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S.D. (Sebastian) Pantoja Barrios

PhD candidate
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Political Economy and Transnational Governance

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Sebastian Pantoja-Barrios is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Political Science of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). His research is focused on the study of political participation and subnational democracy in Colombia, and how they interact with the unevenness of state capacity, the persistence of violence, and the presence of clientelist relationships.

  • Publications


    • Weintraub, M., Steele, A., Pantoja-Barrios, S., Nygård , H. M., Dahl, M., & Binningsbø, H. M. (2024). Introducing the Mapping Attitudes, Perceptions and Support (MAPS) dataset on the Colombian peace process. Journal of Peace Research, 61(6), 1085-1098. [details]


    • Pantoja-Barrios, S. (2022). La lucha contra la corrupción en el territorio: control fiscal territorial y percepciones y experiencias ciudadanas en torno a la corrupción en Colombia. Desarrollo y Sociedad, 91, 11-76.


    • Nussio, E., García-Sánchez, M., Oppenheim, B., & Pantoja-Barrios, S. (2020). Testing Statebuilding’s ‘Missing Link’: Effects of Government Communications in Colombia. Journal of Development Studies, 56(3), 509-526.


    • Amaya, M. C. A., Riomalo, A. M. O., & Barrios, S. P. (2014). Análisis de las percepciones de los Colombianos sobre el proceso de paz y el posconflicto desde una perspectiva de género. Colombia Internacional, 80, 220-233.


    • Weintraub, M., Steele, A., Pantoja-Barrios, S., Mokleiv Nygård, H., Dahl, M. & Malmin Binningsbø, H. (1-11-2023). Mapping Attitudes, Perceptions and Support (MAPS). Papyrus.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities