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Prof. dr. A.J. (Jeannette) Pols

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body
Area of expertise: Everyday ethics, empirical ethics, ethnography, care, scientific practices, art, patients, caregivers
Photographer: kirsten van Santen

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Jeannette Pols (1966) is Professor Anthropology of Everyday Ethics at the department of Anthropology, Faculty of Behavioral & Social Sciences, and the department of Ethics, Law & Humanities of the Amsterdam Medical Center, University of Amsterdam. The chair is established between the faculties.  

    The mission of Pols’ chair is to build bridges between research in medical ethics and medical anthropology. Her research and teaching develop the ethnographic study of ethical questions. Technologies are central here. In comparative ethnographic analyses, her research provides insight into the practical and desirable ways in which these technologies shape care and societies, and the repertoires of ‘being human’ that follow from these practices. The aim is to discover and develop normative directions in complex technological societies.

    Pols research runs along three main axes. She studies: 

    1. how ethical and aesthetic values are embedded in care practices;
    2. the ways in which technologies help to shape actual positions of patients and caregivers, and how to evaluate these positions;
    3. the practical knowledge of patients and carers.

    Short CV 

    Jeannette Pols studied Social Philosophy and Clinical Psychology in Groningen, when the quantitative turn in the social sciences was in full swing. Against these tides, she conducted her first ethnographic study in a nursing home for people with dementia, and published her first journal article about this research in the Dutch Monthly Journal for Mental Health Care (MGV) which was awarded with a honorable mention for being one of the best articles of the year’s issue.

    Pols received her PhD from the University of Twente, for an award winning study in empirical ethics. The study ethnographically unravelled what ‘good care’ is by studying how nurses and patients shaped care ‘in action’. Not only did the ideals differ greatly between long term mental health care and residential care for older people, but so where the ways in which the nurses accounted for these ideals. Washing reluctant patients, for example, was legitimized in a scientific style (‘Our approach measurably develops patient independence!’), or an ethical style (‘You should take care of people who cannot look after themselves!’). Both styles of accounting co-exist, but it is unclear how they might relate.

    At the time of this study, Pols worked with the Trimbos-institute in Utrecht. Since 2006, Pols works with the staff of the section of Medical ethics, Department of General Practice in the Amsterdam Medical Centre. Here, she studied the development of telecare in the Netherlands by ethnographically studying how patients use telecare technologies at home, and nurses in the hospital. She shows how both people and devices attempt to ‘tame’ one another, but also ‘unleash’ new possibilities.

    Recently, she is working on a book with the working title: ‘On the empirical study of values. Aesthetic values in daily life and care’.

  • Book Abstract

    Jeannette Pols (2012) Care at a Distance. On the Closeness of Technology, a book published by Amsterdam University Press

    Politicians promote telecare as an efficient and affordable solution in providing medical care for an ageing population. Telecare, they promise us, will support older people with chronic disease to ‘manage’ themselves better and thereby reduce the amount of health professionals needed. Nevertheless, technology-pessimists assert that telecare will transform human care into a distant and cold affair. They predict that older people will die while under the continuous surveillance of sensors and cameras, but remote from any real human contact.

    This widely researched study presents some of the detailed ethnographic analyses of the pioneering care practices in which patients and nurses use telecare devices. It analyses these practices with the help of theoretical insights drawn from various fields, such as anthropology, science- & technology studies and empirical ethics.

    The author concludes that neither a caring utopia of self managing patients nor an uncaring high-tech health care system bears any resemblance to actual care practices employing telecare. In the observed practices, telecare leads to more intense caring relations, resulting from a spectacular raise in the frequency of contacts between nurses and patients. Patients are much taken by this, not because they feel they are finally able to manage themselves better, but because they can ‘leave things to the experts’.The patients find that caring is something that is best done for others.

    The book frames urgent questions about the future of care and telecare, and points to ways in which innovative care practices can be built on actual and everyday concerns, rather than on hopes, hypes or nightmares.

    Keywords:care, ethnography, empirical ethics, values, technology, aesthetics, patient positions, practical knowledge of patients

  • Research

    Research Projects 

    Book project

    • Re-inventing the good life. 

    2017 - ongoing

    • Achieving good science. A cross disciplinary study.


    • The rise of consumer e-health.


    • Quality of Life and the feeding tube for people with ALS


    • Whose problem is it anyway? Autonomy and substance use by people with intellectual disabilities.


    • Dignity. Aesthetic values in daily life and care.
      Financing: ZONMW/ Aspasia NWO 

    2014 - ongoing

    • Delaying institutionalization, sustaining families: Comparative case studies of care at home for persons with dementia.
      Financing: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. With partners from Canada, UK, Iceland & Norway. 


