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Prof. dr. S. (Sako) Musterd

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Geographies

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile


    1985 PhD Urban and Rural Geography and Spatial Planning, Free University Amsterdam

    1978 MA Urban and Rural Geography and Spatial Planning, Free University Amsterdam

    1975 BA Human Geography, Free University Amsterdam


    2020- Emeritus Professor, Urban Geography, University of Amsterdam

    1995-2020 Full Professor, Urban Geography, University of Amsterdam                

    1985-1995 Associate Professor, Human Geography, University of Amsterdam

    1978-1985 Lecturer and researcher, Geography and Planning, Free University Amsterdam

    1976-1978 Assistant in Research Methodology, Free University Amsterdam


    Sako Musterd has occupied a wide range of management positions, and was Scientific Director of the inter-university and inter-disciplinary Netherlands research stimulation programme ‘Urban Networks’ ; Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the General Board of the Netherlands Graduate School of Housing and Urban Research (NETHUR); Director of the Amsterdam Study Centre for the Metropolitan Environment , University of Amsterdam; Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Amsterdam; Vice-dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam; Advisor of the local government of Amsterdam (Mayor and Aldermen) in the area of Spatial and Social Strategy; Head of the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam; Director of the Urban Geography Programme, University of Amsterdam; First Director of the Research Priority Area in Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam.


    Since 2005 prof. Musterd has been or still is a member of the general board of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society; Member of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Dutch Society of Science); Alternate member of the Senate of the University of Amsterdam; Chairman of the Board of Examiners of the Masters Programmes in Human Geography and Planning; Member of the Board of the International New Town Institute; Member of the Management Board of the EU COST Shrinking Cities Programme; Member of the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants Evaluation Panel Team, Brussels; Member of the International Advisory Board of the Finnish Urban Institute; Member of the International Advisory Group for the Evaluation of the UK government Mixed Communities Programme; Member of the IAB of the ESRC (UK) programme on Understanding Inequalities of the ESRC, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Manchester, UK.; Member of the international advisory board of the (Research) Institute für Landeskunde Leipzig (Germany); Advisory member of the research project: CITiTALENT of the Madrid city-region"; Complutense University of Madrid; Member of the International Advisory Board of “Vienna in Transition. (Dis)continuities of  Urban Change in a European City”.


    Prof. Musterd has been teaching all sorts of introductory and advanced courses in Bachelor, Masters, and PhD programmes, all related to Human Geography, and particularly Urban Geography and Urban Studies, as well as Research Skills. He has also been frequently invited for visiting professorships and for keynotes or lectures in other universities across the world.


    His research focuses on inequality, social mobility, socio-spatial segregation and neighbourhood effects on people’s lives. These topics are addressed in large metropolitan areas. He (co) authored some 520 (mostly) scientific publications; he is editor/author of 29 books. Recent books were published by Edward Elgar, Routledge (two), Wiley-Blackwell (two), Palgrave Macmillan, Amsterdam University Press (two), and Ashgate. According to Google Scholar his h-index is 67, with almost 16,000 citations (Oct. 2021); 5th most cited author in Urban Geography world-wide; his Web of Science h-index is 38. 25 PhD students he supervised, successfully defended their theses so far. Musterd was/is in the managing, editorial and advisory boards of six leading international journals in his field: Urban Affairs Review, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Housing Studies, Urban Studies, Urban Geography, and GéoCarrefour.


    Sako Musterd has ample experience leading national or international collaboration research projects. Over the past fifteen years he acquired major externally funded research  projects,  worth well over 10 Million Euro.  He supervised several large European research programmes, such as in the 4th,  6th and 7th Framework  programmes (URBEX, ACRE, Social Polis), participated in other large projects (UGIS, RESTATE, several COST programmes, and a JPI Urban Europe programmes (ICEC, 3S RECIPE).  He also had success  in several Dutch Science Council (NWO) programmes; recently in the NICIS/NWO programme focusing on ‘Changing Households and Changing Neighbourhoods’, and in the Urban Regions in the Delta programme focusing on ‘Skills and the City’. The Urban Geographies group (around 20 researchers, including staff, postdocs and PhD students) he was leading over a 20 year period, until 2020, continuously received excellent scores in international assessments.


    See separate tab

  • Publications



    • Deurloo, M. C., Musterd, S., Sleutjes, B., & Slot, J. (2022). Co-location of different population categories: Micro-level segregation dynamics: the case of Amsterdam. In T. Maloutas, & N. Karadimitriou (Eds.), Vertical Cities: Micro-segregation, Social Mix and Urban Housing Markets (pp. 99-115). (Cities series). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication. [details]
    • He, Q., Boterman, W., Musterd, S., & Wang, Y. (2022). Perceived social distance, socioeconomic status and adaptive residential mobility in urban China. Habitat International, 120, Article 102500. Advance online publication. [details]
    • He, Q., Musterd, S., & Boterman, W. (2022). Understanding different levels of segregation in urban China: a comparative study among 21 cities in Guangdong province. Urban Geography, 43(7), 1036-1061. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2022). Segregation, Neighbourhood Effects and Social Mix Policies. In Y. Kazepov, E. Barberis, R. Cucca, & E. Mocca (Eds.), Handbook on Urban Social Policies: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare (pp. 204-218). (Research handbooks in urban studies). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2022). 荷兰城市更新政策回顾和述评. 国际城市规划 = Urban planning international, 37(1), 22-28, 39. [details]







