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Dr. M.C. (Marcel) Hanegraaff

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Challenges to Democratic Representation

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B10.07
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Biography

    Marcel Hanegraaff is an Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. His dissertation (defended in 2014) focused on explaining the development of transnational interest group communities, as well as the strategic action by interest groups in the context of global governance. His research agenda includes the politics of interest representation in a transnational and EU context, as well as  the functioning of international organizations in the fields of climate change and global trade. He currently works on a NWO funded project focussing on the agenda setting power of interest groups in the European Union. Moreover, he is involved in a project regarding lobbying in Covid times and a project regarding the political activity of firms. His work has appeared, among others, in Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Governance, Regulation and Governance, Review of International Organizations, and West European Politics. In total he has published 45 peer reviewed articles, 13 book chapters, and 2 monographs. In 2023 he was elected as a member of Parlement in Limburg.

  • Publications


    2.    Hanegraaff, M.C. & A. Poletti (2023): The Broken Promise of Global Advocacy: Inequality in Global Interest Representation. Milton Park: Routledge.

     1.   Crepaz, M. W.M. Junk, M.C. Hanegraaff, J, Berkhout (2022). Viral Lobbying: Strategies, Access and Influence during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Berlin: De Gruyter Publisher.

    Peer reviewed articles

    48.  Salgado, R. S., Hanegraaff, M., & Crepaz, M. (2024). European Union funding of interest groups: Reassessing the balancing function and the promotion of good organizational practices. Governance. OnlineFirst:

    47.  Hanegraaff, M.C., A. Poletti and E. Van Ommeren (2024). Firms and Trade Policy Lobbying in the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(3): 629-652.

    46.  Truijens, D. and M.C. Hanegraaff (2024). It ain’t over ‘til it’s over: Interest-group influence in policy implementation. Political Studies Review, 22(2): 387-401.

    45.  De Bruycker, I. and M.C. Hanegraaff (2024). The people versus the money: What drives interest group influence in the European Union? European Journal of Political Research, 63(1): 26-44.

    44.  Junk, W, Crepaz, J. Berkhout, M.C. Hanegraaff (2024). Advocacy intelligence and competition: Assessing lobbyists’ sharing of tactical knowledge in focus group interviews. Governance, 37(2): 355-373.

    43.  Hanegraaff, M.C., A. Poletti and E. Aizenberg (2024). Economic globalization and the fracturing of business interest representation in the European Union. Business and Politics, 25(4): 353-369.

    42.  Crepaz, M., M.C. Hanegraaff, and W. Junk (2023). Is there a first mover advantage in lobbying? A comparative analysis of how the timing of mobilization affects the influence of interest organizations in 10 polities. Comparative Political Studies, 56(4), 530–560.

    41.  Junk, W, Crepaz, J. Berkhout, M.C. Hanegraaff (2023). Online Focus Groups as a Tool to Study Policy Professionals. Research and Politics. 10(4): 1-8.

    40.  Berkhout, J. Beyers, and M.C. Hanegraaff (2023). The representative potential of interest group systems: Comparing internal voice among interest groups in post-communist and Western European countries. Politics and Governance, 11(1): 50-64.

    39.  Hanegraaff, M.C. (2023). When does the structural power of business fade? Assessing business privileged access at global climate negotiations. Environmental Politics, 32(3): 427-451.

    38.  Berkhout, J., M.C. Hanegraaff, and W. Maloney (2023). Looking for ‘Voice’ in Business and Citizen Groups: Who’s Being Heard? Political Studies, 71(3): 545–572.

    37.  Crepaz, M. & M.C. Hanegraaff (2022). (Don’t) bite the hand that feeds you: Do critical interest groups gain less funding in the EU? European Political Science Review, 14(3): 315-332.

    36.  Böhler, H., M.C. Hanegraaff, K. Schultz (2022). Does climate advocacy matter? The importance of competing interest groups for national climate policies. Climate Policy, 22(8): 961-975.

    35.  Hanegraaff, M.C., J. Berkhout & J. van der Ploeg (2022). Exploring the proportionality of representation in interest group mobilization and political access: the case of the Netherlands. Acta Politica, 57(2): 254–276.

    34.  Junk, W, Crepaz, M.C. Hanegraaff, M.C., Berkhout, J., Aizenberg, E. (2022). Changes in Interest Group Access in Times of Crisis: No Pain, No (Lobby) Gain. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(9): 1374-1394.