    • Ethical Frameworks for Telecare Technologies for older people at home (EFORTT). In collaboration with partners from UK, Spain & Norway.  EC FP7. Website: 


    • Care from a distance. A normative investigation into telecare.
      NWO Ethiek Research and Policy


  • Teaching

    Jeannette Pols teaches ethnographic and empirical ethics research to audiences trained or training in ethnographic research, science & technology studies, theory of the social sciences, and empirical ethics. She teaches empirical ethics and practical approaches to discuss ethical problems to medical students and health care professionals.

    PhD projects


    • 2018-present     Leonie Dronkert, Access denied. How diagnostic categories work in negotiating care  for people with learning disabilities
    • 2018-present     Ellen Algera, The digitization of fertility.
    • 2017-present     Annekatrin Skeide, The multiple shapes of pregnancy and birth– midwifery care in Germany
    • 2017-present     Maja de Langen, Knowing Diabetes, Doing Diabetes: Practical knowledge in urban Indigenous Australia
    • 2017-present     Christien Muusse, How to deal with a crisis? A comparative case study examining how mental health crises are dealt with in Trieste, Italy and the Netherlands.


    • 2012-2019  Tanja Ahlin, Connected Care: Providing media-assisted care for elderly people in Indian transnational families.
    • 2014-2019  Annelieke Driessen We are our body: Understanding the lived body and bodywork in dementia care.
    • 2010-2019   Antje Seeber, The new model of palliative care in neurology.
    • 2009-2019 Annemarie van Hout, Understanding telecare construction work. An ethnography of nursing practices.
    • 2015-2018 Ariane d’Hoop, Spatial arrangements in psychiatric care practice. An anthropological inquiry.
    • 2012-2016 Else Vogel, Eating enough: practices of eating well in Dutch obesity care.
    • 2016-2017  Prachatip Kata, The politics of the aesthetic body, UvA, department of Anthropology.
    • 2007-2012 Sabine Ootes, Being in place. Citizenship in Long-term mental health care
    • 2006-2009 Susanne de Kort, Aims and reasons. Ethical questions about palliative systemic anticancer therapy.Visiting PhD students

    Visiting PhD students

    2019 Ivana Bogicevic University of Copenhagen| 2017 Harley Bergroth, Univeristy of Turku, Finland | 2017 Joana Zozimo, Univerity of Lisbon, Portugal | 2017 Benjamin Lipp, Munich Centre for Technology in Society,Munich, Gernamny | 2014 Tobias Hauesermann, Cambridge University| 2013; Karen D. Nielsen, Telecare & chronic disease, Copenhagen University| 2012 Juan Aceros, Aging and telecare, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona.

  • Publications


    • Wicaksono, R. B., Muhaimin, A., Willems, D. L., & Pols, J. (2025). Utilizing intricate care networks: An ethnography of patients and families navigating palliative care in a resource-limited setting. Palliative medicine, 39(1), 139-150. [details]


    • Ahlin, T., Sen, K., & Pols, A. J. (2024). Telecare that works: lessons on integrating digital technologies in elder care from Indian transnational families. Anthropology & Medicine. Advance online publication.
    • Algera, E., Leusink, P., Gerrits, T., Pols, J., & Ravesloot, J. H. (2024). mHealth technologies for pregnancy prevention: A challenge for patient-centred contraceptive counselling in Dutch general practice. The European journal of general practice, 30(1), Article 2302435 . [details]
    • Derksen, M., Meirmans, S., Brenninkmeijer, J., Pols, J., de Boer, A., van Eyghen, H., Gayet, S., Groenwold, R., Hernaus, D., Huijnen, P., Jonker, N., de Kleijn, R., Kroll, C. F., Krypotos, A.-M., van der Laan, N., Luijken, K., Meijer, E., Pear, R. S. A., Peels, R., ... de Winter, J. (2024). Replication studies in The Netherlands: Lessons learned and recommendations for funders, publishers and editors, and universities. Accountability in Research. Advance online publication.
    • Pols, J. (2024). Making things specific: towards an anthropology of everyday ethics in healthcare. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 27(3), 309-319. [details]
    • Pols, J., M'charek, A., Jerak-Zuiderent, S., & Brenninkmeijer, J. (2024). Achieving good science: The integrity of scientific institutions. Learning and Teaching, 17(1), 24-53. [details]
    • Wicaksono, R. B., Muhaimin, A., Willems, D. L., & Pols, J. (2024). "Tie your camel first, then rely on God": reconceptualizing Javanese Islamic values to support palliative care at home. BMC Palliative Care, 23, Article 63. [details]




