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Prof. dr. A. (Annemarie) Mol

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B5.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Annemarie Mol is professor of Anthropology of the Body. In her work she
    combines the ethnographic study of practices with the task of shifting our
    theoretical repertoires.  Her most important research lines to date:

    The words - language as practice

    Saying 'lekker' (in Dutch) is not quite the same as saying 'tasty' or
    'delicious' (in English) and both these terms differ from 'nice'. A lot
    may be learned from attending in detail to words, their contexts and
    their effects.  

    The object - multiplicity

    Objects of knowledge may be understood as focal points of different
    perspectives. But it is also possible to trace how they are being handled
    (sliced, questioned, coloured, cooked up) in varied knowledge
    practices. If we do the latter, then it appears that objects-in-practice
    (say 'anaemia', 'atherosclerosis', or 'body') tend to come in many
    versions. These versions are both different and interdependent: multiple. 

    The process - care

    Decision trees suggest linear ways of working where one thing follows
    from and after the other. However, in many practices, care practices
    included, time is not an arrow and entities are not brought into being

    just once, but keep on changing. Rather than fitting fantasies of control,

    such processes depend on endless tinkering. Such tinkering, if done
    well, is care.

    The site - topologies

    Everything happens somewhere. And then things travel between places.
    But in which kind of space to situate events, techniques and objects?
    There are various topological figures to consider, such as regions,
    networks, fluids and fires. They each order and allow for travel,
    boundaries, similarity and difference - differently.

    The engagement - eating as relating

    What happens if we take 'eating' as a model of what it is to know, to act
    and/or to relate? This is the research project that Mol currently works on
    with the Eating Bodies in Practice and Theory team. As a part of this
    project we take a fresh look at what it is to eat. What, in practice, are
    tasting, digesting, wasting, thriving, appreciating? What kind of relations
    between organisms does 'eating' craft and encourage? What is 'an eating
    body' and where does it begin and end? How does 'eating' enduringly
    change the world? 

  • CV


    2010-            Professor Anthropology of the Body, University of Amsterdam

    2008-2010    Socrates Professor Social Theory, Humanism & Materiality, University of Amsterdam, 1 day a week

    1996-2008    Socrates Professor Political Philosophy, University of Twente, 1 day a week

    1996-2009    Senior researcher on grants from NWO & Zon/Mw, University of Twente, 4 days a week

    1990-1995    Post-doc on a Constantijn & Christiaan Huygens Grant NWO Maastricht University & University of Utrecht

    1984-1989    Junior researcher, Philosophy, Universiteit Groningen


    1989              PhD Philosophy, University of Groningen
    1985              Political Science, First Year Exams, University of Amsterdam
    1984              Postdoctoral course Sociology of Care, University of Amsterdam
    1982/3           Postdoctoral Anthropology, Sociology & Philosophy seminars in Paris
    1982              Masters Philosophy, University of Utrecht
    1982              Masters Medicine, Free Program, University of Utrecht, cum laude
    1976              Gymnasium B, Coriovallum College, Heerlen


    2006-            Member of the Social Scientific Council of the Royal Academy of Sciences


    2004             Ludwig Fleck Book Prize of the Society for the Social Studies of Science for The Body Multiple
    2004             The Sociology of Health and Illness Book Prize  for TheBody Multiple
    1990             Dr. R.J. van Helsdingen prize of the Dutch Society for Psychiatry and Philosophy for Ziek is het Woord niet


    2010-2015     ERC Advanced Grant: The Eating Body in Western Practice and Theory
    2011-2014     ORA Grant: Memorials and remains of medical research in Africa
    2005-2009     Ethics, Research & Policy, NWO: Good food, good information
    2001-2004     ZonMw: The two faces of patient autonomy
    2000-2004     Ethics & Policy NWO: Genres of good care in psychiatry
    1996 -2000    Ethics & Policy NWO: Norms incorporated. Technology and the good life
    1990-1995    Constantijn & Christiaan Huijgens Grant NWO: Differences in Medicine

  • Books

    Care in Practice (eds with Ingunn Moser & Jeannette Pols)

    In what way is »care« a matter of »tinkering«? Rather than presenting care
    as a (preferably »warm«) relation between human beings, the various
    contributions to the volume give the material world (usually cast as »cold«)
    a prominent place in their analysis. Thus, this book does not continue to
    oppose care and technology, but contributes to rethinking both in such a
    way that they can be analysed together.