    33.  Hanegraaff, M.C. & A. Poletti (2021). The rise of corporate lobbying in the European Union: An agenda for future research. Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(4): 839-855.

    32.   Berkhout, J., M.C. Hanegraaff, & P. Statsch (2021). Explaining the patterns of contacts between interest groups and political parties: Revising the standard model for populist times. Party Politics, 27(3): 418-429.

    31.   Crepaz, M., M.C. Hanegraaff, and R. Sanchez-Salgado (2021). A golden key can open any door? The impact of funding on interest groups access. West European Politics, 44(2): 378-40231.

    30.   Hanegraaff, M.C. and A. Poletti (2021). It's economic size, stupid! How global advocacy mirrors state power. Regulation and Governance, 15(4): 1326-1349.

    29.  Truijens, D. and M.C. Hanegraaff (2021). The two faces of conflict: How internal and external conflict affects interest group influence. Journal or European Public Policy, 28(12): 1909-1931.

    28.  Hanegraaff, M.C. & J. van der Ploeg (2020). Bringing the middle man back in: the mediating role of associations in EU politics. Comparative European Politics, 18: 963–981.

    27.   Aizenberg, E., & M.C. Hanegraaff (2020). Is politics under increasing corporate sway? A longitudinal study on the drivers of corporate access. West European Politics, 43(1): 181-202.

    26.  Hanegraaff, M.C. and I. De Bruycker (2020). When do policymakers value technical or political input from interest groups? Exploring informational demand across the globe. European Political Science Review, 12(4): 525-543. 

    25.  Witjas, R. and M.C. Hanegraaff, & F. Vermeulen (2020). Nothing to fear but fear itself? The place and role of mortality anxiety for interest group strategies. Interest Groups & Advocacy, 9(2): 179–196.

    24.   Hanegraaff, M.C., J. Berkhout, J. van der Ploeg (2020). Standing in a crowded room: Exploring the relation between interest group system density and access to policymakers. Political Research Quarterly. 73(1): 51–64.

    23.   Crepaz, M. and M.C. Hanegraaff (2020). The funding of interest groups in the EU: Are the rich getting richer? Journal of European Public Policy, 27(1): 102-121.  

    22.   Berkhout, J., Hanegraaff, M., & Statsch, P. (2020). Interest groups in multi-level contexts: European integration as cross-cutting issue in party-interest group contacts. Politics and Governance, 8(1), 61-71.

    21.   Hanegraaff, M.C., J. Vergauwen, & J. Beyers (2020). Should I stay or should I go? Explaining variation in nonstate actor advocacy over time in global governance. Governance, 33(2): 287-304.

    20.   Aizenberg, E., & M.C. Hanegraaff, M. (2020). Time is of the essence: A longitudinal study on business presence in political news in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(2): 281-300.

    19.   Hanegraaff, M.C. (2019) Whose side are you on? Explaining the extent to which national interest groups support states in global politics? Journal of Common Market Studies. 57(3): 563-579.

    18.   Berkhout, J. and M.C. Hanegraaff (2019). No borders, no bias? Tracing interest group populations from the national to the global level. Interest Groups & Advocacy, 8(3): 270–290. Part of special issue: ‘Advocacy Group Effects in Global Governance: Populations, Strategies, and Political Opportunity Structures’.

    17.   Lucas, K., I. De Bruycker, and M.C. Hanegraaff (2019). Lobbying the lobbyists: When do policymakers seek to influence interest groups in global governance? Interest Groups & Advocacy, 8(3): 208-231. Part of special issue: ‘Advocacy Group Effects in Global Governance: Populations, Strategies, and Political Opportunity Structures’.

    16.   Hanegraaff, M.C. & A. Pritoni (2019). United in fear: Interest group coalition formation as a weapon of the weak? European Union Politics, 20(2): 198–218.

    15.   Hanegraaff, M.C. and A. Poletti (2019). Public opinion and interest groups’ concerns for organizational survival. European Political Science Review, 11(2): 125-143.

    14.   De Bruycker, I., J. Berkhout & M.C. Hanegraaff (2018). The paradox of collective action: Linking interest aggregation and interest articulation in EU legislative lobbying. Governance, 32(2): 295-312.

    13.   Hanegraaff, M.C. and J. Berkhout (2018). More business as usual? Explaining business bias across issues and institutions in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy. 26(6), 843-862.