    • Muusse, C., Kroon, H., Mulder, C. L., & Pols, J. (2021). Frying eggs or making a treatment plan? Frictions between different modes of caring in a community mental health team. Sociology of Health and Illness, 43(7), 1581-1597. [details]


    • Lemos Dekker, N., & Pols, J. (2020). Aspirations of home making in the nursing home. In B. Pasveer, O. Synnes, & I. Moser (Eds.), Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life (pp. 183-201). (Health, Technology and Society). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]



    • Pols, J. (2018). Fabuleuses webcams: Regards actifs et technologies invisibles. Réseaux: communication, technologie, société, 207, 65-94. [details]
    • Pols, J. (2018). Uncontrolled Evaluations: The Case of Telecare Innovations. In M. Visse, & T. A. Abma (Eds.), Evaluation for a Caring Society (pp. 127-142). (Evaluation and Society). Information Age Publishing. [details]
    • Pols, J., Pasveer, B., & Willems, D. (2018). The particularity of dignity: relational engagement in care at the end of life. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 21(1), 89-100. [details]
    • van Hout, A., Willems, D., Hettinga, M., & Pols, J. (2018). Pourquoi les attentes suscitées par la télésurveillance sont souvent déçues: Étude ethnographique d’un dispositif de télésuivi infirmier en soins palliatifs. Réseaux: communication, technologie, société, 207, 95-121. [details]





    • Pols, J. (2014). Knowing patients: turning patient knowledge into science. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 39(1), 73-97. [details]
    • Pols, J. (2014). Radical relationality: epistemology in care and care ethics for research. In G. Olthuis, H. Kohlen, & J. Heier (Eds.), Moral boundaries redrawn: the significance of Joan Tronto's Argument for political theory, professional ethics, and care as practice (pp. 175-194). (Ethics for care; No. 3). Peeters. [details]
    • Pols, J. (2014). Radykalna relacyjność: Epistemologia etyki troski. EDUKACJA ETYCZNA, (7), 51-73. [details]





    • Hiddinga, H. J., Pols, A. J., Trakas, D., & van der Geest, J. D. M. (Eds.) (2010). Care and Health Care. Medische Antropologie, 22(1).
    • M'charek, A., & Pols, A. J. (2010). Introduction: Where are the missing bodies? Disability studies in the Netherlands. Medische Antropologie, 22(2), 217-224. [details]
    • Mol, A., Moser, I., & Pols, A. J. (2010). Care: putting practice into theory. In A. Mol, I. Moser, & J. Pols (Eds.), Care in practice: on tinkering in clinics, homes and farms (pp. 7-26). (VerKörperungen; No. 8). Transcript Verlag. [details]
    • Ootes, S., Pols, A. J., Tonkens, E., & Willems, D. (2010). Bridging boundaries: the concept of 'citizenship' as a boundary object in mental healthcare. Medische Antropologie, 22(2), 375-388. [details]
    • Pols, A. J. (2010). The Heart of the Matter. About Good Nursing and Telecare. Health Care Analysis, 18(4), 374-388. [details]
    • Pols, A. J., & M'charek, A. A. (Eds.) (2010). The body in disability studies. Medische Antropologie, 22(2).
    • Pols, J. (2010). Bringing bodies - and health care - back in. Exploring practical knowledge for living with chronic disease. Medische Antropologie, 22(2), 413-427.
    • de Kort, S. J., Pols, A. J., Richel, D. J., Koedoot, N., & Willems, D. L. (2010). Understanding Palliative Cancer Chemotherapy: About Shared Decisions and Shared Trajectories. Health Care Analysis, 18(2), 164-174. [details]




    • Pols, J. (2003). Enforcing patient rights or improving care? The interference of two modes of doing good in mental health care. Sociology of Health and Illness, 25(3), 320-347.





    • Pols, A. J., Kroon, H., & Lindt, S. M. V. D. (2016). Nooit te oud…Casemanagement in de ouderenpsychiatrie: Case management in Psychiatry for older people.. Digital or Visual Products, Trimbos-insitute.
    • Pols, J., & M'charek, A. (2016). Responsible innovation: The case of Alzheimer diagnostics. In M. Boenink, H. van Lente, & E. Moors (Eds.), Emerging technologies for diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease: Innovating with care (pp. 205-224). (Health, Technology and Society). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Thygesen, H., & Pols, J. (2016). Care, Self-Management and the Webcam. In L. Manderson, E. Cartwright, & A. Hardon (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology (pp. 166-170). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. [details]