    • Boterman, W. R., & Musterd, S. (2016). Cocooning urban life: Exposure to diversity in neighbourhoods, workplaces and transport. Cities : The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 59, 139-147. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Dobner, S., Musterd, S., & Droogleever Fortuijn, J. (2016). ‘Ageing in place’: experiences of older adults in Amsterdam and Portland. GeoJournal, 81(2), 197-209. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Galster, G., Andersson, R., & Musterd, S. (2016). Neighborhood Social Mix and Adults’ Income Trajectories: Longitudinal Evidence from Stockholm. Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 98(2), 145-170. [details]
    • Marcińczak, S., Musterd, S., van Ham, M., & Tammaru, T. (2016). Inequality and rising levels of socio-economic segregation: lessons from a pan-European comparative study. In T. Tammaru, S. Marcińczak, M. van Ham, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Socio-economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West (pp. 358-382). (Regions and cities; Vol. 89). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2016). Growing social-spatial segregation in European capitals: Different government, less mitigation. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), Urban Europe: Fifty Tales of the City (pp. 251-257). AUP. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Nijman, J. (2016). The social sustainability of European cities: The importance of local government. In V. Mamadouh, & A. V. Wageningen (Eds.), Urban Europe: Fifty Tales of the City (pp. 219-226). AUP. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & van Gent, W. (2016). Changing welfare context and income segregation in Amsterdam and its metropolitan area. In T. Tammaru, S. Marcińczak, M. van Ham, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Socio-economic segregation in European capital cities: East meets West (pp. 55-79). (Regions and cities; Vol. 89). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Bontje, M., & Rouwendal, J. (2016). Skills and cities: jobs and amenities. In S. Musterd, M. Bontje, & J. Rouwendal (Eds.), Skills and Cities: implications of location preferences of highly educated workers for spatial development of metropolitan areas (pp. 259-268). (Regions and Cities; Vol. 95). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S., van Gent, W. P. C., Das, M., & Latten, J. (2016). Adaptive behaviour in urban space: Residential mobility in response to social distance. Urban Studies, 53(2), 227-246. [details]
    • Sleutjes, B., & Musterd, S. (2016). Revealed residential preference of international migrants working in creative and knowledge intensive industries: the settlement process. In S. Musterd, M. Bontje, & J. Rouwendal (Eds.), Skills and Cities: implications of location preferences of highly educated workers for spatial development of metropolitan areas (pp. 237-255). (Regions and Cities; Vol. 95). Routledge. [details]
    • Tammaru, T., Musterd, S., van Ham, M., & Marcińczak, S. (2016). A multi-factor approach to understanding socio-economic segregation in European capital cities. In T. Tammaru, S. Marcińczak, M. van Ham, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Socio-economic segregation in European capital cities: East meets West (pp. 1-29). (Regions and cities; Vol. 89). Routledge. [details]
    • van Gent, W., & Musterd, S. (2016). Class, migrants, and the European city: spatial impacts of structural changes in early twenty-first century Amsterdam. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(6), 893-912. [details]
    • van der Greft, S., Musterd, S., & Thissen, F. (2016). Residential dynamics and neighbourhood conditions of older migrants and native Dutch older adults in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Ageing and Society, 36(1), 189-218. [details]


    • Galster, G., Andersson, R., & Musterd, S. (2015). Are males' incomes influenced by the income mix of their male neighbors? Explorations into nonlinear and threshold effects in Stockholm. Housing Studies, 30(2), 315-343. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Hochstenbach, C., Musterd, S., & Teernstra, A. (2015). Gentrification in Amsterdam: assessing the importance of context. Population Space and Place, 21(8), 754-770. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Kadi, J., & Musterd, S. (2015). Housing for the poor in a neo-liberalising just city: Still affordable, but increasingly inaccessible. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 106(3), 246-262. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2015). Toenemende sociaal-ruimtelijke segregatie in Europese hoofdsteden: andere overheid, minder demping. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), EU@Amsterdam: een stedelijke raad: essays over de Europese stad (pp. 249-256). AUP. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Nijman, J. (2015). De sociale duurzaamheid van Europese steden: het belang van lokale overheden. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), EU@Amsterdam: een stedelijke raad: essays over de Europese stad (pp. 217-224). AUP. [details]
    • Veldhuizen, E. M., Musterd, S., Dijkshoorn, H., & Kunst, A. E. (2015). Association between Self-Rated Health and the Ethnic Composition of the Residential Environment of Six Ethnic Groups in Amsterdam. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(11), 14382-14399. [details]



    • Kovács, Z., & Musterd, S. (2013). Personal networks. In S. Musterd, & Z. Kovács (Eds.), Place-making and policies for competitive cities (pp. 211-218). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Kovács, Z., & Musterd, S. (2013). The importance of places and place branding. In S. Musterd, & Z. Kovács (Eds.), Place-making and policies for competitive cities (pp. 97-104). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Gritsai, O. (2013). The creative knowledge city in Europe: structural conditions and urban policy strategies for competitive cities. European Urban and Regional Studies, 20(3), 343-359. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Kovacs, Z. (2013). Tailored: context-sensitive: urban policies for creative knowledge cities. In S. Musterd, & Z. Kovács (Eds.), Place-making and policies for competitive cities (pp. 313-327). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Kovács, Z. (2013). Policies and place-making for competitive cities. In S. Musterd, & Z. Kovács (Eds.), Place-making and policies for competitive cities (pp. 3-10). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Kovács, Z. (2013). Policies built upon pathways. In S. Musterd, & Z. Kovács (Eds.), Place-making and policies for competitive cities (pp. 27-34). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Kovács, Z. (2013). Prevailing policies versus new tailored policies. In S. Musterd, & Z. Kovács (Eds.), Place-making and policies for competitive cities (pp. 11-24). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Tieskens, K. F., & Musterd, S. (2013). Displacement and urban restructuring in Amsterdam: following relocatees after demolition of social housing. Urban Research & Practice, 6(2), 194-210. [details]
    • van Gent, W. P. C., & Musterd, S. (2013). Unintended effects of urban and housing policies on integration: "white" discontent in the Dutch city. Geography Research Forum, 33, 64-90. [details]


