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Dr. N.R.M. (Nicky) Pouw

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Governance and Inclusive Development
Photographer: Maartje Strijbis

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: B4.05
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Research and Teaching

    Associate Professor in Economics of Wellbeing at the Governance and Inclusive Development research programme (GID) of the AISSR.

    I am a development economist with over 25 years of research experience in international development studies, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa (Ghana, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Côte d'Ivoire) and Sri Lanka. My PhD was on the Characterization of Poverty in Rural Uganda.

    Currently, I am responsible for leading the following research:

    1. Building Inclusive Business Models. Enhancing Women’s Food Entrepreneurship in city slums of Kisumu, Kenya and Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2015-2019), which is an interdisciplinary research project in collaboration with the natural sciences (FNWI) at UvA and research partners in Burkina Faso and Kenya, as well as policymakers, CBOs and private sector partners from the Netherlands and Africa.
    2. The Vicious Circle between Poverty and Ill-Health in Ghana and Kenya (2015-2017), which is a multidisciplinary research project in collaboration with EADI, research partners and NGOs/CBOs in Ghana and Kenya.
    3. Social Exclusion of Vulnerable Youth, for SOS Children's Villages in six countries (2016-2018): Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Indonesia, Guatemala and the Netherlands.
    4. Her Choice, impact assessment component on child marriages community level sensitization programmes, for THP, ICDI, and Kinderpostzegels (2015-2020) - led by Dr Esther Miedema & Dr Winny Koster (UvA).

    As part of my international research projects, I collaborate a lot with local governors, ministries, NGOs, CSOs and other stakeholders on the ground. Besides these applied projects, I am deeply engageded in pushing the scientific and public debates on inclusive development and rethinking the economy from a broader wellbeing perspective. I have elaborated upon the basic premises of both in several international peer reviewed publications, special issues (EJDR on 'Inclusive Development', 2015; COSUST on 'Inclusive and Sustainable Development', 2017; COSUST on 'Inclusive Business', upcoming) and two recent books (The Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective (Routledge, 2019) and Introduction to Gender and Wellbeing in Microeconomics (Routledge 2017) and provide guest lectures on this topic to a varied audience of scholars, NGOs, public policymakers and politicians. I am currently working on a new book on  The Economics of Wellbeing.

    Project Leader

    Research Project Collaborations

    Other functions

    • Chair of the Board The Broker - 2018-present
    • Scientific Board Member, African Studies Centre, Leiden University - 2013-2018
    • Research Fellow, African Studies Centre, Leiden University - 2012- present
    • Visiting Lecturer, UNESCO-IHE, Delft University - 2014-2018 
    • Trust Person PhDs at AISSR - 2017- present
    • NWO DOVIDI and VENI Selection Committees - 2017, 2018, 2019
    • NWO ARF Selection Committees - 2015, 2016, 2017
    • External Examinar Board of Examinations, Cardiff University (UK), 2012-2014

    Keynotes 2018-2019

    • Three presentations at Women Food Entrepreneurship Workshop, 12-15 February 2019, Kisumu, Kenya
    • Keynote on ‘Social Exclusion of Vulnerable Youth in Kenya, Malawi and Côte d’Ivoire’, 18 January 2019, ANCR Careleaving Conference, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
    • Invited presentation on ‘Waithood among Young Careleavers in Kenya, Malawi and Côte d’Ivoire’, 15 January 2019, ANCR Careleaving Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa
    • Keynote on ‘Economic Justice’ at AISSR Annual Harvest Day, 22 November 2018, University of Amsterdam
    • Invited presentation on ‘Exploring and addressing the exclusion of “invisible” youth: Applying a relational framework to SDG 10.2’, CROP Conference, 11 & 12 October 2018, The New School & UNDP, New York
    • Invited presentation on ‘Key Findings of Research on Social Protection and Inclusive Growth and Development in Kenya and Ghana’, 21 November 2018, INCLUDE Knowledge Platform Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
    Fieldresearch for PADev
  • Publications