    12.   Berkhout, J., J. Beyers, C. Braun, M.C. Hanegraaff, D. Lowery (2018). Making Inference across Mobilization and Influence Research: Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mapping of Interest Systems. Political Studies, 66(1), 43-62.

    11.   Hanegraaff, M. C., & Poletti, A. (2017). The stakeholder model paradox: How the globalization of politics fuels domestic advocacy. Review of International Studies, 44(2), 367-391.

    10.   Berkhout, J., M.C. Hanegraaff, C. Braun (2017). Is the EU different? Comparing the diversity of national and EU-level systems of interest organisations. West European Politics, 40(5), 1109-1131. 

    9.     Beyers, J. and M.C. Hanegraaff (2017). Balancing friends and foes: Explaining advocacy styles at global diplomatic conferences. Review of International Organizations, 12(3), 461-484.

    8.     Hanegraaff, M.C., A. Poletti, J. Beyers (2017). Explaining Varying Lobbying Styles across the Atlantic: An Empirical Test of the Cultural and Institutional Explanations. Journal or Public Policy, 37(4), 459-486

    7.     Hanegraaff, M.C., I. De Bruycker, and J. Beyers (2016). Balancing Inside and Outside Lobbying: The Political Strategies of Lobbyists at Global Diplomatic Conferences. European Journal of Political Research, 55(3), 568-588.

    6.     De Bièvre, D., A. Poletti, M.C. Hanegraaff, and J. Beyers (2016). International institutions and interest mobilization: the WTO and lobbying in EU and US trade policy. Journal of World Trade, 50(2): 289-312.

    5.     De Bièvre, D., A. Poletti, and M.C. Hanegraaff (2016). WTO judicial Politics and EU Trade Policy: Business Associations as Vessels of Special Interest? British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18(1), 196-215.

    4.     Hanegraaff, M.C. (2015). Interest Groups at Transnational Conferences: Goals, Strategies, Interactions and Influence. Global Governance, 21(4): 599-620.

    3.     Hanegraaff, M.C., Braun, C., De Bièvre, D. & Beyers, J. (2015). The Global and Domestic origins of Transnational Advocacy. Explaining Interest Representation at the WTO. Comparative Political Studies, 48(12) 1591–1621.

    2.     Hanegraaff, M.C. (2015). Transnational Advocacy over Time: Business and NGO Mobilization at UN Climate Summits. Global Environmental Politics, 15 (1), 83-104.

    1.     Hanegraaff, M.C., Braun-Poppelaars, C. & Beyers, J. (2011). Open the Door to More of the Same? The Development of Interest Group Representation at the WTO. World Trade Review, 10 (4), 1-26.

    Book chapters

    13.   Hanegraaff, M.C. & I. De Bruycker (2023). The lobbying demands of autocratic and democratic leaders: A comparative perspective. In: Groemping, M. & J. Teets (Eds), Lobbying the Autocrat: The Dynamics of Policy Advocacy in Non-Democracies. University of Michigan Press.

    12.   Berkhout, J. and M.C. Hanegraaff (2022). The Interest Groups. In: S. Faure and C. Lequesne (Eds.), A Companion to the European Union. Edward Elgar Publishing.

    11.   Hanegraaff, M.C. & I. De Bruycker (2021). What information do autocratic leaders need from interest groups? APSA Democracy and Autocracy Newsletter, 19(3), p. 10-16.

    10.   De Bièvre, D. & M.C. Hanegraaff (2020). Interest groups and the WTO: from turmoil to silence. In: Harris, P, A. Bitonti, C. Fleisher, and A. Binderkrantz (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave MacMillan.

    9.     Hanegraaff, M.C. (2020). Interest groups in the European Union: mobilization, strategies, and influence. In: Harris, P, A. Bitonti, C. Fleisher, and A. Binderkrantz (Eds.). The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave MacMillan.

    8.     Berkhout, D. J., & Hanegraaff, M. C. (2017). Interest groups and social movements. In P. van Praag (Ed.), Political science and changing politics (pp. 191-214). Amsterdam University Press.

    7.     Hanegraaff, M. C., & Poletti, A. (2018). Wealth and the democratization of global economic governance. In S. Raudino, & A. Poletti (Eds.), Global economic governance and human Development. Routledge.

    6.     Hanegraaff, M. C., & Poletti, A. (2016). How Global is Global Governance? An empirical evaluation. In: R. Marchetti (Ed.), The Partnership Between Civil Society & Public Institutions in the EU and Global Policy-Making. Aldershot: Ashgate.

    5.     Beyers, J. & Hanegraaff, M.C. (2015). Towards a population ecology approach of trans-national advocacy?  Reviewing and exploring an emerging research field. In V. Gray, D. Lowery & D. Halpin (Eds.), The Organization Ecology of Interest Communities: An Assessment and An Agenda. Palgrave MacMillan.

    4.     Hanegraaff, M.C. (2012). Global Non-state Actors in International Trade. In B. Reinalda (Ed.),  Ashgate Research Companion to Non-State Actors. Ashgate.

    3.     Hanegraaff, M.C., Braun, C. & Beyers, J. (2012). Mapping the WTO Interest Group System: Exploring Density, Diversity and Stability over Time. In G Jordan & D Halpin (Eds.), The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics: Data and Research Methods. Palgrave MacMillan.

    2.     Berkhout, J., Hanegraaff, M.C. & Poppelaars, C. (2011). Belangenorganisaties in de Nederlandse democratie: Beleidsexperts of vertegenwoordigers? In J. Thomassen & R. Andeweg (Eds.),  De Staat van de Nederlandse Democratie. Amsterdam University Press.

    1.     Hanegraaff, M.C. & Poppelaars, C. (2011). Conceptualizing Religious Advocacy. Religious Interest Groups and the Process of Public Policy Making. In J. Haynes & A. Hennig (Eds.), Religious Actors in the Public Sphere. Means, Objectives, and Effects. Routledge.

  • Publications


    • Hanegraaff, M., Poletti, A., & Van Ommeren, E. (2024). Firms and Trade Policy Lobbying in the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(3), 629-652. [details]
    • Junk, W. M., Berkhout, J., Crepaz, M., & Hanegraaff, M. (2024). Advocacy intelligence and competition: Assessing lobbyists' sharing of tactical knowledge in focus group interviews. Governance: an international journal of policy, administration and institutions, 37(2), 355-373. [details]
    • Junk, W. M., Crepaz, M., Aizenberg, E., Berkhout, D. J., & Hanegraaff, M. C. (2024). Understanding lobbying dynamics through survey research: An introduction to the InterCov dataset. European Union Politics. Advance online publication.
    • Sanchez Salgado, R. M., Hanegraaff, M. C., & Crepaz, M. (2024). European union funding of interest groups: Reassessing the balancing function and the promotion of good organizational practices. Governance. Advance online publication.
    • Truijens, D., & Hanegraaff, M. (2024). It ain’t over ‘til it’s over: Interest-group influence in policy implementation. Political Studies Review, 22(2), 387-401. [details]
    • de Bruycker, I., & Hanegraaff, M. (2024). The people versus the money: What drives interest group influence in the European Union? European Journal of Political Research, 63(1), 26-44. [details]







    • Berkhout, J., Beyers, J., Braun, C., Hanegraaff, M., & Lowery, D. (2018). Making Inference across Mobilization and Influence Research: Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mapping of Interest Systems. Political Studies, 66(1), 43-62. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M., & Poletti, A. (2018). The stakeholder model paradox: How the globalisation of politics fuels domestic advocacy. Review of International Studies, 44(2), 367-391. [details]


    • Berkhout, J., & Hanegraaff, M. (2017). Interest Groups and Social Movements. In P. van Praag (Ed.), Political Science and Changing Politics (pp. 179-200). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Berkhout, J., Hanegraaff, M., & Braun, C. (2017). Is the EU different? Comparing the diversity of national and EU-level systems of interest organisations. West European Politics, 40(5), 1109-1131. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Beyers, J., & Hanegraaff, M. (2017). Balancing friends and foes: Explaining advocacy styles at global diplomatic conferences. The Review of International Organizations, 12(3), 461-484. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M., & Poletti, A. (2017). How Participatory is Global Governance of Trade and Environment? The Cases of WTO and UN Climate Summits. In R. Marchetti (Ed.), Partnerships in International Policy-Making: Civil Society and Public Institutions in European and Global Affairs (pp. 51-69). (International Series on Public Policy). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M., Poletti, A., & Beyers, J. (2017). Explaining varying lobbying styles across the Atlantic: An empirical test of the cultural and institutional explanation. Journal of Public Policy, 37(4), 459-486. Advance online publication. [details]