    • Bontje, M. A., & Musterd, S. (Eds.) (2012). Understanding Shrinkage in European Regions. Built Environment, 38(2).
    • Bontje, M., & Musterd, S. (2012). Understanding shrinkage in European regions. Built Environment, 38(2), 153-161. [details]
    • Dukes, T., & Musterd, S. (2012). Towards social cohesion: bridging national integration rhetoric and local practice: the case of the Netherlands. Urban Studies, 49(9), 1981-1997. [details]
    • Marcińczak, S., Musterd, S., & Stępniak, M. (2012). Where the grass is greener: social segregation in three major Polish cities at the beginning of the 21st century. European Urban and Regional Studies, 19(4), 383-403. [details]
    • Miciukiewicz, K., Moulaert, F., Novy, A., Musterd, S., & Hillier, J. (2012). Introduction: Problematising urban social cohesion: a transdisciplinary endeavour. Urban Studies, 49(9), 1855-1872. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2012). Ethnic residential segregation: reflections on concepts, levels and effects. In D. F. Clapham, W. A. V. Clark, & K. Gibb (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of housing studies (pp. 419-438). Sage. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2012). Inequalities in European cities. In S. J. Smith, M. Elsinga, O. S. Eng, L. Fox O’Mahony, & S. Wachter (Eds.), International encyclopedia of housing and home. - Vol. 4 (pp. 49-55). Elsevier. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2012). Social mix in Western countries. In S. J. Smith, M. Elsinga, O. S. Eng, L. Fox O’Mahony, & S. Wachter (Eds.), International encyclopedia of housing and home. - Vol. 6 (pp. 469-472). Elsevier. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & van Gent, W. (2012). Residential location and housing moves of immigrants and natives in the Amsterdam metropolitan context. In N. Finney, & G. Catney (Eds.), Minority internal migration in Europe (pp. 89-109). (International population studies). Ashgate. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Galster, G., & Anderson, R. (2012). Temporal dimensions and measurement of neighbourhood effects. Environment and Planning A, 44(3), 605-627. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Pinkster, F., van Ham, M., & Kleinhans, R. (2012). Kwantitatief en kwalitatief buurteffectenonderzoek. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 18(3), 30-31. [details]
    • Musterd, S., de Vos, S., Das, M., & Latten, J. (2012). Neighbourhood composition and economic prospects: a longitudinal study in the Netherlands. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 103(1), 85-100. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Ostendorf, W., & Musterd, S. (2012). Social spaces and urban policies. In S. J. Smith, M. Elsinga, O. S. Eng, L. Fox O’Mahony, & S. Wachter (Eds.), International encyclopedia of housing and home. - Vol. 6 (pp. 489-501). Elsevier. [details]
    • van Gent, W., & Musterd, S. (2012). Een stadsgeografie van het leven. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 2012(3), 50-55. [details]


    • Bontje, M., Musterd, S., & Pelzer, P. (2011). Inventive city-regions: path dependence and creative knowledge strategies. (Urban and regional planning and development series). Ashgate. [details]
    • Bontje, M., Musterd, S., Kovacs, Z., & Murie, A. (2011). Pathways toward European creative-knowledge city-regions. Urban Geography, 32(1), 80-104. [details]
    • Dekker, K., de Vos, S., Musterd, S., & van Kempen, R. (2011). Residential satisfaction in housing estates in European cities: a multi-level research approach. Housing Studies, 26(4), 479-499. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2011). The impact of immigrants' segregation and concentration on social integration in selected European contexts. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 57(3), 359-380. [details]
    • Ostendorf, W., & Musterd, S. (2011). Ethnic minorities in Amsterdam: trapped or mobile? In L. Basten (Ed.), Zwischen Basel, Bochum and Toronto: Einblicke in die Geographie postindustrieller Stadtentwicklungen (pp. 53-82). (Schriften des Arbeitskreises Stadtzukünfte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie; No. 11). Lit. [details]
    • Sykes, B., & Musterd, S. (2011). Examining neighbourhood and school effects simultaneously: what does the Dutch evidence show? Urban Studies, 48(7), 1307-1331. [details]
    • Sykes, B., Kuyper, H., & Musterd, S. (2011). Meervoudige segregatie: buurtcompositie, schoolcompositie en onderwijsongelijkheid. In J. Dronkers (Ed.), Goede bedoelingen in het onderwijs: kansen en missers (pp. 81-104). (Mens en maatschappij. Boekaflevering; No. 86). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Andersson, R., & Musterd, S. (2010). What scale matters? Exploring the relationships between individuals’ social position, neighbourhood context and the scale of neighbourhood. Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 92(1), 23-43. [details]
    • Andersson, R., Musterd, S., Galster, G., & Kauppinen, T. M. (2010). What mix matters? Exploring the relationships between individuals' incomes and different measures of their neighbourhood context. In R. Paddison, & W. Ostendorf (Eds.), Urban studies. Society. - Vol 1: Cities as social spaces (pp. 181-204). (Sage library in urban studies). Sage. [details]
    • Boterman, W. R., Karsten, L., & Musterd, S. (2010). Gentrifiers settling down? Patterns and trends of residential location of middle-class families in Amsterdam. Housing Studies, 25(5), 693-714. [details]
    • Das, M., Musterd, S., de Vos, S., & Latten, J. J. (2010). Social mobility: the influence of het neighbourhood. In C. A. Brebbia, S. Hernández, & E. Tiezzi (Eds.), The Sustainable City VI: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability (pp. 153-164). (WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment; Vol. 129). WIT Press. [details]
    • Eckert, D., Murie, A., & Musterd, S. (2010). Pathways in Europe. In S. Musterd, & A. Murie (Eds.), Making competitive cities (pp. 33-42). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Engelen, E., & Musterd, S. (2010). Amsterdam in crisis: how the (local) state buffers and suffers. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34(3), 701-708. [details]
    • Galster, G., Andersson, R., & Musterd, S. (2010). Who is affected by neighbourhood income mix? Gender, age, family, employment and income differences. Urban Studies, 47(14), 2915-2944. [details]
    • Murie, A., & Musterd, S. (2010). What policies should cities adopt? In S. Musterd, & A. Murie (Eds.), Making Competitive Cities (pp. 233-243). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2010). Making Competitive Cities. Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2010). Making competitive cities: debates and challenges. In S. Musterd, & A. Murie (Eds.), Making competitive cities (pp. 3-16). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2010). Synthesis: re- making the competitive city. In S. Musterd, & A. Murie (Eds.), Making competitive cities (pp. 327-350). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2010). The idea of the creative or knowledge-based city. In S. Musterd, & A. Murie (Eds.), Making competitive cities (pp. 17-32). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2010). What works for managers and highly educated workers in creative knowledge industries? In S. Musterd, & A. Murie (Eds.), Making competitive cities (pp. 135-144). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Ostendorf, W., & de Vos, S. (2010). Neighbourhood effects and social mobility: a longitudinal analysis. In R. Paddison, & W. Ostendorf (Eds.), Urban studies. Society. - Vol 1: Cities as social spaces (pp. 291-305). (Sage library in urban studies). Sage. [details]
    • van Gent, W. P. C., & Musterd, S. (2010). Isolement en Angst: PVV in Haagse buurten bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2010. B en M : Tijdschrift voor Beleid, Politiek en Maatschappij, 37(2), 140-153. [details]