    International Peer Reviewed Publications


    • dos Santos, R., Gupta, J., Pouw, N.R.M. & Schwartz, K. (2019). Public water supply and sanitation policies and inclusive development of the urban poor in Brazil. Water Policy.
    • Jonkman, T. Jansen, B., Kalbitz, K. & Pouw, N.R.M. (2018). Soil nutrient content in relation to women's agricultural knowledge in the urban gardens of Kisumu, Kenya", to Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Agronomy for Sustainable Development
    • Pouw, N., Rohregger, B., Schüring, E., Alatinga, K., Kinuthia, B., & Bender, K. (2018). Social Protection in Ghana and Kenya through an Inclusive Development Lens: complex effects and risks. IZNE Working Paper Series.
    • Rohregger, B., Bender, K., Kinuthia, B., Schüring, E., Ikua, G., & Pouw, N.R.M. (2018). The politics of implementation or why institutional interaction matters: The role of traditional authorities in delivering pro-poor social policies in Kenya. IZNE Working Paper Series.
    • Pouw, N.R.M. and J. Gupta (2017) ‘Editorial: Sustainability Sciences’ Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (COSUST), Special Issue on ‘Inclusive Development’, April 2017
    • Pouw, N.R.M. and J. Gupta (2017) ‘Inclusive Development: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach’, COSUST, February 2017
    • Koralagama, D. Gupta, J. and N.R.M. Pouw (2017) ‘Inclusive Development from a Gender Perspective in Small-scale Fisheries in Sri Lanka’, COSUST, January 2017. [5-year IF: 4.766]
    • Gupta, J. and N.R.M. Pouw (2017) ‘Towards a Trans-Disciplinary Conceptualization of Inclusive Development’, COSUST, April 2017.
    • Alda Vidal, C., M.Z. Zwarteveen, M. Rusca, N.R.M. Pouw and K. Schwartz (2017) Occupational genders and gendered occupations: The case of water provisioning in Maputo, Mozambique’, Gender, Place and Culture, accepted March 2017.
    • Pouw, N.R.M. and K. Janvier (2017) ‘Participatory Assessment of development in rural Burkina Faso. A new methodology for resolving old pains’, RCEjournal (Burkina Faso), February 2017.
    • McGregor, J.A. and N.R.M. Pouw (2016) ‘Towards an Economics of Wellbeing’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, accepted 22 April 2016 
    • Pouw, N.R.M. et al. (2016) ‘Participatory Assessment of Development: Lessons learned from a new evaluation methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso’, American Journal of Evaluation, (on-line 12 April 2016).
    • Pouw, N.R.M., Dietz, A.J., Belemvire, A., de Groot, D., Millar, D., Obeng, F., Rijneveld, W., van der Geest, K., Vlaminck, Z. and F. Zaal (2016) Participatory Assessment of Development: lessons learned from a new evaluation methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso. American Journal of Evaluation:
    • /04/06/1098214016641210.full.pdf+html
    • Pouw, N.R.M. (2015) Guest Editor of Special Issue on ‘Strategic Governance and Inclusive Development’, European Journal of Development Research, 17 August 2015.
    • Pouw, N.R.M. and G.A. de Bruijne (2015) Editorial. European Journal of Development Research, 17 August 2015
    •  Gupta, J., N.R.M. Pouw and M. Ros-Tonen (2015) Towards an Elaborated Theory of Inclusive Development, European Journal of Development Research, 17 August 2015.
    • Pouw, N. R. M. and B. Gilmore (2015) ‘Dietary Wellbeing in Mumbai Slums’, European Journal of Development Research (12 February 2015; doi:10.1057/ejdr.2014.69)
    • Pouw, N. R. M. and A. J. McGregor (2014) ‘An Economics of Wellbeing: What would economics look like if it were focused on human wellbeing?’ IDS Working Paper Series 436, Sussex University: IDS.
    • Thorpe, A. and N. R. M. Pouw (2014) ‘Fishing not Everybody’s Business. A Gender analysis of fishing livelihoods in Sierra Leone’, Feminist Economics, 20(3): 53-77.
    • Pouw, N. R. M. and A. L. Noack (2014) ‘A blind spot in food and nutrition security: Where culture and social change shape the local food plate’, Journal of Agriculture and Human Value, 32: 169-182 (DOI 10.1007/s10460-014-9538-y).
    • Dietz, T., R. Bymolt, A. Bélemvire, K. van der Geest, D. de Groot, D. Millar, F. Obeng, N. Pouw, W. Rijneveld & F. Zaal (2013). PADev Guidebook. Participatory Assessment of Development, version 1.1. University of Amsterdam: AISSR.
    • Pouw, N. R. M. & C. T. M. Elbers (2012) ‘Modeling Sequencing Patterns in Asset Acquisition by Rural Smallholder Farmers in Uganda’, Journal of International Development Studies, 48(9): 1360-1374.
    • Pouw, N.R.M. (2011) ‘When Growth is Empty. Toward more inclusive economics’, The Broker, Issue 25: 4-8.