    • De Bièvre, D., Poletti, A., Hanegraaff, M., & Beyers, J. (2016). International Institutions and Interest Mobilization: The WTO and Lobbying in EU and US Trade Policy. Journal of World Trade, 50(2), 289-312. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M., Beyers, J., & De Bruycker, I. (2016). Balancing Inside and Outside Lobbying: The Political Strategies of Lobbyists at Global Diplomatic Conferences. European Journal of Political Research, 55(3), 568-588. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Poletti, A., De Bièvre, D., & Hanegraaff, M. (2016). WTO judicial Politics and EU Trade Policy: Business Associations as Vessels of Special Interest? British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18(1), 196-215. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Beyers, J., & Hanegraaff, M. (2015). Towards a population ecology approach of transnational advocacy? An emerging research field. In D. Lowery, D. Halpin, & V. Gray (Eds.), The organization ecology of interest communities: assessment and agenda (pp. 61-78). (Interest groups, advocacy and democracy series). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M. (2015). Interest groups at transnational negotiation conferences: goals, strategies, interactions, and influence. Global Governance, 21(4), 599-620. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M. (2015). Transnational advocacy over time: business and NGO mobilization at UN climate summits. Global Environmental Politics, 15(1), 82-104. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M., Braun, C., De Bièvre, D., & Beyers, J. (2015). The domestic and global origins of transnational advocacy: explaining lobbying presence during WTO ministerial conferences. Comparative Political Studies, 48(12), 1591-1621. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Hanegraaff, M. C., Braun, C., & Beyers, J. (2012). Mapping the WTO Interest Group System: Exploring Density, Diversity and Stability over Time. In G. Jordan, & D. Halpin (Eds.), The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics: Data and Research Methods


    • Braun-Poppelaars, C., Berkhout, J., & Hanegraaff, M. (2011). Belangenorganisaties in de Nederlandse democratie: beleidsexperts of vertegenwoordigers? In R. Andeweg, & J. Thomassen (Eds.), Democratie doorgelicht: het functioneren van de Nederlandse democratie (pp. 139-159). Leiden University Press. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, M. C. (2011). Global Non-state Actors in International Trade. In B. Reinalda (Ed.), The Ashgate research companion to non-state actors (Ashgate research companions). Farnham: Ashgate.
    • Hanegraaff, M. C., & Poppelaars, C. (2011). Conceptualizing Religious Advocacy. Religious Interest Groups and the Process of Public Policy Making. In J. Haynes, & A. Hennig (Eds.), Religious Actors in the Public Sphere. Means, Objectives, and Effects Routledge.
    • Hanegraaff, M., Beyers, J., & Braun, C. (2011). Open the door to more of the same? The development of interest group representation at the WTO. World Trade Review, 10(4), 447-472.


    • Hanegraaff, M. C., & de Bruycker, I. W. P. (2021). What information do autocratic leaders need from interest groups? Democracy and Autocracy Newsletter, 19(3), 10-16.


    Prize / grant

    Media appearance


    • Statsch, P. D. (2022). Interest groups and political parties in issue politics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Aizenberg, E. (2021). Lobbying alone: A study of political access and lobbying behavior of corporations in Western Europe. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Hanegraaff, M. C. (2014). All the World's a stage. Interest Group Politics in Global Climate and Trade Governance. [Thesis, fully external, University of Antwerp].



    • Hanegraaff, M., Crepaz, M. & Junk, W. (2022). Is there a first mover advantage in lobbying? A comparative analysis of how the timing of mobilization affects the influence of interest groups in 10 polities. Harvard Dataverse.
    • Junk, W., Berkhout, J., Hanegraaff, M., Crepaz, M. & Aizenberg, E. (2022). Changes in interest group access in times of crisis: no pain, no (lobby) gain. figshare Academic Research System.



    • Hanegraaff, M., Berkhout, J. & van der Ploeg, J. (2019). Replication_documents – Supplemental material for Standing in a Crowded Room: Exploring the Relation between Interest Group System Density and Access to Policymakers. SAGE Journals.



    • Beyers, J., Fink-Hafner, D., Maloney, W., Berkhout, D. J., Hanegraaff, M. C. & Braun, C. (2016). Comparative Interest Group Survey Dutch Dataset. Comparative Interest Group Survey.
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  • Ancillary activities
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      Voorzitter van Nederlandse Kring voor Wetenschap der Politiek.
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      Lid Raad van Advies
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