    • Bontje, M., & Musterd, S. (2009). Creative industries, creative class and competitiveness: expert opinions critically appraised. Geoforum, 40(5), 843-852. [details]
    • Chapain, C., Collinge, D. B., Lee, P., & Musterd, S. (Eds.) (2009). Can We Plan the Creative Knowledge City? Built Environment, 35(2).
    • Collinge, C., & Musterd, S. (2009). Deepening social divisions and the discourse of knowledge and creativity across the cities of Europe. Built Environment, 35(2), 281-285. [details]
    • Friedrichs, J., Galster, G., & Musterd, S. (2009). Editorial: Neighbourhood effects on social opportunities: the European and American research and policy context. In J. Friedrichs, G. Galster, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Life in poverty neighbourhoods: European and American perspectives (Pbk ed., pp. 1-10). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2009). Residents views on social mix: social mix, social networks and stigmatisation in post-war housing estates. In R. Rowlands, S. Musterd, & R. van Kempen (Eds.), Mass housing in Europe: multiple faces of Development, change and response (pp. 101-127). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Gritsai, O. (2009). Creative and knowledge cities: development paths and policies from a European perspective. Built Environment, 35(2), 173-188. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2009). Problemen in wijken of probleemwijken. In S. Musterd., & W. Ostendorf (Eds.), Problemen in wijken of probleemwijken? (pp. 9-19). Van Gorcum. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2009). Residential segregation and integration in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35(9), 1515-1532. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Pinkster, F. M. (2009). Unravelling neighborhood effects: evidence from two European welfare states. In J. W. Duyvendak, F. Hendriks, & M. van Niekerk (Eds.), City in sight: Dutch dealings with urban change (pp. 41-59). AUP. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & van Kempen, R. (2009). Segregation and housing of minority ethnic groups in Western European cities. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 100(4), 559-566. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Ostendorf, W., & de Vos, S. (2009). Neighbourhood effects and social mobility: a longitudinal analysis. In J. Friedrichs, G. Galster, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Life in poverty neighbourhoods: European and American perspectives (pp. 81-96). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S., van Kempen, R., & Rowlands, R. (2009). Mass housing estates on different tracks: an introduction to the book. In R. Rowlands, S. Musterd, & R. van Kempen (Eds.), Mass housing in Europe: multiple faces of development, change and response (pp. 1-19). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • van Diepen, A. M. L., & Musterd, S. (2009). Lifestyles and the city: connecting daily life to urbanity. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 24(3), 331-345. [details]
    • van Gent, W. P. C., Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2009). Disentangling neighbourhood problems: Area-based interventions in Western European cities. Urban Research & Practice, 2(1), 53-67. [details]
    • van Gent, W. P. C., Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2009). Bridging the social divide? reflections on current Dutch neighbourhood policy. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 24(3), 357-368. [details]
    • van Kempen, R., Musterd, S., & Rowlands, R. (2009). Deepening crisis or homes for the future? Some reflections and implications for policies in large housing estates. In R. Rowlands, S. Musterd, & R. van Kempen (Eds.), Mass housing in Europe: multiple faces of development, change and response (pp. 265-278). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]



    • Andersson, R., Musterd, S., Galster, G. C., & Kauppinen, T. M. (2007). What mix matters? Exploring the relationships between individual's incomes and different measures of their neighbourhood context. Housing Studies, 22(5), 637-660. [details]
    • Dijk, R., & Musterd, S. (2007). Sociale mix en sociale cohesie; Een utopie? Ruimte & Planning, 27(3), 40-46. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2007). Segregation, concentration and integration; Critical reflections on policies and perceptions. The Indian Geographical Journal, 81(2), 81-94. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & de Pater, B. (2007). Eclectic and pragmatic: The colours of Dutch social and cultural geography. In R. Kitchin (Ed.), Mapping worlds; International perspectives on social and cultural geographies (pp. 53-67). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & de Vos, S. (2007). Residential dynamics in ethnic concentrations. Housing Studies, 22(3), 333-353. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & van Kempen, R. (2007). Trapped or on the springboard? Housing careers in large housing estates in European cities. Journal of Urban Affairs, 29(3), 311-329. [details]
    • Ostendorf, W. J. M., & Musterd, S. (2007). Ethnic minorities in Amsterdam: Trapped or mobile? In Yan Xiaopei, & Xue Desheng (Eds.), Urban development, planning and governance in globalization (pp. 262-283). Sun Yat-Sen University Press. [details]


    • Lupi, T., & Musterd, S. (2006). The suburban community question. Urban Studies, 43(4), 801-817. [details]
    • Murie, A., Musterd, S., & Kesteloot, C. (2006). Strategies, opportunity structures and policy responses: Place matters. In S. Musterd, A. Murie, & C. Kesteloot (Eds.), Neighbourhoods of poverty: urban social exclusion and integration in comparison (pp. 219-238). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2006). Segregation, urban space and the resurgent city. Urban Studies, 43(8), 1325-1340. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2006). The rise of the urban network region; Characteristics, conditions and policies. In F. Eckardt (Ed.), The city and the region. The European city in transition (pp. 39-53). Peter Lang. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Andersson, R. (2006). Employment, social mobility and neighbourhood effects. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30(1), 120-140. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Deurloo, R. (2006). Amsterdam and the preconditions for a Creative Knowledge City. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 97(1), 80-94. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2006). The spatial dimensions of urban social exclusion and integration. In S. Musterd, A. Murie, & C. Kesteloot (Eds.), Neighbourhoods of poverty: urban social exclusion and integration in comparison (pp. 1-16). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & de Vos, S. (2006). Woondynamiek in concentratiewijken. In C. H. Mulder, & F. M. Pinkster (Eds.), Onderscheid in wonen: Het sociale van binnen en buiten (pp. 123-138). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Bontje, M., & Ostendorf, W. (2006). The changing role of old and new centres: The case of the Amsterdam region. Urban Geography, 27(4), 360-387. [details]