    The Logic of Care

    What is good care? In this innovative and compelling book, Annemarie
    Mol, analysing care practices for and by people with diabetes, argues

     that good care has little to do with 'patient choice'. Instead, it

     depends on jointly, attentively, adapting bodies, technologies and daily life               

     to each other. Again and again, until the day we die.

    Other versions

    The Body Multiple

    The Body Multiple is an extraordinary ethnography of an ordinary disease.
    Drawing on fieldwork in a Dutch university hospital, Annemarie Mol looks
    at the day-to-day diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis. A patient
    information leaflet might describe atherosclerosis as the gradual obstruction
    of the arteries, but in hospital practice this one medical condition appears
    to be many other things as well. The book explores the work invested in

    making different versions of reality hang together.

    Complexities (ed with John Law)

    Much recent social science and humanities work has been a
    revolt against simplification. This volume explores the contrast between
    simplicity and complexity to reveal that this dichotomy, itself, is too
    simplistic. John Law and Annemarie Mol have gathered a distinguished
    panel of contributors who offer empirical case studies that theorise


    Differences in Medicine (ed with Marc Berg)

    Western medicine-especiallyincontrast with non-Western traditions of
    medical practice-is widely thought of as a coherent and unified field in
    which beliefs, definitions, and judgments are shared. Marc Berg and
    Annemarie Mol debunk this myth with an interdisciplinary andintercultural
    collection of essays that reveals the significantly variedwayspractitioners
    of "conventional" Western medicine handle bodies, study testresults,
    configure statistics, and converse with patients. 

    Ziek is het woord niet (with Peter van Lieshout)

    Taal verandert snel. Dat geldt ook voor de taal waarmee in de veertig jaar
    na de Tweede Wereldoorlog in de Nederlandse huisartsgeneeskunde en
    geestelijke volksgezondheid gepraat en geschreven is over de mensen die
    er hulp zochten (patiënten of klanten), de zaken die ze aandroegen
    (ziekten, problemen, hulpvragen), de verbanden waar ze deel van
    uitmaakten (volk, klasse, populatie) en ga zo maar door. Dit boek
    analyseert veranderingen in de taal die tussen 1945 en 1985 werd gebruikt
    in Nederlandstalige professionele tijdschriften.

  • Publications




    • Dominguez-Guzman, C., Verzijl, A., Zwarteveen, M., & Mol, A. (2022). Caring for water in Northern Peru: On fragile infrastructures and the diverse work involved in irrigation. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(4), 2153-2171. Advance online publication. [details]





    • Mol, A. (2016). Ta to shite no shintai: iryō jissen ni okeru sonzairon. (Sōsho jinruigaku no tenkai). Tōkyō: Suiseisha. [details]



    • Abrahamsson, S., & Mol, A. (2014). Foods. In P. Adey, D. Bissell, K. Hannam, P. Merriman, & M. Sheller (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of mobilities (pp. 278-287). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. [details]
    • Mol, A. (2014). Language trails: ‘Lekker’ and its pleasures. Theory, Culture and Society, 31(2-3), 93-119. [details]
    • Vogel, E., & Mol, A. (2014). Enjoy your food: on losing weight and taking pleasure. Sociology of Health and Illness, 36(2), 305-317. [details]





    • Mol, A. (2010). Actor-Network Theory: sensitive terms and enduring tensions. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft, 50, 253-269. [details]
    • Mol, A. (2010). Care and its values: good food in the nursing home. In A. Mol, I. Moser, & A. J. Pols (Eds.), Care in practice: on tinkering in clinics, homes and farms (pp. 215-234). (VerKörperungen; No. 8). Transcript Verlag. [details]
    • Mol, A. (2010). Freedom or socks: market promises versus supportive care in diabetes treatment. In C. Patton (Ed.), The rebirth of the clinic: places and agents in contemporary health care (pp. 99-120). Minnesota University Press. [details]
    • Mol, A. (2010). Moderation or satisfaction? food ethics and food facts. In S. Vandamme, S. van de Vathorst, & I. de Beaufort (Eds.), Whose weight is it anyway? Essays on ethics and eating (pp. 121-132). Acco Academic. [details]
    • Mol, A., Moser, I., & Pols, A. J. (2010). Care: putting practice into theory. In A. Mol, I. Moser, & J. Pols (Eds.), Care in practice: on tinkering in clinics, homes and farms (pp. 7-26). (VerKörperungen; No. 8). Transcript Verlag. [details]


    • Mol, A. (2009). Ce que soigner veut dire: repenser le libre choix du patient. (Collection Sciences sociales). Paris: Mines ParisTech. [details]
    • Mol, A. (2009). Good taste: the embodied normativity of the consumer-citizen. Journal of Cultural Economy, 2(3), 269-283. [details]
    • Struhkamp, R., Mol, A., & Swierstra, T. (2009). Dealing with independence: doctoring in physical rehabilitation practice. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 34(1), 55-76. [details]


    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (2008). El actor-actuado: La oveja de la Cumbria en 2001. Política y Sociedad, 45(3).
    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (2008). Globalisation in Practice: on the Politics of Boiling Pigswill. Geoforum, 39(1), 133-143.
    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (2008). The Actor Enacted. Cumbria Sheep in 2001. In C. Knappet, & L. Malafouris (Eds.), Material Agency. Towards a non-Antropocentric Approach. (pp. 57-77). Springer.
    • Mol, A. (2008). I eat an apple. On theorising subjectivities. Subjectivity, 2008(22), 28-37.
    • Mol, A., & Karayalcin, C. (2008). ‘Evidence’ is niet genoeg; kanttekeningen uit de praktijk van de acute psychiatrie. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 50(6), 359-364.


    • Mol, A. (2006). Proving or Improving: On Health Care Research as a Form of Self-Reflection. Qualitative Health Research, 16(3), 405-414.
    • de Laet, M., & Mol, A. (2006). La Zimbabwe Bush Pump. Meccanica di una tecnologica fluida. In A. Mattozi (Ed.), Il senso degli oggetti tecnici (pp. 150-219). Meltemi.


    • Mol, A., & Law, J. (2005). Boundary Variations: an Introduction. Environment and Planning D - Society & Space, 23(5), 637-642.


    • Mol, A., & Law, J. (2004). Embodied Action, Enacted Bodies. The Example of Hypoglycaemia. Body & Society, 10(2-3), 43-62.


    • Harbers, H., Mol, A., & Stollmeijer, A. (2002). Food Matters. Arguments for an Ethnography of Daily Care. Theory, Culture and Society, 19(5-6), 207-226.
    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (2002). Local entanglements and utopian moves; an inquiry into train accidents. The Sociological Review, 2002, 82-105.
    • Mol, A. (2002). The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice. (Science and cultural theory). Duke University Press.
    • Mol, A. (2002). Cutting Surgeons, Walking Patients. Some Complexities involved in Comparing. In J. Law, & A. Mol (Eds.), Complexities (pp. 218-257). Durham: Duke University Press.


    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (2001). Situating technoscience: an inquiry into spatialities. Environment and Planning D - Society & Space, 19, 609-621.


    • Mol, A. (2000). Pathology and the clinic: an ethnographic presentation of two atheroscleroses. In M. Lock, A. Young, & A. Cambrosio (Eds.), Intersections: Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies (pp. 82-102). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Mol, A. (2000). What Diagnostic Devices Do. The Case of Blood Sugar Measurement. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 2000, 9-22.
    • de Laet, M., & Mol, A. (2000). The Zimbabwe Bush Pump. Mechanics of a Fluid Technology. Social Studies of Science, 2000, 225-263.


    • Lettinga, A., & Mol, A. (1999). Clinical specificity and the non-generalities of science. On Innovation Strategies for Neurological Physical Therapy. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 1999, 517-535.
    • Mol, A. (1999). Ontological Politics. A word and some questions. In J. Law, & J. Hassard (Eds.), Actor network theory and after (pp. 74-89). (Sociological review. Monographs). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.


    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (1998). Metrics and Fluids. Notes on Otherness. In R. Cia (Ed.), In the realm of organization. Essays for Robert Cooper (pp. 20-38). London: Routledge.
    • Mol, A. (1998). Lived reality and the multiplicity of norms: a critical tribute to George Canguilhem. Economy and Society, 27(2/3), 274-284.
    • Mol, A. (1998). Missing Links, Making Links. On the performance of some atheroscleroses. In M. Berg, & A. Mol (Eds.), Differences in Medicine Durham: Duke University Press.



