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Becky Kazansky is a postdoctoral researcher at the department of political science at the University of Amsterdam. She is researching the politics of artifical intelligence in the context of climate governance and climate adaptation.
Kazansky, B. (2021). ‘It depends on your threat model’: the anticipatory dimensions of resistance to data-driven surveillance. Big Data & Society, 8(1). Advance online publication.[details]
Tanczer, L. M., Deibert, R. J., Bigo, D., Franklin, M. I., Melgaço, L., Lyon, D., Kazansky, B., & Milan, S. (2020). Online Surveillance, Censorship, and Encryption in Academia. International Studies Perspectives, 21(1), 1-36.[details]
Kazansky, B., Torres , G., van der Velden, L., Wissenbach, K., & Milan, S. (2019). Data for the Social Good: Toward a Data-Activist Research Agenda. In A. Daly, S. K. Devitt, & M. Mann (Eds.), Good Data (pp. 244-259). (Theory on Demand; No. 29). Institute for Network Cultures.[details]
Jansen, F., Gülmez, M., Kazansky, R., Abou Bakari, N., Fernandez, C., Kingaby, H., & Mühlberg, J. T. (2023). The Climate Crisis is a Digital Rights Crisis: Exploring the Civil-Society Framing of Two Intersecting Disasters. Paper presented at Limits 2023.
Kazansky, B. (2021). What harms may come? Exploring the anticipatory dimensions of surveillance resistance in an age of datafication. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Chapter 6: Taming uncertainty into risk: Towards a critical lens on risk management practices in digital and cybersecurity(embargo until 08 December 2025)
Chapter 7: Infrastructuring the future(s) of cybersecurity: Towards fully automated anticipation?(embargo until 08 December 2025)
Chapter 8: Preventing preemption: Exploring ‘proactive’ strategies to counter anticipatory surveillance regimes(embargo until 08 December 2025)
Chapter 9: Conclusions(embargo until 08 December 2025)
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