    • Andersson, R., & Musterd, S. (2005). Area based policies, a critical appraisal. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 96(4), 377-389. [details]
    • Andersson, R., & Musterd, S. (2005). Social mix and social perspectives in post-war housing estates. In R. van Kempen, K. Dekker, S. Hall, & I. Tosics (Eds.), Restructuring large housing estates in Europe (pp. 127-147). The Policy Press. [details]
    • Beaumont, J., & Musterd, S. (2005). Dossier on governance and urban development programmes in Europe. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 96(4), 358-362. [details]
    • Friedrichs, J., Galster, G., & Musterd, S. (2005). Editorial: Neighbourhood effects on social opportunities: the European and American research and policy context. In J. Friedrichs, G. Galster, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Life in poverty neighbourhoods; European and American perspectives (pp. 1-10). Routledge. [details]
    • Goetluk, R., & Musterd, S. (2005). Residential mobility and urban change. Editorial. Open House International, 30(3), 5-9. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2005). Social and ethnic segregation in Europe; Levels, causes and effects. Journal of Urban Affairs, 27(3), 331-348. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Andersson, R. (2005). Housing mix, social mix, and social opportunities. Urban Affairs Review, 40(6), 761-790. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2005). On physical determinism and displacement effects. In R. van Kempen, K. Dekker, S. Hall, & I. Tosics (Eds.), Restructuring large housing estates in Europe (pp. 149-168). The Policy Press. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2005). Social exclusion, segregation and neighbourhood effects. In Y. Kazepov (Ed.), Cities of Europe. Changing contexts, local arrangements and the challenge to urban cohesion (pp. 170-189). Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Bontje, M. A., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2005). Towards the polycentric urban region: Impacts on centres and milieus. Open House International, 30(3), 9-16. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Ostendorf, W. J. M., & de Vos, S. (2005). Neighbourhood effects and social mobility, A longitudinal analysis. In J. Friedrichs, G. Galster, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Life in poverty neighbourhoods; European and American perspectives (pp. 81-96). Routledge. [details]


    • Musterd, S. (2022). Foreword. In K. Pallagst, M. Bontje, E. Cunningham Sabot, & R. Fleschurz (Eds.), Handbook on Shrinking Cities (pp. xiv-xv). (Research Handbooks in Urban Studies). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]


    • Damhuis, R., van Gent, W., Hochstenbach, C., & Musterd, S. (2019). The Regional and Local Dynamics of Life Course and Housing. In M. Moos (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Housing (pp. 165-181). (Elgar Research Agendas). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Andersson, R., & Galster, G. (2019). Neighbourhood Effects on Social Outcomes. In T. Schwanen, & R. van Kempen (Eds.), Handbook of Urban Geography (pp. 281-296). (Research Handbooks in Geography). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]


    • Bontje, M., Musterd, S., & Rouwendal, J. (2016). Housing and location preferences of higher educated workers in the Netherlands: An introduction. In S. Musterd, M. Bontje, & J. Rouwendal (Eds.), Skills and Cities: implications of location preferences of highly educated workers for spatial development of metropolitan areas (pp. 59-62). (Regions and Cities; Vol. 95). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Slot, J. (2016). De ongelijke stad. Mens en Maatschappij, 91(4), 305-318. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Bontje, M., & Rouwendal, J. (2016). Skills and Cities: an introductory framework. In S. Musterd, M. Bontje, & J. Rouwendal (Eds.), Skills and Cities: implications of location preferences of highly educated workers for spatial development of metropolitan areas (pp. 3-15). (Regions and Cities; Vol. 95). Routledge. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Bontje, M., & Rouwendal, J. (Eds.) (2016). Skills and Cities: implications of location preferences of highly educated workers for spatial development of metropolitan areas. (Regions and Cities; Vol. 95). Routledge. [details]
    • Rouwendal, J., Musterd, S., & Bontje, M. (2016). Housing and location preferences of higher educated international migrants in the Netherlands: An introduction. In S. Musterd, M. Bontje, & J. Rouwendal (Eds.), Skills and Cities: implications of location preferences of highly educated workers for spatial development of metropolitan areas (pp. 141-144). (Regions and Cities; Vol. 95). Routledge. [details]
    • Tammaru, T., Marcińczak, S., van Ham, M., & Musterd, S. (Eds.) (2016). Socio-economic segregation in European capital cities: East meets West. (Regions and cities; Vol. 89). Routledge. [details]





    • van Gent, W., & Musterd, S. (2012). Les transformations urbaines et l'émergence des partis populistes de la droite radicale en Europe: le cas de la ville de La Haye. Herodote, 144, 99-112. [details]


    • Musterd, S., & Gritsai, O. (2010). Conditions for "creative knowledge cities": finding from a comparison between 13 European metropolises: "going creative" - an option for all European cities? (ACRE report; No. 9). AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Brown, J., Lutz, J., Gibney, J., & Murie, A. (2010). Making creative-knowledge cities: a guide for policy makers. Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Resarch (AISSR), University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • Friedrichs, J., Galster, G., & Musterd, S. (2009). Life in poverty neighbourhoods: European and American perspectives. (Paperback ed.) Routledge. [details]
    • Latten, J., & Musterd, S. (2009). De nieuwe groei heet krimp: een perspectief voor Parkstad Limburg. NICIS. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2009). Problemen in wijken of probleemwijken? Van Gorcum. [details]
    • Rowlands, R., Musterd, S., & van Kempen, R. (Eds.) (2009). Mass housing in Europe: multiple faces of development, change and response. Palgrave Macmillan. [details]


    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2007). Spatial segregation and integration in The Netherlands (Discussion Paper Nr. SP IV 2007-602). In K. Schönwälder (Ed.), Residential segregation and the integration of immigrants: Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden (pp. 41-60). Social Science Research Center (WZB).


    • Musterd, S. (2006). Accomodation diversity : housing strategies for an integrated multi-ethnic society. In Z. Enlil, & P. La Greca (Eds.), Cities between integration and disintegration : opportunities and challenges. (pp. 88-98). (ISoCaRP Review; No. 2). ISoCaRP. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2006). The rise of the urban network region : characteristics, conditions and policies. In F. Eckardt (Ed.), The city and the region. (pp. 39-53). (The European city in transition; No. 4). Peter Lang. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2006). Changing the residential mix. In R. van Kempen (Ed.), Regenerating large housing estates in Europe : a guide to better practice (pp. 139-144). Restate, URU. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2006). Segregation and integration in the Netherlands. Social Science Research Center (WZB). [details]
    • Musterd, S., & de Vos, S. (2006). Woondynamiek in concentratiewijken. In C. H. Mulder, & F. Pinkster (Eds.), Onderscheid in wonen : het sociale van binnen en buiten (pp. 123-138). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Murie, A., & Kesteloot, C. (Eds.) (2006). Neighbourhoods of poverty: urban social exclusion and integration in comparison. Palgrave Macmillan. [details]


