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Dr. J. (Jurgen) Tijms

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Cultural Sociology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Guerra, G., Tierney, A., Tijms, J., Vaessen, A., Bonte, M., & Dick, F. (2024). Attentional modulation of neural sound tracking in children with and without dyslexia. Developmental Science, 27(1), Article e13420.
    • Guerra, G., Tijms, J., Tierney, A., Vaessen, A., Dick, F., & Bonte, M. (2024). Auditory attention influences trajectories of symbol–speech sound learning in children with and without dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 237, Article 105761.
    • Khanolainen, D., Verwimp, C., Tijms, J., Tolvanen, A., Salminen, J., & Torppa, M. (2024). Developing and validating an abbreviated adult reading history questionnaire in the Finnish and Dutch contexts. Journal of Research in Reading, 47(2), 132-144.
    • Verwimp, C., Vaessen, A., Snellings, P., Wiers, R. W., & Tijms, J. (2024). The COVID generation: Online dyslexia treatment equally effective as face-to-face treatment in a Dutch sample. Annals of Dyslexia, 74(2), 187–196.
    • van der Molen, M. W., Snellings, P., Aravena, S., Fraga González, G., Zeguers, M. H. T., Verwimp, C., & Tijms, J. (2024). Dyslexia, the Amsterdam Way. Behavioral Sciences, 14(1), Article 72. [details]



    • Amora, K. K., Tretow, A., Verwimp, C., Tijms, J., Leppänen, P. H. T., & Csépe, V. (2022). Typical and Atypical Development of Visual Expertise for Print as Indexed by the Visual Word N1 (N170w): A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, Article 898800.
    • Van Koert, M. J. H., Leona, N. L., Rispens, J. E., Tijms, J., Van der Molen, M. W., van Daal, V. H. P., & Snellings, P. (2022). The role of memory in the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar in the first language and in English as a foreign language. In V. De Wilde, & C. Goriot (Eds.), Second Language Learning Before Adulthood: Individual Differences in Children and Adolescents (pp. 31-64). (Studies on Language Acquisition ; Vol. 65). De Gruyter Mouton. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Guerra, G., Tijms, J., Vaessen, A., Tierney, A., Dick, F., & Bonte, M. (2020). Loudness and Intelligibility of Irrelevant Background Speech Differentially Hinder Children's Short Story Reading. Mind, Brain, and Education. Advance online publication.
    • Tijms, J., Fraga-González, G., Karipidis, I. I., & Brem, S. (2020). The Role of Letter-Speech Sound Integration in Normal and Abnormal Reading Development. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 1441. [details]
    • Tijms, J., Pavlidou, E. V., & Hoette, H. A. I. (2020). Improvements in reading and spelling skills after a phonological and morphological knowledge intervention in Greek children with spelling difficulties: a pilot study. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35(5), 711-721. [details]


    • Fraga González, G., Smit, D. J. A., van der Molen, M. J. W., Tijms, J., de Geus, E. J. C., & van der Molen, M. W. (2019). Probability learning and feedback processing in dyslexia: A performance and heart rate analysis. Psychophysiology, 56(12), Article e13460. [details]


    • Aravena, S., Tijms, J., Snellings, P., & van der Molen, M. W. (2018). Predicting Individual Differences in Reading and Spelling Skill With Artificial Script–Based Letter–Speech Sound Training. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(6), 552-564. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Fraga González, G., Karipidis, I. I., & Tijms, J. (2018). Dyslexia as a Neurodevelopmental Disorder and What Makes It Different from a Chess Disorder. Brain Sciences, 8(10), Article 189. [details]
    • Fraga González, G., Smit, D. J. A., van der Molen, M. J. W., Tijms, J., Stam, C. J., de Geus, E. J. C., & van der Molen, M. W. (2018). EEG Resting State Functional Connectivity in Adult Dyslexics Using Phase Lag Index and Graph Analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, Article 341. [details]
    • Tijms, J., Stoop, M. A., & Polleck, J. N. (2018). Bibliotherapeutic book club intervention to promote reading skills and social– emotional competencies in low SES community-based high schools: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(3), 525-545. [details]
    • Žarić, G., Timmers, I., Gerretsen, P., Fraga González, G., Tijms, J., van der Molen, M. W., Blomert, L., & Bonte, M. (2018). Atypical White Matter Connectivity in Dyslexic Readers of a Fairly Transparent Orthography. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 1147. [details]





    • Fraga González, G., Žarić, G., Tijms, J., Bonte, M., Blomert, L., & van der Molen, M. W. (2014). Brain-potential analysis of visual word recognition in dyslexics and typically reading children. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, Article 474. [details]
    • Žarić, G., Fraga González, G., Tijms, J., van der Molen, M. W., Blomert, L., & Bonte, M. (2014). Reduced neural integration of letters and speech sounds in dyslexic children scales with individual differences in reading fluency. PLoS ONE, 9(10), Article e110337. [details]


