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Dr. K.A. (Katie) Kuschminder

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Challenges to Democratic Representation

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • About

    Katie is a part-time Senior Researcher in Political Science.  

    She is the Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant Reintegrate Project. This project will develop a conceptual understanding of what is reintegration governance, its implementation and effectiveness and a new theoretical framework of how different forms of reintegration governance shape returnees’ reintegration outcomes.  

    Since 2019, she has participated in the ADMIGOV project leading the work on sustainable reintegration and a Work Package on development interventions and migration aspirations in Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mali and Turkey.

    Katie's research is in the areas of return and reintegration, irregular migration, and migration and development. 

  • Publications


    • Guidi, C. F., Triandafyllidou, A., & Kuschminder, K. (2025). Extreme hardship, care ethics, and humanitarian protection: Lessons from Libya and Italy. Mediterranean Politics, 30(2), 247-271.


    • Naami, M., Mazzucato, V., & Kuschminder, K. (2024). Alternating temporalities experienced by North African unaccompanied minors in The Netherlands: a story of waiting and hypermobility. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Advance online publication.


    • Kuschminder, K. (2023). Return migration. In A. Triandafyllidou (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies (Second ed., pp. 54-62). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge. [details]
    • Kuschminder, K., & Dubow, T. (2023). Moral Exclusion, Dehumanisation, and Continued Resistance to Return: Experiences of Refused Afghan Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands. Geopolitics, 28(3), 1057-1078. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Mueller, C., & Kuschminder, K. (2023). Beyond ‘Just Comes’ and ‘Know-It-Alls’: Exploring Strategies to Deal with Returnee Stigmas During Diaspora Return Visits for Knowledge Transfer. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(supplement 2), S427-S443. [details]



    • Dubow, T., & Kuschminder, K. (2021). Family Strategies in Refugee Journeys to Europe. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(4), 4262-4278.
    • Kuschminder, K. (2021). Before disembarkation: Eritrean and Nigerian migrants journeys within Africa. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(14), 3260-3275.
    • Kuschminder, K. (2021). The Multi-level Governance of Asylum in Italy: Understanding Eritreans' Secondary Movements in Search of Relocation within Italy. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1), 285-304.
    • Kuschminder, K., Ogahara, Z., & Rajabzadeh, I. (2021). Evaluations of Return Within A Mass Deportation: Ethiopians’ Experiences of Return After Expulsion From Saudi Arabia. International Migration, 59(2), 167-185.
    • Lietaert, I., & Kuschminder, K. (2021). Contextualizing and conceptualizing reintegration processes in the context of return. International Migration, 59(2), 140-147.


    • Kuschminder, K., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2020). Smuggling, Trafficking, and Extortion: New Conceptual and Policy Challenges on the Libyan Route to Europe. Antipode, 52(1), 206-226.


    • Bilgili, Ö., Kuschminder, K., & Siegel, M. (2018). Return migrants' perceptions of living conditions in Ethiopia: A gendered analysis. Migration Studies, 6(3), 345-366.
    • Kuschminder, K. (2018). A spurious relationship? Assisted voluntary return and development. In The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe (pp. 261-273). Taylor and Francis Inc..
    • Kuschminder, K. (2018). Afghan refugee journeys: Onwards migration decision-making in Greece and Turkey. Journal of Refugee Studies, 31(4), 566-587.


    • Kuschminder, K. (2017). Interrogating the Relationship between Remigration and Sustainable Return. International Migration, 55(6), 107-121.


    • Kuschminder, K. (2016). Strong ties, weak ties: Exploring the role of networks in domestic worker migration from Ethiopia to the Middle East. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 25(4), 401-421.
    • Kuschminder, K., & Siegel, M. (2016). Determinants of diaspora policy engagement of Ethiopians in the Netherlands. African and Black Diaspora, 9(2), 184-199.


    • Fransen, S., & Kuschminder, K. (2014). Lessons learned from refugee return settlement policies in Africa: A case study on Burundi's Rural Integrated Villages approach. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 33(1), 59-76.
    • Kuschminder, K. (2014). Knowledge transfer and capacity building through the temporary return of qualified nationals to Afghanistan. International Migration, 52(5), 191-207.



    • Fransen, S., & Kuschminder, K. (2012). Back to the land: The long-term challenges of refugee return and reintegration in Burundi. (New Issues in Refugee Research; No. 242). UNHCR.



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  • Ancillary activities
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