    • Aalbers, M., Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2005). Large housing estates in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: opinions of residents on recent developments. (RESTATE Report; No. 4e I). Urban and Regional research centre Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University. [details]
    • Andersson, R., & Musterd, S. (2005). Social mix and social perspectives in post-war housing estates. In R. van Kempen, K. Dekker, & S. Hall (Eds.), Restructuring large housing estates in Europe (pp. 127-147). The Policy Press. [details]
    • Bontje, M., & Musterd, S. (2005). Hoe woont de creatieve kenniswerker? In S. Franke, & E. Verhagen (Eds.), Creativiteit en de stad : hoe de creatieve economie de stad verandert. (pp. 170-179). (Reflect; No. 5). NAi Uitgevers. [details]
    • Bontje, M., & Musterd, S. (2005). What kind of place do the creative knowledge workers live in? In S. Franke, & E. Verhagen (Eds.), Creativity and the city : how the creative economy is changing the city. (pp. 167-175). (Reflect; No. 5). NAi Publishers. [details]
    • Friedrichs, J., Galster, G., & Musterd, S. (2005). Life in poverty neighbourhoods: European and American perspectives. Routledge. [details]
    • Friedrichs, J., Galster, G., & Musterd, S. (2005). Editorial: Neighbourhood effects on social opportunities: the European and American research and policy context. Housing studies. In J. Friedrichs, G. Galster, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Life in poverty neighbourhoods : European and American perspectives. (pp. 1-10). Routledge. [details]
    • Goetgeluk, R., & Musterd, S. (2005). Residential mobility and urban change. Editorial. Open House International, 30(3), 5-9. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2005). Amsterdam en condities voor de Creatieve Kennisstad. In P. Reudink, J. Slot, & J. van Antwerpen (Eds.), Amsterdam creatieve kennisstad: een passende ambitie? (pp. 16-27). Gemeente Amsterdam. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2005). On physical determinism and displacement effects. In R. van Kempen, K. Dekker, & S. Hall (Eds.), Restructuring large housing estates in Europe (pp. 149-168). The Policy Press. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. (2005). Visies en feiten over wonen en leven in stad en ommeland. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 11(2), 32-35. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Osterdorf, W. (2005). Social exclusion, segregation and neighbourhood effects. In Y. Kazepov (Ed.), Cities of Europe : changing contexts, local arrangements and the challenge to urban cohesion (pp. 170-189). Blackwell. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & van Kempen, R. (2005). Large-scale housing estates in European cities: opinions of residents on recent developments. (RESTATE Report; No. 4k). Urban and Regional research centre Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Bontje, M., & Ostendorf, W. (2005). Towards the polycentric urban region: impacts on centres and milieus. Open House International, 30(3), 9-16. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Ostendorf, W., & de Vos, S. (2005). Neighbourhood effects and social mobility : a longitudinal analysis. In J. Friedrichs, G. Galster, & S. Musterd (Eds.), Life in poverty neighbourhoods : European and American perspectives (pp. 81-96). Routledge. [details]
    • Ostendorf, W., & Musterd, S. (2005). Segregatie en integratie: feiten en visies. In P. Brassé, & H. Krijnen (Eds.), Gescheiden of gemengd: een verkenning van etnische concentratie op school en in de wijk. (pp. 77-93). Forum, Instituut voor Multiculturele Ontwikkeling. [details]


    • Musterd, S. (2023). Sociale ongelijkheid en segregatie in de stad. In T. Béneker, G. van Campenhout, & R. van der Vaart (Eds.), Aardrijkskunde in transitie? : Vakinhoudelijke perspectieven op de examenprogramma’s aardrijkskunde (pp. 48-53). KNAG Utrecht.









    • Hollander, K., & Musterd, S. (2010). De ene krimp is de andere niet. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 16(3), 44-47. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2010). Sociale en etnische menging van wijken: tijd voor bezinning. Ruimte & Maatschappij, 2(2), 1-4. [details]



    • Musterd, S., & van der Oord, M. (2008). Upgrading en downgrading in de regio: de veranderende woningvoorraad en bevolking van de region Amsterdam. In W. Ostendorf, E. Veldhuizen, & H. Wilken (Eds.), Trends in de metropoolregio Amsterdam en hun lokale impact (pp. 19-25). Dienst Onderzoek en Statistiek. [details]
    • Ostendorf, W., Slot, J., & Musterd, S. (2008). Dynamiek in de metropoolregio Amsterdam: zes trends belicht. In W. Ostendorf, E. Veldhuizen, & H. Wilken (Eds.), Trends in de metropoolregio Amsterdam en hun lokale impact (pp. 4-9). Dienst Onderzoek en Statistiek. [details]


    • Kovács, Z., Murie, A., Musterd, S., Gritsai, O., & Pethe, H. A. A. (2007). Comparing paths of creative knowledge regions (ACRE WP3). A'dam inst. for Metro. & intern. develop. Studies. [details]
    • Lupi, T., Walberg, A. M., & Musterd, S. (2007). Pioniers in place making. Proeftuin IJburg. Habiforum. [details]
    • Lupi, T., de Stigter, M. C., Karsten, L., Musterd, S., & Deben, P. L. L. H. (2007). Leven in de buurt: territoriale binding in drie Vinex-wijken. (NWO-reeks sociale cohesie; No. 13). Aksant. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2007). Achterstandswijken pak je niet aan door sloop. TSS : Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken, 61(3), 19-21. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2007). Differentiatie en complementariteit. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, september, 532-534. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2007). Stad en student: een wederkerige relatie. PlanAmsterdam, 13(3), 4-5. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2007). Spatial segregation and integration in the Netherlands. In K. Schönwälder (Ed.), Residential segregation and the integration of immigrants: Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden (pp. 41-60). Social Science Research Center (WZB). [details]
    • Musterd, S., & van Kempen, R. (2007). Introductie: Ontwikkeling en betekenis van de stadsbuurt. In R. van Kempen, & S. Musterd (Eds.), De stadsbuurt: Ontwikkeling en betekenis (pp. 9-19). Van Gorcum. [details]
    • Musterd, S., Bontje, M. A., Chapain, C., Kovács, Z., & Murie, A. (2007). Accommodating creative knowledge. A literature review from a European perspective. (ACRE wp; No. 1). A'dam inst. for Metro. & intern. develop. Studies. [details]
    • van Gent, W. P. C., Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2007). Van prachtwijken naar probleemcumulatiewijken; Een reactie op minister Vogelaar en anderen. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 13(6), 41-43. [details]
    • van Gent, W. P. C., Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2007). Van probleemwijk naar prachtwijk? Over de problemen van een wijkgerichte aanpak. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 13(4), 44-50. [details]
    • van Kempen, R., & Musterd, S. (2007). De stadsbuurt: Ontwikkeling en betekenis. Van Gorcum. [details]