    • Hirschauer, S., & Mol, A. (1995). Shifting sexes, moving stories. Constructivist/feminist dialogues. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 1995, 368-385.
    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (1995). Notes on materiality and sociality. The Sociological Review, 1995, 274-294.



    • Mol, A. (1993). What is New? Doppler and its Others. An Empirical Philosophy of Innovations. In I. Löwy (Ed.), Medicine and Change. Historical and Sociological Studies of Medical Innovation (pp. 107-125). Paris: Les Editions INSERM.


    • Mol, A., & Lettinga, A. (1992). Bodies, Impairments and the Social Constructed. The case of hemiplegia. In J. Lachmund, & G. Stollberg (Eds.), The Social Construction of Illness (pp. 163-171). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.


    • Mol, A., & van Lieshout, P. (1989). Ziek is het woord niet: medicalisering, normalisering en de veranderende taal van huisartsgeneeskunde en geestelijke gezondheidszorg, 1945-1985. Nijmegen: SUN.


    • Mol, A. (2024). Finetuning terms: heterogeneity, multiplicity and specificity. In U. Felt, & A. Irwin (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (pp. 34-42). (Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]



    • Mol, A. (2021). Het woord lichaam als voorbeeld. In E. Buchheim, S. Carmichael, S. van den Elzen, E. Hoegen, K. Kamphuis, M. Reichgelt, L. Schulte Nordholt, S. Shahid, N. Vandeweerdt, E. Walhout, H. Wyffels, & I. van de Zande (Eds.), Living concepts: 40 years of engaging gender and history (pp. 23-28). (Yearbook of women's history/Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis; No. 40). Verloren Publishers. [details]








    • Mol, A. (2010). A letter to Georg Kneer: replik. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft, 50, 279-282. [details]
    • Mol, A. (2010). Bami goreng for Mrs. Klerks and other stories on food and culture. In M. Akrich, Y. Barthe, F. Muniesa, & P. Mustar (Eds.), Debordements: Mélanges offerts à Michel Callon (pp. 325-334). Presses Ecole de Mînes. [details]
    • Mol, A., Moser, I., & Pols, A. J. (2010). Care in practice: on tinkering in clinics, homes and farms. (VerKörperungen; No. 8). Transcript Verlag. [details]



    • Mol, A. (2008). The Logic of Care: Health and the Problem of Patient Choice. Routledge.
    • Mol, A. (2008). Política ontológica: algumas ideias e várias perguntas. In J. Arriscado Nunes, & R. Roque (Eds.), Objectos impuros: experiências em estudos sociais da ciência (Biblioteca das ciências). Edições Afrontamento. [details]


    • Mol, A. (2007). Goede smaak. De normativiteit van de consument-burger. Krisis, 8(3).


    • Mol, A. (2006). De logica van het zorgen: Actieve patiënten en de grenzen van het kiezen. Amsterdam: Van Gennep.
    • Mol, A. (2006). Koning schaak: mannen prijzen als stijloefening. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 9(3), 63-78.


    • Mol, A. (2005). Ervaringen koesteren: over kennis, zorg en het dagelijks leven. In H. van Haaster, & Y. Koster-Deese (Eds.), Ervaren en weten. Essays over de relatie tussen ervaringskennis en onderzoek (pp. 13-26). Utrecht: Jan van Arkel.


    • Mol, A. (2004). Klant of zieke? Markttaal en de eigenheid van de gezondheidszorg. Krisis, 2004(3), 3-24.
    • Struhkamp, R., Mol, A., & Swierstra, T. (2004). Laten is moeilijk om te doen: lijden in de praktijk van het revalidatiecentrum. Krisis, 5(1), 23-37.


    • Law, J., & Mol, A. (2002). Complexity. Social Studies of Knowledge Practices. Durham: Duke University Press.


    • Mol, A., & Berg, M. (2001). Ingebouwde normen. Medische technieken doorgelicht. Utrecht: Van de Wees Uitgeverij.
    • Mol, A., & Berg, M. (2001). Inleiding. Goede Techniek. In M. Berg, & A. Mol (Eds.), Ingebouwde normen. Medische technieken doorgelicht (pp. 9-26). Utrecht: Van der Wees.