    • de Ruijter, W., Buijsen, M. A. J. M., & Pols, J. (2012). Casus 24: 'Kinderen hebben geen tijd voor moeder'. In W. de Ruijter, A. Hendriks, & M. Verkerk (Eds.), Huisarts tussen individu en familie: morele dilemma’s in de huisartspraktijk (pp. 115-118). Van Gorcum. [details]
    • van der Schoor, E., Frederiks, B. J. M., & Pols, J. (2012). Casus 20: 'Huisarts als mediator tussen moeder en zoon?'. In W. de Ruijter, A. Hendriks, & M. Verkerk (Eds.), Huisarts tussen individu en familie: morele dilemma’s in de huisartspraktijk (pp. 95-99). Van Gorcum. [details]



    • Pols, A. J. (2008). Which empirical research, whose ethics? Articulating ideals in long-term mental health care. In G. Widdershoven, J. McMillan, T. Hope, & L. van der Scheer (Eds.), Empirical Ethics in Psychiatry (pp. 51-68). Oxford University Press.
    • Pols, A. J., Schermer, M., & Willems, D. L. (2008). Telezorgvisie. Essay over ontwikkelingen en beloften van telezorg in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg. AMC.


    • Willems, D. L., & Pols, A. J. (2007). Empirisch onderzoek in de gezondheidsethiek. In T. Plochg, R. E. Juttmann, N. S. Klazinga, & J. P. Mackenbach (Eds.), Handboek gezondheidszorgonderzoek (pp. 269-273). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.


    • Mol, A., & Pols, J. (1996). Ziekte leven: Bouwstenen voor een medische sociologie zonder disease/illness onderscheid. Kennis en Methode, 20(4), 347-361.


    • Pols, J. (2023). Inzoomen, scherpstellen: Naar een antropologie van alledaagse ethiek in de gezondheidszorg. [details]


    • Pols, J., M'charek, A., van Weert, J., & de Vries, D. (2021). De impact van COVID-19 op sociaal kwetsbare mensen. In D. de Vries, & L. Muns (Eds.), Kwetsbaar op afstand: Verhalen uit coronatijd (pp. 21-38). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pols, J., M'charek, A., van Weert, J., & de Vries, D. (2021). Lessen en beleidsaanbevelingen over sociaal kwetsbare mensen uit de eerste COVID-19 periode. In D. de Vries, & L. Muns (Eds.), Kwetsbaar op afstand : Verhalen uit coronatijd (pp. 97-106). Amsterdam University Press. [details]




    • Boers, S., Klok, T., Frenkel, J., & Pols, J. (2017). Familie erbij betrekken is lastiger dan het lijkt: Visite aan het bed maakt zorg nog niet familiegericht. Medisch Contact, 18, 20-22. [details]
    • Pols, A. J. (2017). Leren met de patiënt. Interview met Douwe de Vries.. Digital or Visual Products
    • Pols, J., & Krause, K. (2017). Tot slot. In A.-M. The, J. Pols, & R. Pool (Eds.), Goed leven met dementie: Dialoog tussen wetenschap en praktijk (pp. 90-91). Ben Sajet Centrum. [details]
    • The, A.-M. (Ed.), Pols, J. (Ed.), Pool, R. (Ed.), & Partnership Langdurige Zorg en Dementie (2017). Goed leven met dementie: Dialoog tussen wetenschap en praktijk. Ben Sajet Centrum. [details]
    • Vermeulen, L., Driessen, A., Lemos Dekker, N., Roding, E., Hoppe, S., van den Buuse, S., Krause, K., The, A.-M., & Pols, J. (2017). Goed leven met dementie, hoe doen we dat? In A.-M. The, J. Pols, & R. Pool (Eds.), Goed leven met dementie: Dialoog tussen wetenschap en praktijk (pp. 14-19). Ben Sajet Centrum. [details]



    • Pols, J. (2013). De chronificering van het ziek-zijn: empirische ethiek in de zorg = The chronification of illness: empirical ethics in care. (Oratiereeks). Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Pols, J. (2013). De chronificering van het ziek zijn: Empirische ethiek in de zorg. Waardenwerk, 14(54/55), 69-82. [details]
    • Pols, J. (2013). Grote verhalen of interessante verhalen? Reactie op het artikel 'Zorgpraktijken en techniekfilosofie'. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek, 23(2), 39-40. [details]
    • Pols, J. (2013). Participatie in wat?: over de kennis van clinici, wetenschappers en patiënten. In C. Dedding, & M. Slager (Eds.), De rafels van participatie in de gezondheidszorg: van participerende patiënt naar participerende omgeving (pp. 116-125). Boom/Lemma. [details]
    • Pols, J. (2013). Relationeel burgerschap voor ongelijke burgers: een empirisch-filosofisch intermezzo. In E. Tonkens, & M. de Wilde (Eds.), Als meedoen pijn doet: affectief burgerschap in de wijk (pp. 68-83). (Tijdschrift voor sociale vraagstukken. Jaarboek; Vol. 2013). Van Gennep. [details]