    • Lupi, T., de Stigter, M. C., Karsten, L., Musterd, S., & Deben, P. L. L. H. (2006). Leven in de buurt. Territoriale bindingen in drie Vinex-wijken. A'dam inst. for Metro. & intern. develop. Studies. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2006). Accommodating diversity; Housing strategies for an integrated multi-ethnic society. In Z. Enlil, & P. La Greca (Eds.), Cities between integration and disintegration ISoCaRP Review 2. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2006). Ruimtelijke integratie in de regio Groot-Amsterdam. Rooilijn, 39(8), 434-441. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Murie, A. (2006). Changing the residential mix. In R. van Kempen, A. Murie, T. Knorr-Siedow, & I. Tosics (Eds.), Regenerating large housing estates in Europe. A guide to better practice (pp. 139-144). Restate, URU. [details]


    • Aalbers, M. B., Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2005). Large housing estates in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Opinions of residents on recent developments. Utrecht university. [details]
    • Bontje, M. A., & Musterd, S. (2005). Hoe woont de creatieve kenniswerker? In S. Franke, & E. Verhagen (Eds.), Creativiteit en de stad. Hoe de creatieve economie de stad verandert (pp. 170-179). NAi Uitgevers. [details]
    • Bontje, M. A., & Musterd, S. (2005). What kind of a place do the creative knowledge workers live in? In S. Franke, & E. Verhagen (Eds.), Creativity and the city. How the creative economy is changing the city (pp. 166-175). NAi Publishers. [details]
    • Musterd, S. (2005). Amsterdam en condities voor de creatieve kennisstad. In P. Reudink, J. Slot, & J. van Antwerpen (Eds.), Amsterdam creatieve kennisstad: Een passende ambitie? (pp. 16-27). Gemeente Amsterdam. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Ostendorf, W. J. M. (2005). Visies en feiten over wonen en leven in stad en ommeland. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 11(2), 32-35. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & Pinkster, F. M. (2005). Buurteffecten en beleidsinterventies; over integratie, sociale netwerken en beleid. City journal: wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor stedelijk onderzoek in de praktijk, 1(1), 13-19. [details]
    • Musterd, S., & van Kempen, R. (2005). Large-scale housing estates in European cities: Opinions of residents on recent developments. Restate. [details]
    • Ostendorf, W. J. M., & Musterd, S. (2005). Segregatie en integratie; Feiten en visies. In P. Brassé, & H. Krijnen (Eds.), Gescheiden of gemengd; Een verkenning van etnische concentratie op school en in de wijk (pp. 77-93). Forum. [details]


    • van Gent, W. P. C., Musterd, S., Das, M., & Latten, J. J. (2016). Residential location and spatial sorting among income-gender balanced couples. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers 2016, San Francisco, United States.


    • Musterd, S. (2012). Changing Geographies if Middle Class Households in European Cities. Paper presented at Middle Class Housing in Perspective: from Post-War Construction to Post-Millenial Urban Landscape.
    • Musterd, S. (2012). Place Making and Policies for Competitive Cities. Paper presented at Middle Class Housing in Perspective: from Post-War Construction to Post-Millenial Urban Landscape.


    • Musterd, S., & van Gent, W. P. C. (2011). Internal migration of first and second generation immigrant categories in Dutch urban regions. Paper presented at seminar ‘Minority Internal Migration in Europe’.
    • van Gent, W. P. C., & Musterd, S. (2011). Mobility patterns of immigrant households. Paper presented at RC-21 Annual Conference.


    • Musterd, S., & Terwindt, J. H. J. (2007). MANIFESTO, the contribution of geography towards the future of Europe. Final report to the 1st international EUGEO conference. Paper presented at First international conference on the geography of Europe.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Musterd, S. (2018-2021). Member of the International Advisory Board of “Vienna in Transition. (Dis)continuities of Urban Change in a European City”, Vienna, Institut für Soziologie, Universität Wien.
    • Musterd, S. (2017-2020). Member of the International 'Understanding Inequalities' Advisory Group of the ESRC, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Manchester, UK., Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
    • Musterd, S. (2017-2019). Member of the international advisory board of the Helsinki Urban Academy (Finland), Helsinki Urban Academy.
    • Musterd, S. (2016-2020). Advisory member of the research project: CITiTALENT: "Talent attraction, innovation and creativity for the smart growth of the Madrid city-region"; (…), Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    • Musterd, S. (2013-2019). Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW).
    • Musterd, S. (2013-2017). EUGEO is the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe. The aim of EUGEO is to represent its members at the European level and to coordinate (…), Association of Geographical Societies in Europe (EUGEO Foundation).
    • Musterd, S. (2013). Visiting professor, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    • Musterd, S. (2012). Member of the Jury-panel, ERC SSH, Brussel.
    • Musterd, S. (2012). Member of the Jury, ERC SSH, Brussel.
    • Musterd, S. (2012). Chair of WG3, COST programme (1-4 May 2012), Tartu (Estland).
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Member of the Royal Dutch Society of Sciences (Kon. Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen), Royal Dutch Society of Sciences.
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Member of the Board of the Royal Dutch Geographical Association, Royal Dutch Geographical Association.
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Member of the Board of INTI, INTI (International New Town Institute).
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Amsterdam: International Conference on Shrinking Cities; chair of the organising committee., COST.
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Leader of the track on neighbourhood change research NICIS institute (four projects), NICIS Institute.
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde e. V. (IfL) in Leipzig, Germany, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde.
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Member of the Management Team of the EU COST TU0803 (Shrinking Cities), EU COST TU0803.
    • Musterd, S. (2011). Member of the Board of the Centre for Metropolitan Research (CGO), CGO.

    Media appearance

    • Musterd, S. (28-01-2013). Voornemen sociale huursector drastisch te verkleinen [Radio]. Voornemen sociale huursector drastisch te verkleinen.