    • Lepeley, M.T., N. Beutell, K. Kuschell, N.R.M. Pouw &  (2019). The Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective, New York: Routledge [edited book]
    • Likoko, E., Pouw, N.R.M., Odame, H.S. & Okeyo-Owuor, J.B. (2019). Rethinking Women in Survival Entrepreneurship and Wellbeing in Kenya. In Lepeley et al. (eds) The Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective, New York: Routledge, Chapter 24.
    • Pouw, N.R.M. (2017) Introduction to Gender and Wellbeing, New York/London: Routledge [Monograph]
    • Altaf, A. and N.R.M. Pouw (2016) Chapter 2: Defining, targeting, and reaching the very poor in Benin, in D. Hulme (2016) Reaching the Ultra-Poor, London: Practical Action Publishing
    • Ros-Tonen, M., N.R.M. Pouw and M. Bavinck (2015) Governing beyond Cities. The Urban-Rural Interface. In J. Gupta, K. Pfeffer, H. Verrest, and M. Ros-Tonen (eds.) Geographies of Urban Governance, Chapter 5, Springer International Publishers.
    • Pouw, N.R.M. and I.S.A. Baud (eds.) (2012) Local Governance and Poverty in Developing Nations, New York: Routledge.
    • Pouw, N. R. M. & I. S. A. Baud (2011) ‘Introduction’, Chapter 1 in N.R.M. Pouw & I. S. A. Baud (eds.) Local Governance and Poverty in Developing Nations, New York: Routledge.
    • Pouw, N. R. M. & B. Gilmore (2011) ‘Wellbeing in Theory and in Practice’, Chapter 2 in N. R. M. Pouw and I.S.A. Baud (eds.) Local Governance and Poverty in Developing Nations, New York:Routledge.
    • Pouw, N.R.M. (2012) ‘Asset Accumulation among Smallholder Farmers in Uganda’, Chapter 4 in N.R.M. Pouw and I.S.A. Baud (eds.) Local Governance and Poverty in Developing Nations, New York: Routledge.




    • Heerschap, N., Pouw, N.R.M. & Atmeh, C. (2018). Measuring Online Platforms. The Hague: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS).
    • Koster, W., Miedema, E., Sotirova, A., Pouw, N.R.M. & Meyer, P. (2019) Her Choice Midline Evaluation Synthesis Report. University of Amsterdam: AISSR & Her Choice.