    • Mol, A. (2000). Dit is geen programma. Over empirische filosofie. Krisis, 2000, 6-26.
    • Mol, A. (2000). Things and Thinking. Some Incorporations of Intellectuality. QUEST, 14(1-2), 13-26.


    • Berg, M., & Mol, A. (1998). Differences in Medicine. Unravelling Practices, Techniques and Bodies. Durham: Duke University Press.
    • Mol, A., & Berg, M. (1998). Differences in Medicine: an Introduction. In M. Berg, & A. Mol (Eds.), Differences in Medicine (pp. 1-12). Durham: Duke University Press.


    • Mol, A. (1997). Klant, burger, zieke. Het goede in drie talen. In M. Verkerk (Ed.), Denken over zorg, concepten en praktijken (pp. 139-150). Utrecht: Elsevier/de Tijdstroom.


    • Mol, A., & Pols, J. (1996). Ziekte leven: Bouwstenen voor een medische sociologie zonder disease/illness onderscheid. Kennis en Methode, 20(4), 347-361.


    • Mol, A. (1995). La topographie comme méthode d'investigation des savoirs. De la co-existence de diverses anémies. Culture Technique, 1995(25-26), 285-305.
    • Mol, A. (1995). Lijken snijden. Over de plaats van de pathologische anatomie in het ziekenhuis. In M. Karskens, & J. Keulartz (Eds.), Foucault herdenken (pp. 121-129). Best: Damon.
    • Mol, A., & Hendriks, R. (1995). De hele wereld één Hb? Universaliteit, lokaliteit en bloedarmoede. Krisis, 1995(58), 56-73.
    • Mol, A., & Law, J. (1995). Régions, réseaux et fluides: l'anémie et la topologie sociale. Réseaux: communication, technologie, société, 72-73, 195-218.


    • Mol, A. (1994). 'Dus alles is in keurig overleg gegaan' Over patiënten en de overdracht van informatie. Gezondheid: theorie in praktijk, 1994(2), 165-179.


    • Mol, A. (1993). Van wie is de theorie? Bloedarmoede en de metapositie. Gezondheid: theorie in praktijk, 1993(1), 5-16.


    • Mol, A. (1992). Michel Serres: eigenzinnig / bemiddellaar. Kennis en Methode, 1992, 233-244.
    • Mol, A. (1992). Migreren en mengen. Over waarnemen, handelen en taal. In L. Nauta, & G. de Vries (Eds.), De rol van de intellectueel. Een discussie over distantie en betrokkenheid (pp. 128-142). Amsterdam: Van Gennep.


    • Mol, A. (1991). Praten met patiënten. Een geschiedenis. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 34(7), 306-310.
    • Mol, A. (1991). Topografie als methode van kennisonderzoek. Over het naast elkaar bestaan van enkele bloedarmoedes. Kennis en Methode, 1991, 314-329.
    • Mol, A. (1991). Wombs, pigmentation and pyramids. Schould anti-racists and feminists try to confine 'biology' to its proper place? In A. van Lenning, & J. Hermsen (Eds.), Sharing the difference (pp. 149-163). London: Routledge.
    • Mol, A., & de Wilde, R. (1991). Op de Grens. Onderzoek naar het scheiden van natuur en cultuur, inleiding bij een themanummer. Kennis en Methode, 1991, 7-11.


    • Mol, A. (1990). 'Een lichaam vind ik niet prettig.' Zeven variaties op het thema lichaam. In P. van Lieshout, & D. de Ridder (Eds.), Symptomen van de tijd. De dossiers van het Amsterdamse IMP 1968 - 1977 Nijmegen: SUN.
    • Mol, A. (1990). Sekse, rijkdom en bloedarmoede. Over lokaliseren als strategie. Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies, 1990(42), 142-157.


    • Mol, A. (1989). 'Sekse' en 'wetenschap'. Een vergelijking met twee onbekenden. In L. Boon, & G. de Vries (Eds.), Wetenschapstheorie, de empirische wending (pp. 97-107). Groningen: Wolters-Noordhof.


    • Mol, A. (1988). Baarmoeders, pigment en pyramiden. Over de vraag of anti-racisten en feministen er goed aan doen de biologie haar plaats te wijzen. Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies, 1988(21), 276-289.
    • Mol, A. (1988). Het Geval Gezondheidszorg. In F. Geraedts, & L. de Jong (Eds.), Ergo Cogito I (pp. 101-119). Groningen: Historische Uitgeverij.