    Journal editor

    • Musterd, S. (member of editorial board) (2011-2014). Urban Affairs Review (Journal).
    • Musterd, S. (member of editorial board) (2009-2021). Ruimte & Maatschappij (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (14-11-2017). Sociaal-ruimtelijke ontwikkelingen in Nederlandse en Europese steden, NUW Delft.
    • Musterd, S. (speaker) (10-10-2017). Homogeniteit versus heterogeniteit; de maatschappelijke kant van de woonagenda, Aedes, Den Haag.
    • Musterd, S. (keynote speaker) (27-9-2017). How to develop economic and social sustainability in city regions; some critical reflections, CITiTALENT, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (17-1-2017). On Socio-Spatial Segregation, DAStU, Politecnico Milano.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (18-10-2016). over de buurt als jas, Invited Lezing voor Corporatie ‘thuis, Eindhoven.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (29-9-2016). Keynote on Social and Spatial Inequality, at Akershus University College.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (15-6-2016). De Regio als Garderobe, invited lecture voor housing associations, Eindhoven.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (15-6-2016). De Regio als Garderobe, Invited lecture for managers and aldermen in de Eindhoven Region, Eindhoven.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (13-5-2016). Segregation Dynamics in European Cities; Focusing on Amsterdam; How to Sustain the Inclusive City?, Invited Guest Lecture for Osloforskning, a partnership between the University of Oslo and the municipality of Oslo, Oslo.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (9-5-2016). over Armoede, sociale ongelijkheid en segregatie, voor PvdA raadsleden in Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (3-5-2016). over ongelijkheid in Amsterdam, bij Bèta-Gamma opleiding, Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (24-2-2016). over toenemende segregatie, bij de Dienst Werk en Inkomen, Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (13-1-2016). School segregation in European cities, invited lecture, Milan.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (3-12-2015). Housing Policy and Urban Restructuring in the Netherlands, Keynote lecture at TU Dortmund, Dortmund.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (26-11-2015). over tweedeling in Amsterdam, Zuiderkerklezing, Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (11-11-2015). homogeneous neighbourhoods in heterogeneous regions, Key note lecture at the NVBW conference (housing association directors), Bunnik.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (30-10-2015). Invited Lecture on segregation and neighbourhood effects, at NIDI, Den Haag.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (30-10-2015). segregation and neighbourhood effects, Invited Lecture at NIDI, Den Haag.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (20-10-2015). presentation on poor and rich, at Department of Social Affairs, Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (12-10-2015). Lecture on Segregation in Amsterdam and Vienna, at the presentation of the book Socio-Economic Segregation in Esuropean Capital Cities. Pakhuis de Zwijger., Amsterdam.
    • van Gent, W. P. C. (invited speaker), Bailey, N. (invited speaker) & Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (12-10-2015). Re-making Urban Inequality: Processes of Income sorting and Neighbourhood Change, invited for workshop during conference “Migrants in the City: New Dynamics of Migration in Urban Settings”, Sheffield.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (24-9-2015). Place Making and Policies for Competitive Cities, Conference Generative Places, Smart Approaches and Happy People. AESOP/CITTA, University of Porto, Porto.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (16-9-2015). cocooning behaviour and urban diversity, Spanish Congress on International Migration; University of Granada, Granada.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (9-4-2015). Economische vitaliteit en duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling, Invited lecture op de conferentie De Agenda voor de Stad, Ministerie van BZK., Utrecht.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (13-2-2015). Residential and social mobility; adaptive behaviour in urban space, Invited lecture at the Department for Social and Cultural Geography, Uppsala.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (11-2-2015). Cocooning Urban Life, Invited lecture at the Institute for Building Research., Uppsala.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (2-7-2014). presentatie over Residential and Social Mobility; Adaptive Behaviour in Urban Space, ENHR conference, Edinburgh.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (15-4-2014). keynote op de conferentie 'De Buurt als Jas', Conferentie "De Buurt als Jas", Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (15-4-2014). De Buurt als Jas, Conferentie 'de buurt als jas', Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (2-4-2014). Cocooning Urban Life: Household Experiences with Diversity in Neighbourhoods, Workplaces and Modes of Transport, CED seminar, Barcelona.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (2-4-2014). Cocooning: Household Experiences with Diversity in Neighbourhoods, Workplaces and Modes of Transport, CED seminar, Barcelona.
    • Boterman, W. R. (invited speaker) & Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (21-3-2014). Cocooning Urban Life, International conference “Beyond Residential Segregation”, Utrecht.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (8-10-2012). Social and Ethnic Segregation; Manifestations, Understanding, Impacts, and Responses, Guest lecture, Sociologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (6-12-2011). Making Competitive Creative Knowledge Cities: Urban Challenges., Conference: Capital Criativo numa Região Capital Lisbon, Lissabon.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (1-12-2011). Segregation and Social Participation, Danish Town Planning Institute, Kopenhagen.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (25-11-2011). Housing Restructuring and Housing Mix Programmes in the Netherlands, Seminar on Strategic Approaches to Planning for Housing: Reflections and Experiences, Centre for Urban Policy Studies University of Manchester.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (22-9-2011). Creative Knowledge Cities: Key Debates and Challenges, Regional Studies Association Seminar on Creative Regions in Europe, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (21-9-2011). Conditions for Creative Knowledge Cities, Regional Studies Association Seminar on Creative Regions in Europe, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (22-8-2011). Public housing in an era of neo-liberalism, International symposium on “The Future of Public Housing", City University of Hongkong.
    • Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (6-7-2011). Social Mix Policies and Research, Finding the Right Balance., ENHR European Network for Housing Research., Toulouse.


    • Musterd, S. (organiser) (15-4-2015). Organisatie conferentie: 'De buurt als jas', Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant) (15-4-2014). Conferentie, Amsterdam. De Buurt als Jas (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant) (3-6-2012 - 5-6-2012). International Seminar, Amsterdam. Local organiser Neighborhood Social Mixing in Europe and the US: Ideas and Prospects for the Future (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant) (12-9-2007 - 14-9-2007). Presentation of paper at conference The Vital City, Glasgow. Soft and Hard conditions for the Urban Economy (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant), Murie, A. (participant), Kovacs, Z. (participant), Gritsai, O. (participant) & Pethe, H. A. A. (participant) (20-8-2007 - 22-8-2007). Paper presented at the EUGEO Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Comparing paths of creative knowledge regions (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant) (22-3-2007). Seminar Dynamiek door de Regio, Almere, The Netherlands. De regiomonitor en de complementaire Amsterdamse regio (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant) (14-3-2007). Diálogos Urbanos, Madrid, Spain. Integrated Urban Renewal in the Netherlands: a Critical Appraisal (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant) (14-2-2007). De (complementaire) vitale Amsterdamse regio in internationaal perspectief (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Musterd, S. (participant) (2007). 1st international EUGEO conference; concluding presentation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. MANIFESTO, the Contribution of Geography towards the Future of Europe (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).



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