    • Pouw, N.R.M. & team (2018) Policy Brief #1 Kisumu Food and Nutrition Security
    • Pouw, N.R.M. & team (2018) Policy Brief #2 Food and Nutrition Survey in Nyalenda and Kisumu Informal Settlements 
    • Pouw, N.R.M. & team (2019) Policy Brief #3 Female farmer associations as adaptation strategies to climate variability in Ouagadougou’s peri-urban agriculture

    INTERVIEWS/You Tube:

  • Blogposts

    Rethinking the Economy from Ground Up

    07/02/2019 by Christiane Kliemann

    By Nicky Pouw

     In the global policy and research debates on inclusive growth and inclusive development  increasing emphasis is put on the need to rethink the economy. The expiration date of the neoliberal growth model seems nearly over. False assumptions have led to false policy prescriptions, with detrimental impacts on society and nature. Instead of greater human wellbeing for all, inequality, social-economic, political and climatic risks have increased. Another great concern is that the poorest of the poor are excluded from neoliberal growth, or are at best adversely incorporated. They are not even effectively reached by development interventions.

    Both from within the economics discipline and from the outside, new proposals are being put forward to rethinking the econonomy. These range from encompassing measurements of societal progressre-orienting the economytowards human wellbeing, towards putting a price on nature, and alternative framings of the economy.  From an inclusive development perspective, investments in 1. voice and empowerment,  2. social and environmental sustainability and 3.  human wellbeing are paramount.

    The economy is never neutral

    However, these are typically juxtaposed as costly afterthoughts in neoliberal growth models. Only under the condition that there is money left, societies might show benevolent enough to invest in their fellow citizens and in nature on which they depend. Therefore I argue for rethinking the economy from the ground up, starting with redressing its basic premises. To begin with, I define the economy as a socially and politically instituted process of resource allocation, from and to economic agents. This is by far not a neutral process. Power inequities twist and turn economic processes and outcomes to the benefits of the rich and better off. The above definition of the economy creates room for integrated power analysis. Neither is the economy a closed, nor a controlable physiological system. On the contrary, the economy is embedded in nature and a socially and politically instituted process, and as such open to influences from outside. The ‘economy’ is interconnected  via sub-systems of internal relations and allocation mechanisms, for example in the form of market mechanisms, reciprocity and redistribution. It consists of structures and layers, but these are temporal and context specific. Cultural values, past and future priorities, play a role in making economic decisions in the presence. Economic agents engage in (more or less) purposeful (not ‘rational’) behaviour to make economic decisions. As such, economic change is not a series of stable idiosyncratic events, but subject to emergent change, shocks and unexpected events.

    10 Reasons why economics should change

    Following from the above epistemological premises, I propose a list of 10 reasons why economics should change:

    1. Economics has lost touch with the daily realities of people on the ground;
    2. Economics is based on a misguided view of the human being. The underlying assumptions are not representative of the human being as a social human being;
    3. Economics should be more about human wellbeing, and less about money;
    4. The economy is embedded in a constellation of social and political institutions. Their influence on economic processes and outcomes is endogenous;
    5. The economy is modelled as if it is a closed and controllable system. However, in reality it is an open process with emergent and evolving features;
    6. The economy defines itself as seperate from nature. However, in reality mutual interdependencies exist between the economy and nature;
    7. The current economic growth model is short-sighted. It overlooks the long term importance of social cohesion and inclusive economy;
    8. The current economic growth model prefers growth over stability and overlooks the added value of sustainability;
    9. Power is an underestimated factor in economics. The economic analysis of distribution should problematice power relations sine qua non;
    10. The economy needs new performance indicators. Economic performance should be measured in terms of more than economic growth alone.

    Once we see the economy as embedded in society, politics and nature, we can understand the complex interactions between, for example, resource use, nature and the economy, or between empowerment, social cohesion and the economy. Whether economies embark on a degenerative, environmentally unsustainable and exlusive  development pathway or a regenerative, sustainable and  inclusive one ultimately remains a matter of political choice.

    Nicky Pouw is Associate Professor in the Governance and Inclusive Development programme at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She is a development economist with 25 years of research experience on poverty, inequality, gender, inclusive development and economics of wellbeing, notably in African economies. She is Chair of The Broker and author of multiple international peer reviewed books and articles.