    • Mol, A. (1987). 'Eet mama ons op?` en andere verhalen over Moedertje Staat. Groniek : Historisch Tijdschrift, 1987(97), 9-25.
    • van Lieshout, P., & Mol, A. (1987). Geestelijke Hygiëne en de Wereldvrede. In H. Galensloot, & M. Schrevel (Eds.), In Fatsoen Hersteld. Zedelijkheid en Wederopbouw na de Oorlog (pp. 75-88). Amsterdam: SUA.


    • Mol, A. (1985). Wie weet wat een vrouw is... Over de verschillen en de verhoudingen tussen wetenschappen. Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies, 1985(21), 10-22.


    • Le Velley, R., Mol, A., & McMichael, P. (2021). Modes of agri‑cultivating: [Review of: H. Campbell (2021) Farming Inside Invisible Worlds : Modernist Agriculture and its Consequences]. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 102(4), 427-430. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Mol, A. (2018). Zhao hu de luo ji: bi fu yu bing huan xuan ze geng zhong yao de shi . Xinbei Shi: You'an wenhua. [details]


    • Mol, A. (2012). Intersection: a gift back: the village and research. In S. Venkatesan, & T. Yarrow (Eds.), Differentiating development: beyond an anthropology of critique (pp. 102-106). Berghahn Books. [details]


    • Mol, A. (2011). This is my body. Material semiotic investigations. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Mol, A. (2011). Wat de mensheid deelt. In E. van der Zweerde, G. Kwaad, & J. Linssen (Eds.), Dwarse interventies: politiek-filosofische opstellen (pp. 124-140). Parrèsia. [details]



    • Mol, A. (2005). Stofwisselen. Krisis, 6(4), 23-27.
    • Mol, A. (2005). Wijsgerig onderzoek en het leven met verschillen. Krisis, 6(2), 7-11.


    • Mol, A. (2004). Fire. In B. van Eekelen, & J. González (Eds.), Shock and Awe. War on words (pp. 67-68). Santa Cruz: New Pacific Press.
    • Mol, A. (2004). Onderzoek het goede: waardebeheer in de gezondheidszorg. In P. T. de Beer, & C. J. M. Schuyt (Eds.), Bijdragen aan waarden en normen (pp. 301-324). (WRR verkenningen; No. 2). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


    • Mol, A. (2003). De burger en het lichaam. Politiek-theoretische verkenningen. Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, 4(16), 57-72.


    • Mol, A. (2001). Instead of Yelling: On Writing Beyond Rationality. EASST Review, 20, 3-5.


    • Mol, A. (1999). Mooie woorden en verplaatsbare praktijken. In K. Vos, & V. Timmerhuis (Eds.), Gedragswetenschappen in context. Essays over beleidsrelevantie en wetenschappelijke uitdagingen Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers.
    • Mol, A., & Mali, W. (1999). Kennis die helpt. Een pleidooi voor praktijkonderzoek. Medisch Contact, 54, 769-771.


    • Mol, A. (1998). Dit geslacht dat zoveel is. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 1, 13-15.


    • Mol, A. (1997). Wat is Kiezen? Een empirisch-filosofische verkenning. Enschede: Universiteit Twente.


    • Mol, A. (1996). Lichamen die levens leiden. Over de vermaatschappelijking van de patiënt. Medisch Contact, 51, 1527-1529.


    • Mol, A. (1995). Meer technologie: meer praten. Let op uw menselijkheid anders lopen uw apparaten vast. Medisch Contact, 50(22), 1652-1654.


    • Mol, A. (1991). Het uitgevonden wiel. Over het begrip technologische cul¬tuur. Krisis, 45, 47-50.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Mol, A. (2016). Member of the Social Scientific Council, Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, KNAW.
    • Mol, A. (2016). Member ERC board for Starting Grant, European Research Council.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Mol, A. (speaker) (17-11-2016). Empirical philosophy: intellectual imagination, APES - Philosophy of Science Seminar, Amsterdam.
    • Mol, A. (invited speaker) (28-9-2016). Eating lessons for Western Philosophy, University of Linkoping/Sweden.
    • Mol, A. (keynote speaker) (4-7-2016). Reductionism is not the problem. An argument for contrasting as a research strategy, Association of Social Anthropologists, Durham.
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities