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Dr. A.A. (Anna) Nikolaeva

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Planning

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
Contact details
  • About

    Anna Nikolaeva is Assistant Professor in Urban Planning at the University of Amsterdam.

    In her research, writing, teaching and public speaking she engages with a variety of themes in urban planning and human geography, and her current priorities are:

    1. Inclusive mobilities and the politics of knowledge in planning.

    2. Gendered mobilities.

    3. Intersections between low-carbon and just transitions.

    4. The role of mobility as social infrastructure of the city.

    5. Commoning mobility.

    In 2014 she defended the PhD thesis on Amsterdam Airport Schiphol as a multifunctional public space. Before joining UvA she conducted research and taught at Utrecht University, Royal Holloway, University of London and VU University Amsterdam, and was a visiting scholar at City University of New York. At Royal Holloway she worked in the global comparative project on futures of mobility Living in the Mobility Transitions. As a result of this unique project, together with fellow researchers she wrote the book Moving Towards Transition. Commoning Mobility for Low Carbon Future  (2021).

    She teaches in Bachelor Social Geography and Planning, master programmes Urban and Regional Planning and Human Georgaphy and supervises bachelor, master and research master theses. 

    PhD supervision:

    Ran Zhang (ongoing)

    Lindsay Broadwell (ongoing)

    Matthew Bruno (completed, 2022)

    Arnoud van Waes (completed, 2021)

    Samuel Nello-Deakin (completed, 2021)


    Member of Urban Cycling Institute and Centre for Urban Studies

    Organiser of the Cities & Mobilities Seminar series 


    Key papers (for the full list see the tab Publications):

    Nikolaeva, A., & Nello-Deakin, S. (2019). Exploring velotopian urban imaginaries: Where Le Corbusier meets Constant? Mobilities, 0(0), 1–16.

    Nikolaeva, A., te Brömmelstroet, M., Raven, R., & Ranson, J. (2019). Smart cycling futures: Charting a new terrain and moving towards a research agenda. Journal of Transport Geography, 79, 102486.

    Nikolaeva, A., Adey, P., Cresswell, T., Lee, J. Y., Nóvoa, A., & Temenos, C. (2019). Commoning mobility: Towards a new politics of mobility transitions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers0(0).

    Nikolaeva, A. (2012) Designing Public Space for Mobility: Contestation, Negotiation and Experiment at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie/Journal of Economic & Social Geography, 103(5), pp. 542-554. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9663.2012.00740.x



  • Publications

    Waes, A. van, Nikolaeva, A., & Raven, R. (2021). Challenges and dilemmas in strategic urban experimentation An analysis of four cycling innovation living labs. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 172, 121004.

    Brömmelstroet, M. T., Nikolaeva, A., Cadima, C., Verlinghieri, E., Ferreira, A., Mladenović, M., Milakis, D., Silva, J. de A. e, & Papa, E. (2021). Have a Good Trip! Expanding Our Concepts of the Quality of Everyday Travelling with Flow Theory. Applied Mobilities, 0(0), 1–22.

    te Brömmelstroet, M., Nikolaeva, A., Nello-Deakin, S., van Waes, A., Farla, J., Popkema, M., van Wesemael, P., Liu, G., Raven, R., de Vor, F., & Bruno, M. (2020). Researching cycling innovations: The contested nature of understanding and shaping smart cycling futures. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 8, 100247.

    Nikolaeva, A., te Brömmelstroet, M., Raven R. (2021) Smart cycling: meaning, experience and governance. In Zuev, D., Psarikidou K., & Popan C. Cycling Societies: Emerging Innovations, Inequalities and Governance (pp. 38-57). Routledge.

    Bruno, M., & Nikolaeva, A. (2020). Towards a maintenance-based approach to mode shift: Comparing two cases of Dutch cycling policy using social practice theory. Journal of Transport Geography86, 102772.

    Nello-Deakin, S., & Nikolaeva, A. (2020). The human infrastructure of a cycling city: Amsterdam through the eyes of international newcomers. Urban Geography, 0(0), 1–23.

    Nikolaeva, A., & Nello-Deakin, S. (2019). Exploring velotopian urban imaginaries: Where Le Corbusier meets Constant? Mobilities, 0(0), 1–16.

    Nikolaeva, A., te Brömmelstroet, M., Raven, R., & Ranson, J. (2019). Smart cycling futures: Charting a new terrain and moving towards a research agenda. Journal of Transport Geography, 79, 102486.

    Nikolaeva, A., Adey, P., Cresswell, T., Lee, J. Y., Nóvoa, A., & Temenos, C. (2019). Commoning mobility: Towards a new politics of mobility transitions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers0(0).

    Nikolaeva, A. (2018). Rebordering Europe from the Margins Since the 1970s: A History of a Layered Arrival Infrastructure for the Mobile Poor in Amsterdam. Meeus, B., Arnaut K. & B. van Heur (Eds.) In Arrival Infrastructures: Migration and Urban Social Mobilities. Palgrave Macmillan.

    Nikolaeva A., Adey, P., Cresswell, T., Lee J., Novoa, A. and C. Temenos (2018). A new politics of mobility: Commoning movement, meaning and practice in Amsterdam and Santiago. Centre for Urban Studies Working Paper Series

    te Brömmelstroet, M. C. G., Nikolaeva, A., Chan, C., Glaser, M. A., & Nicolaisen, M. (2017). Traveling together alone and alone together: Mobility and potential exposure to diversity. Applied Mobilities 2(1), 113-129.

    Temenos, C., Nikolaeva, A., Schwanen, T., Cresswell, T., Sengers, F., Watson, M., & Sheller, M. (2017).  Theorizing Mobility Transitions: An Interdisciplinary Conversation, Transfers, 7(1).

    Nikolaeva, A. (2017) “Spoiled”, “Bored”, “Irritated” and “Nervous”: The Transformations of a Mobile Subject in Airport Design Discourse. In Spinney, J., Reimer S. & P. Pinch (eds.), Mobilising Design. Routledge.

    Bosma, K. & A. Nikolaeva (2013). ‘The Airport: Prototype of the Global City?’ in K. Bosma (ed.), Megastructure Schiphol: Design in Spectacular Simplicity (pp. 198-217). Rotterdam: nai010 publishers.

    Bosma, K. & A. Nikolaeva (2013). ‘Farewell to Spectacular Simplicity?, in K. Bosma (ed.), Megastructure Schiphol: Design in Spectacular Simplicity (pp. 298-306). Rotterdam: nai010 publishers. 

    Nikolaeva, A. (2012) Designing Public Space for Mobility: Contestation, Negotiation and Experiment at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie/Journal of Economic & Social Geography, 103(5), pp. 542-554. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9663.2012.00740.x


  • Publications




    • Bertolini, L., & Nikolaeva, A. (2022). Individual well-being beyond mobility growth? In F. Savini, A. Ferreira, & K. C. von Schönfeld (Eds.), Post-Growth Planning: Cities Beyond the Market Economy (pp. 65-79). Routledge. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Nikolaeva, A., & Duffhues, J. (2022). Commoning mobility in the age of COVID-19: a dialogue between Anna Nikolaeva and Jan Duffhues. Applied Mobilities, 7(3), 319-326. Advance online publication. [details]
    • te Brömmelstroet, M., Nikolaeva, A., Mladenovic, M., Milakis, D., Ferreira, A., Verlinghieri, E., Cadima, C., de Abreu e Silva, J., & Papa, E. (2022). Have a good trip! Expanding our concepts of the quality of everyday travelling with flow theory. Applied Mobilities, 7(4), 352-373. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Nello-Deakin, S., & Nikolaeva, A. (2021). The human infrastructure of a cycling city: Amsterdam through the eyes of international newcomers. Urban Geography, 42(3), 289-311. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Nikolaeva, A., te Brömmelstroet, M., Raven, R., & Ranson, J. (2021). Smart Cycling: Meaning, Experience and Governance. In D. Zuev, K. Psarikidou, & C. Popan (Eds.), Cycling Societies: Innovations, Inequalities and Governance (pp. 38-57). (Routledge Studies in Transport, Environment and Development). Routledge. [details]


    • Nikolaeva, A., & Nello-Deakin, S. (2020). Exploring velotopian urban imaginaries: where Le Corbusier meets Constant? Mobilities, 15(3), 309-324. [details]
    • te Brömmelstroet, M., Nikolaeva, A., Nello Deakin, S., van Waes, A., Farla, J., Popkema, M., van Wesemael, P., Liu, G., Raven, R., de Vor, F., & Bruno, M. (2020). Researching cycling innovations: The contested nature of understanding and shaping smart cycling futures. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 8, Article 100247. [details]



    • Nikolaeva, A. (2018). Rebordering Europe from the margins since the 1970s: A history of a layered arrival infrastructure for the mobile poor in Amsterdam. In Arrival Infrastructures: Migration and Urban Social Mobilities (pp. 103-130). Springer International Publishing. [details]



    • Bosma, K., & Nikolaeva, A. A. (2013). Farewell to Spectacular Simplicity? In Megastructure Schiphol: Design in Spectacular Simplicity (pp. 298-306). Rotterdam: nai010.
    • Bosma, K., & Nikolaeva, A. A. (2013). The Airport: Prototype of the Global City. In Megastructure Schiphol: Design in Spectacular Simplicity (pp. 198-217). Rotterdam: nai010.



    • Nikolaeva, A. A., te Brommelstroet, M. C. G., Raven, M., & Ranson, J. (2017). Smart Cycling Futures: Charting the New Terrrain. Paper presented at Scientists for Cycling Colloquium, Velo-city 2017, Nijmegen, Netherlands.


    • Nel·lo Deakin, S. (2021). More than bike lanes: Recognising the physical and social characteristics of urban cycling environments. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]



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