    Image by Sharmin Akther Amy

  • Social Exclusion of Vulnerable Youth - Research Project

    Project description

    This is a study commissioned by SOS Children's Villages on the Social Exclusion of Vulnerable Youth and conducted by Nicky Pouw and Katie Hodgkinson at AISSR, University of Amsterdam. The study aims to understand the mechanisms behind the social exclusion and self-exclusion of vulnerable youth in four different countries: Indonesia, Guatemala, Cote d'Ivoir and the Netherlands. The study runs from 2015-2017.

    Literature Review

    Literature Review is available below.

    Research Design

    The Research Design is available below.

  • Publications


    • Ahwireng, A. K., Bavinck, M., Onumah, E. E., Pouw, N., & Nunoo, F. K. E. (2024). Post-Harvest Travels of Marine Fish: How Small Fish Food Systems Variously Support Food Security and Nutrition in Coastal and Inland Cities in Ghana. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 115(3), 418-438. [details]



    • Bender, K., Rohregger, B., Kinuthia, B., Ikua, G., Schuring, E., Adamba, C., Alatinga, K. A., & Pouw, N. (2021). Different pathways of social protection reforms: An analysis of long-term institutional change in Kenya. World Development, 137, Article 105210. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Gupta, J., Bavinck, M., Ros-Tonen, M., Asubonteng, K., Bosch, H., van Ewijk, E., Hordijk, M., Van Leynseele, Y., Lopes Cardozo, M., Miedema, E., Pouw, N., Rammelt, C., Scholtens, J., Vegelin, C., & Verrest, H. (2021). COVID-19, poverty and inclusive development. World Development, 145, Article 105527. [details]
    • Rohregger, B., Bender, K., Kinyanjui Kinuthia, B., Schuring, E., Ikua, G., & Pouw, N. (2021). The politics of implementation: The role of traditional authorities in delivering social policies to poor people in Kenya. Critical Social Policy, 41(3), 404–425. [details]


    • Kini, J., Pouw, N., & Gupta, J. (2020). Organic vegetables demand in urban area using a count outcome model: case study of Burkina Faso. Agricultural and Food Economics, 8, Article 22. [details]
    • Lepeley, M-T., Kuschel, K., Beutell, N., Pouw, N., & Eijdenberg, E. L. (Eds.) (2020). The Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective. (Human Centered Management book series). Routledge. [details]
    • Likoko, E., Pouw, N., Okeyo-Owuor, J., & Odame, H. (2020). Rethinking women in survival entrepreneurship and wellbeing in Kenya. In M-T. Lepeley, K. Kuschel, N. Beutell, N. Pouw, & E. L. Eijdenberg (Eds.), The Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship : A Global Perspective (pp. 374-390). (Human Centered Management book series). Routledge. [details]
    • Miedema, E., Koster, W., & Pouw, N. (2020). Taking choice seriously: Emic understandings of decision-making about child marriage. Progress in Development Studies, 20(4), 261-269. [details]
    • Miedema, E., Koster, W., Pouw, N., Meyer, P., & Sotirova, A. (2020). The Struggle for Public Recognition: Understanding Early Marriage through the Lens of Honour and Shame in Six Countries in South Asia and West Africa. Progress in Development Studies, 20(4), 328-346 . [details]
    • Pouw, N. R. M., Rohregger, B., Schüring, E., Alatinga, K. A., Kinuthia, B., & Bender, K. (2020). Social protection in Ghana and Kenya through an inclusive development Lens. Complex effects and risks. World Development Perspectives, 17, Article 100173. [details]
    • Pouw, N., & Humblot, M. (2020). Self-building in contested spaces: livelihoods and productivity challenges of the urban poor in Africa. In W. Salet, C. D'Ottaviano, S. Majoor, & D. Bossuyt (Eds.), The Self-Build Experience: Institutionalisation, Place-Making and City Building (pp. 57-76). (Urban Policy, Planning and the Built Environment). Policy Press. [details]





    • Gilmore, B., & Pouw, N. (2016). Digesting urban space: dietary wellbeing in Mumbai slums. European Journal of Development Research, 28(2), 236-251. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Pouw, N., & Kini, J. (2016). Participatory assessment of development in rural Burkina Faso : a new methodology resolving old pains. Révue Economique et Sociale, 10-33. [details]




    • Pouw, N. (2012). Poverty and asset accumulation among smallholder farmers in Uganda. In N. Pouw, & I. Baud (Eds.), Local governance and poverty in developing nations (pp. 52-72). (Routledge studies in development and society; No. 31). Routledge. [details]
    • Pouw, N., & Baud, I. (2012). Introduction. In N. Pouw, & I. Baud (Eds.), Local governance and poverty in developing nations (pp. 1-13). (Routledge studies in development and society; No. 31). Routledge. [details]
    • Pouw, N., & Elbers, C. (2012). Modelling priority patterns in asset acquisition: the case of smallholder farmers in three rural districts in Uganda. Journal of Development Studies, 48(9), 1360-1374. [details]
    • Pouw, N., & Gilmore, B. (2012). Well-being in theory and in practice. In N. Pouw, & I. Baud (Eds.), Local governance and poverty in developing nations (pp. 17-31). (Routledge studies in development and society; No. 31). Routledge. [details]



    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2010). Naar een genderbewuste economische wetenschap: de meerwaarde van wiskunde. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 13(2), 38-53. [details]








    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2012). Women and wellbeing in the fishing community of Rekawa, Sri Lanka: field-research report. University of Amsterdam, GID. [details]
    • Pouw, N., & Baud, I. (Eds.) (2012). Local governance and poverty in developing nations. (Routledge studies in development and society; Vol. 31). Routledge. [details]







    • Bender, K., Rohregger, B., Kinuthia, B., Ikua, G., Pouw, N. R. M., & Schuring, E. (2017). Understanding multiple trajectories of extending social protection to the poor: An analysis of institutional change in Kenya.


    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2011). Gender and Economics. Paper presented at UvA/ARC-GS Monthly Lecture Series, .
    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2011). Gender bewustzijn in de Economische Wetenschap. Paper presented at 30 Jaar na Joke Smit. Groot denken over zorg en macht; alternatieve, feministische visies op economie en democratie, .
    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2011). Toward More Inclusive Economics. Paper presented at Annual Conference Eastern Economics Association, New York, .

    Prize / grant

    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2015). NWO-WOTRO Global Food and Business Integrated Programme award - 4 years (2015-2019).
    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2015). NWO-WOTRO Inclusive Development: Social Protection award - 2 years (2015-2017).

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Pouw, N. R. M. (invited speaker) (17-12-2015). Rethinking Economics: Towards an Economics of Wellbeing, UNU-Merit Lectures, Maastricht.
    • Pouw, N. R. M. (invited speaker) (3-3-2015). Africa's Inclusive Development. Wishful thinking or a reality already happening?, IIS Lecture Series And Now Africa, Den Haag.
    • Gupta, J. (invited speaker), Schwartz, K. H. (invited speaker) & Pouw, N. R. M. (invited speaker) (1-7-2014). Pro-poor Policy Instruments and Urban Water Governance in Sao Paulo and Maputo: A Multi-level Analysis, Earth System Governance Conference.
    • Pouw, N. (invited speaker) (7-11-2012). Arm & Rijk, Lezingenserie KNAG, op 7, 10 en 14 November 2012, Zwolle, Tilburg, Amsterdam.


    • Pouw, N. R. M. (2008). 'The Characterization and Monitoring of Poverty. The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Rural Uganda'. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • NWO
      SGW Domeinbestuur - vertegenwoordiging namens UvA
    • African Studies Centre Leiden University
      Scientific Board Member