., Lindmäe, M., Madella, M., Menet, J., & Schapendonk, J. (2022). Moving marketplaces: Understanding public space from a relational mobility perspective. Cities, 127, Article 103721.


    • van Eck, E. C., van Melik, R., & Schapendonk, J. (2020). Marketplaces as Public Spaces in Times of The Covid-19 Coronavirus Outbreak: First Reflections. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111(3), 373-386.
    • van Eck, E., Hagemans, I., & Rath, J. (2020). The ambiguity of diversity: Management of ethnic and class transitions in a gentrifying local shopping street. Urban Studies, 57(16), 3299-3314. [details]



    • van Eck, E. (2022). Warenmarkten in Amsterdam: magisch maar (h)erkend? Rooilijn.


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