    • Scholten, M., Pols, J., Drost, Y., & Voordouw, I. (2005). Consultatie in de eerstelijns GGZ: de praktijk van consultatie op lokaal niveau . (Trimbos-reeks; No. 2005-3). Trimbos-instituut. [details]


    • Pols, A. J., Michon, H., Depla, M. F. I. A., & Kroon, H. (2001). Rehabilitatie als praktijk. Een etnografisch onderzoek in twee psychiatrische ziekenhuizen./ Rehabilitation as practice. An ethnography in 2 psychiatric hospitals. Trimbos-institute.


    • Pols, A. J., Depla, M. F. I. A., & de Lange, J. (1998). Gewoon oud en chronisch. Mogelijkheden en beperkingen in de zorg voor ouderen met een psychiatrische achtergrond in het verzorgingshuis./ Ethnograhpy of care for older people with a psychiatric background in residential homes for the elderly. Trimbos-institute.

    Prize / grant

    • Roei, N., Pols, J. & Lane, M. (2023). Seed Grant Healthy Futures theme-based collaboration.
    • Pols, A. J. (2016). Research grant.
    • Pols, A. J. (2016). PhD research grant.
    • Pols, A. J. (2014). Best paper of the year..
    • Pols, A. J. (2013). Research Grant.
    • Pols, A. J. (2012). Special appointment as Full Professor ‘Social Theory, Humanism& Materialities’ department of Anthropology,.
    • Pols, A. J. (2011). Aspasia award..
    • Pols, A. J. (2008). Research Grant.
    • Pols, A. J. (2007). Research grant.
    • Pols, A. J. (2007). Research Grant.
    • Pols, A. J. (2004). Research Grant.
    • Pols, A. J. (2004). Three year prize from the Dutch Society for Bioethics for the best publication in medical ethics..
    • Pols, A. J. (1992). Honourable mention.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Pols, A. J. (2017-2018). Raad voor de Volksgezondheid.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • Roei, N. (speaker) & Pols, J. (speaker) (30-1-2025). Notes Towards Creative and Caring Research Practices, Care, Aesthetics and Repair, Soesterberg.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (31-3-2022). Self-tracking good for you?, University for Technology and Innovation.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (25-6-2019). Beyond promise and disruption: How healthcare and technology are made to fit., Munich Centre for Technology in Society.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (29-5-2019). Methods for studying what technologies can and cannot do., Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (12-3-2019). Care and its normative concerns, University of Roskilde.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (18-2-2019). Making sense with numbers. Unraveling practices of self-quantification, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (15-11-2018). Making Sense with numbers. Unraveling practices of self-quantification, Univeristy of Alberta, Edmonton.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (29-1-2018). Waardigheid in de zorg, Universiteit voor Humanistiek te Utrecht.
    • Pols, A. J. (keynote speaker) (17-11-2017). De kennis van patiënten, Semiplenaire sessie NHG dag.
    • Pols, A. J. (keynote speaker) (20-10-2017). Making sense with numbers. Material semiotics of self quantification, Manchester.
    • Pols, A. J. (keynote speaker) (22-9-2017). The quantified symptom. On: interdisciplinary conference on symptoms: Symptoms in Primary Care, VUMC Department of General Practice and international committee on Symptoms research in primary care.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (11-5-2017). Empirical ethics for ethnographies of the good. From de-scription to re-scription, Department of philosophy, University of Tilburg
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (27-4-2017). Care at a distance, Ecole des Mines, Sociology des Innovations.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (6-4-2017). About techno nurses and empathetic machines. Shifiting relations in shaping good care., University of Edinburgh.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (6-4-2017). About technonurses and empathetic machines. Shifting relations in shaping good care, Emotion seminars (Dept of STiS and Nursing), University of Edinburgh, UK.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (22-3-2017). Self tracking, good for you?, ‘Health by the Algorithm’, University for Technology & Innovation (TIK), Oslo, No.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (18-2-2017). About techno-nurses and empathetic machines. Shifting relations in shaping good care., University of Heidelberg.
    • Pols, J. (speaker) (9-2-2017). Self tracking good for you?, University of Roskilde.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (9-2-2017). Self tracking, good for you?, Research seminar with Professor Jeannette Pols at Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Roskilde, DK.
    • Pols, A. J. (keynote speaker) (18-1-2017). About technonurses and empathetic machines. Shifting relations in shaping good care, Pflegedingen: Dumme Dingen, Schlaue Sachen/ Foolish Things, Clever Stuff. The material side of nursing and care. Heidelberg.
    • Pols, A. J. (speaker) (12-1-2017). Panel in kader van ontwikkeling van de langetermijnvisie van zorgverzekeraars: De potentie van preventie, ‘Wetenschapsarena’ Zorgverzekeraars Nederland.
    • Ahlin, T. (speaker) & Pols, A. J. (speaker) (18-5-2016). Technologie in de zorg: tussen hype en nachtmerrie, Ben Sajet Centrum.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (9-11-2015). A matter of taste? Quality of life in day-to-day living with ALS and a feeding tube., Centre for Medical Science & Technology Studies, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (18-10-2015). What Is a Good Life? Can Science and Medicine Tell Us?, Festival of Ideas, London.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (18-10-2015). Can technology save the aging time bomb?, Festival of Ideas, London.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (18-9-2015). Reinventing the individual in the sciences, Symposium: An anthropology of what?, Amsterdam.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (25-8-2015). Good relations with technology. Empirical ethics and aesthetics in care, IPONS conference (philosophy of nursing),, Stockholm, Karolinska Institute.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (23-4-2015). Affective relations with technology., WTMC PhD workshop ‘Robots!, Ravenstijn.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (30-3-2015). Quality of life with Locked in Syndrome, Workshop for medical staff, Almere, Flevoziekenhuis.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (13-10-2014). Experience is not evidence., Expience as Evidence. Symposium on the sciences of subjectivity in healthcare, policy and practice., Oxford University.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (11-6-2014). Narrative versus Practice Approaches, 3 Day workshop 'Voices out of order', Long term care Partnership, Amsterdam.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (12-5-2014). What is good technology? Care, ethics and telecare, Care transformations – politics, ethics, practice, Faculty of nursing and the Ethics Insititute, Philosophical-Theological University of Vallendar., Vallendar, Germany,.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (30-4-2014). Telecare and technology studies; what technologies can and cannot do., STS intervision group meeting, Maastricht.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (8-4-2014). Technologie en esthetiek, Filosofisch café Philos, Week of Philosophy, Groningen.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (3-4-2014). Leven met een chronische ziekte. De belofte van technologie in de zorg., Meeting of the Network of Groninger Adragogues (GAN), Groningen.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (28-3-2014). Making Big Words work. About the surprising intellectual craft of pointing and folding., Workshop ‘Thinking through abstract nouns’, AISSR, Amsterdam University.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (21-3-2014). Citizenship in Long Term Mental Health Care, Journée d’étude internationale. Penser le soin. Politiques publiques et citoyenneté, Brussels, université Libre de Bruxelles.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (20-2-2014). Good innovations. Ethics and the case of Alzheimer diagnostics., Expert workshop ‘Responsible innovation in a multiple world – the case of early diagnostics for Alzheimer’s disease, Enschede, University of Twente.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (22-11-2013). Empirical ethics and technology, Leyden academy for vitality and aging, Leiden.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (8-11-2013). Technologie is nooit af, Roestvrij Innoveren., Groningen, UMCG revalidatie.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (31-10-2013). Technology and the aging society. What works?, Symposium ‘Roestvrij Innoveren,UMCG Centrum voor Revalidatie, ism ZIF, SPRINT en HANNN., Groningen University.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (9-10-2013). Invited lecture: ICT als oplossing voor een vergrijzende samenleving? Wat technologie wel en niet kan., Department Philosophy and Technology, KIVI NIRIA, Utrecht.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (6-9-2013). Swiss anthropology PHD course supervision, together with prof dr Sarah Lamb., Module “Images of Care”, organized by Prof. Brigit Obrist and Dr. Piet van Eeuwijk, University of Basel., Basel, Switserland.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (26-6-2013). ICT as a solution for an aging society?, Gezondheidswetenschappen, metamedica., Maastricht.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (26-6-2013). What technologies can and cannot do., Metamedica, University of Maastricht, Health Science.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (30-4-2013). ICT as a solution for an aging Europe? What technollogies can and cannot do., workshop on telecare developments, Glasgow.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (30-4-2013). ICT as the solution for an aging society? Governance of telecare, 2 day workshop on telecare, policy and research, Glasgow, university of Strathclyde.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (15-4-2013). Care at a distance. On the closeness of technology, Discussion IBG, Governance group on book, Rotterdam.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (15-4-2013). book discussion 'Care at a distance', Governance Group, Institute forPolicy and research, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (10-4-2013). Care at a distance, lecture for Diakohnhjemmet, Oslo, Norway.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (10-4-2013). Knowing patients. How to turn patient knowledge into science., Invited lecture for Diakohnhjemmet, Oslo.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (21-3-2013). ICT as the solution for an aging society., Colloquim techniekfilosofie, Universiteit Twente, Enschede.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (21-3-2013). ICT as the solution for an aging society? What technologies can and cannot do., Colloqium Philosphy of Technology, Enschede, dept. of Philosphy, University of Twente.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (2013). ICT in een vergrijzende samenleving. Wat technologie wel en niet kan, KIVI NIRIA, Utrecht.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (13-12-2012). Normativity beyond critique -and how that involves theory., WTMC annual meeting, lecture and book launch 'Care at a distance'., Amsterdam.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (26-6-2012). Invited lecture: Evaluating telecare, involving users. Ethnography in Empirical Ethics., 11th conference of the International Association of Bioethics: THINKING AHEAD, Bioethics and the Future, and the Future of Bioethics., Rotterdam.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (20-6-2012). Invited lecture: ICT as a solution for an aging society? What technologies can or cannot do. Conference ’Distributed health care solutions: possibilities and limitations.’, Diakonhjemmet University College, Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo, Department of health care at the University College of Narvik, Narvik.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (18-6-2012). Invited lecture: ICT als oplossing voor een vergrijzend Europa? Wat technologie wel en niet kan., Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Zorg.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (28-5-2012). Invited lecture: ethnographic methods in research into nursing care, Nursing School, University of British Columbia.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (13-5-2012). Key note: Washing the patient. On aesthetic values in nursing care., Bi-annual conference: Philosophy in the Nurse’s World, organised by the Institute for Philosophical Nursing Research (IPNR).
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (25-4-2012). Invited lecture: Honours lectures over ‘Virtualiteit’, voor Bachelor studenten van de Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
    • Pols, A. J. (invited speaker) (18-4-2012). Key note: Technologies for independence: how technologies arrange our relations, Annual conference ‘Innovative education for active ageing’, organised by a Consortium of institutes of Higher Educations in Health and Rehabilitation in Europe (COHEHRE )., Aalborg.


    • Roei, N. (organiser), Pols, J. (participant), Lane, M. (participant) & Stergioula, S. (participant) (31-1-2024). Stimulus launch and stakeholder meeting, Amsterdam. Stimulus launch and stakeholder meeting (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Pols, J. (organiser), Lane, M. (organiser), Stergioula, S. (organiser), Parry, M. (participant), Sezneva, O. (participant), Krause, K. (participant), Vroon, V. (participant), Yalciner, G. (participant), Camuti, F. (participant) & Phillips, S. (participant) (12-10-2023). ArtiC interfaculty meeting, Amsterdam. ArtiC interfaculty meeting (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Pols, J. (organiser), Lane, M. (organiser), Stergioula, S. (organiser), Gilboa, I. (participant) & Laitempergher, A. (participant) (14-9-2023). ArtiC meeting with external partners, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (organiser) (28-6-2017 - 30-6-2017). International academic workshop ‘Thinking with dementia’ (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (participant) (23-6-2017 - 24-6-2017). Publiekssymposium ‘Goed leven met dementia, hoe doen we dat?’ (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016). Co-initator and member of the Collaborative network New Modes of Citizenship in Healthcare., University of Amsterdam/ University of Copenhagen. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016). Member editorial team, ‘Denkbeeld.’ (Professionals journal for psychogeriatrics) (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016). PhD committee, Radboud University Nijmegen. Candidate: Jelle van Gurp, Teleconsultation in palliative care at home. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016). PhD committee, University of Oslo. Candidate; Adeline Hvidsten, PhD thesis: Mobile and welfare technology in homecare. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016). PhD committee, Free University Amsterdam. Candidate: Isis van Gennep. PhD-thesis: Personal dignity in seriously ill patients (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016 - 2020). International advisor PhD project Difficult interaction in home care nursing, University of Iceland (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (organiser) (2016). Philosophy of care, Amsterdam, AMC. Bi monthly lectures by external speakers for Philosphy of Care meetings (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016 - 2020). International advisor PhD projectThe realisation of the right to care of senior citizens in situations of welfare dependency: a qualitative study., University of Gent (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2016). PhD committee, Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam. Candidate: Huub Creemers. PhD-thesis: Optimizing quality of care for patients with ALS and their family caregivers, (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, Free University, Amsterdam. Candidate: Alistair Macintyre. PhD thesis: Surveilling autonomy, securing care Exploring good care with surveillance technology in residential care for vulnerable people. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). member PhD committee, University of Copenhagen. Candidate: Julie Christina Grew. Paricipatory patients Configuring the users of ICD prophylactic therapy and distant monitoring. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, Academic medical Centre Amsterdam. Candidate: Steven Visser, PhD thesis: Ergonomic measures in construction work: enhancing evidence-based implementation (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, Erasmus University. Candidate: Lieke Oldenhof. PhD thesis: The multiple middle. Managing in health care. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, University of Gent. Candidate: Karel de Vos PhD thesis: Voorstructureringen in de zorg. Een sociaal-pedagogisch perspectief op de evolutie in de omgang tussen opvoeders en jongeren in de bijzondere jeugdzorg. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam. Candidate: Beate Giebner, phD-thesis: Gedeelde ruimte. De ontvankelijkheid van zorgverleners in patiëntencontacten. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, University of Amsterdam. Candidate: Mandy de Wilde PhD thesis: Brave new citizen. Belonging in a post-political neighborhood. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, University of Twente. Candidate: Ivo maathuis. PhD thesis: Technologies of Compliance? Telecare Technologies and Selfmanagement of Chronic Patients. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2015). PhD committee, University of Amsterdam. Candidate: Anna Mann, Tasting in Mundane Practices: Ethnographic Interventions in Social Science Theory (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2014). PhD committee, Academic Medical Centre. Candidate: Judith van Velzen. PhD -hesis: Return to work after acquired brain injury. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2014). PhD committee, Free University Amsterdam. Candidate: Mariska Oosterveld-Vlug. PhD thesis: Personal dignity in nursing homes. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2014 - 2016). International advisor Danish research project Welfare technologies in health care., Univeristy of Roskilde & KORA, the Danish Institute for Local and Regional Government Research (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2014). PhD committee, Academic medical centre Amsterdam. Candidate: Sarah Ketelaar. PhD thesis: Caring for healthcare professionals: improving prevention in occupational healthcare (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2014). PhD committee, University of Amsterdam. Candidate: Femianne Bredewold PhD thesis: Lof der oppervlakkigheid. Contact tussen mensen met een verstandelijke of psychiatrische achtergrond en buurtbewoners (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2014). PhD committee, University of Twente. Candidate: Lucy Dalibert, PhD thesisi: Posthumanism and somatechnologies. Exploring the intimate relations between humans and technologies (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2014). PhD committee, Copenhagen Business school. Candidate: Kathrine Hoffmann Pii. PhD- thesis: Responsibility Flows in Patient-centred Prevention. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2013). PhD committee, Free University, Amsterdam. Candidate: Elleke Landeweer. PhD thesis: Moral Dynamics in Psychiatry. Fostering reflection and change regarding coercion and restraint. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (participant) (6-9-2012). Inspirational symposium Care, Ethics & Aesthetics, voor de PhD’s van AmC en de afdeling Sociologie en Antropologie. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2011 - 2014). International advisor for Norwegian Research Project ‘Distributed health care solutions: possibilities and limitations.’, Diakonhjemmet University College, University of Oslo, University College of Narvik. (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2011). PhD committee, University of Arhus. Candidate: Stinne Aalökke Ballegaard, PhD thesis: Health care technology in the home. Of home patients, family caregivers, and a vase of flowers.’ (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2010). PhD committee, University of Arhus. Candidate: Katia Dupret Söndergaard. PhD-thesis: ‘Innovating mental health care’. (other).
    • M'charek, A. A. (organiser) & Pols, J. (organiser) (16-12-2009). Organizer of the international workshop "Distributed Bodies Practices of disability and chronic disease" (December 16th, 2009, Amsterdam), Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (other) (2009 - 2015). Advisory Board of the Centre for Ethics and Health,, Goverment Advisory Boards: Public Health & Care (RVZ) and Health (Gezondheidsraad). (other).
    • Pols, A. J. (organiser) (2008). 2 day international symposium ‘Disability & Citizenship.’ Public lectures and paper workshop., Academic medical Centre Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (organiser) (2007). Utrecht, Amsterdam medical Centre in cooperation with Lancaster University.. European conference on telecare: Telecare: Dialogue and Debate - the emergence of new technologies and responsibilities for healthcare at home in (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pols, A. J. (organiser) (2007). Psychiatry and citizenship. A seminar with Geoff Shepherd, Amsterdam., Amsterdam Medical Centre (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Kata, P. (2017). The politics of the aesthetic body: The moral life of blind singers in contemporary Thailand. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Pols, A. J. (2004). Good care. Enacting a complex ideal in long-term psychiatry. [Thesis, fully external, Universiteit Twente]. Trimbos-instituut.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • University of Stavanger
      Member of Advisory Board Research project 'Caring Futures'
    • Philadelphia
      Chair of the Ethics Advisory Board for Human Centred Technology