    • Aravena, S., Snellings, P., Tijms, J., & van der Molen, M. W. (2013). A lab-controlled simulation of a letter-speech sound binding deficit in dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115(4), 691-707. [details]





    • Tijms, J., & Hoeks, J. J. W. M. (2005). A computerized treatment of dyslexia: Benefits from treating lexico-phonological processing problems. Dyslexia, 11, 22-40. [details]





    • Fraga González, G., Van der Molen, M. J. W., Žarić, G., Bonte, M., Tijms, J., Blomert, L., Stam, C. J., & Van der Molen, M. W. (2018). Corrigendum to “Graph analysis of EEG resting state functional networks in dyslexic readers” [Clin. Neurophysiol. 127(9) (2016) 3165–3175](S1388245716304539)(10.1016/j.clinph.2016.06.023). Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(1), 339-340.


    • Aravena, S., & Tijms, J. (2009). Reading fluency and Dyslexia: Innovative developments in the role of Associative learning and Repetitive exposure in skill acquisition. In J. E. Larson (Ed.), Educational psychology: Cognition and learning, individual differences and motivation (pp. 113-141). Nova Science Publishers. [details]


    • Tijms, J. (2008). Efficacy of a psycholinguistic treatment of dyslexia: external and internal validity. In G. V. Iwald, & K. B. Pierce (Eds.), Language development: learning and disorders (pp. 1-33). (Nova biomedical). Nova Science. [details]


    • van Gelder, M., Tijms, J., & Hoeks, J. (2005). Second to fourth digit ratio and dyslexia: No evidence for an association between reading disabilities and de 2D:4D ratio. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47(10), 718-719. [details]


    • Tijms, J., de Bree, E. H., Bonte, M., van Atteveldt, N., Warny, A., & Vanderauwera, J. (2023). Online behandelen: Literatuurreview. NKD Nederlands Kwaliteitsinstituut Dyslexie. [details]
    • Tijms, J., de Bree, E. H., van Atteveldt, N., Bonte, M., & Vanderauwera, J. (2023). Psycho-educatie dyslexie: Literatuurreview en praktijkinventarisatie. NKD Nederlands Kwaliteitsinstituut Dyslexie.



    • Tijms, J., Scheltinga, F., Zeguers, M., & Snellings, P. (2016). Dyslexie. In P. Snellings, & M. Zeguers (Eds.), Interventies in het onderwijs: leerproblemen (2e ed., pp. 41-66). Boom. [details]


    • Aravena, S., & Tijms, J. (2011). Wie is er bang voor de referentieniveaus? Dyslectici in het referentiekader. Remediaal, 11(4), 4-9. [details]


    • Tijms, J., Scheltinga, F., & Snellings, P. (2009). Dyslexie. In M. Taal, & P. Snellings (Eds.), Interventies in het onderwijs: Leerproblemen (pp. 34-59). Boom. [details]


    • Tijms, J., & van Gelder, M. (2008). Interventie bij dyslexie in het funderend onderwijs. In L. Verhoeven, & H. Wentink (Eds.), Onderkenning en aanpak van leesproblemen en dyslexie (pp. 239-248). (Studies over taalonderwijs; No. 6). Garant. [details]


    • Tijms, J., & de Beer, M. (2006). De diagnostiek en behandeling van dyslexie: Een gevalsbeschrijving. In H. F. M. Peters (Ed.), Handboek stem-, spraak- en taalpathologie. BohnStafleuVanLoghum.

    Talk / presentation

    • Leona, N. (speaker), Snellings, P. (speaker), Rispens, J. (speaker), Tijms, J. (speaker), van der Molen, M. (speaker) & van Koert-Hoogervorst, M. (speaker) (27-11-2019). English Orthography Made More Transparent: Young Learners’ Flow Experience while Playing Rock It, European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2019, Tartu.
    • Leona, N. (invited speaker), Snellings, P. J. F. (speaker), Rispens, J. E. (speaker), van der Molen, M. W. (speaker), van Koert-Hoogervorst, M. J. H. (speaker) & Tijms, J. (speaker) (18-12-2018). The essential role of extramural English for Dutch Young English Language Learners' vocabulary learning, Bijdrage aan het symposium Foreign language use in education op COM2018 (Conference on Multilingualism). Gent, België, Gent.
    • Leona, N. (speaker), Rispens, J. E. (speaker), van der Molen, M. W. (speaker), van Koert-Hoogervorst, M. J. H. (speaker), Tijms, J. (speaker) & Snellings, P. J. F. (speaker) (1-6-2018). Extramural exposure, not motivation, is critical to children’s second language learning, Anéla 2018 , Egmond aan Zee.
    • Leona, N. (speaker), Rispens, J. (speaker), van der Molen, M. (speaker), van Koert-Hoogervorst, M. (speaker), Tijms, J. (speaker) & Snellings, P. (speaker) (1-6-2018). Extramural English vs. Motivation: Extramural English as the More Important Predictor of English Language Learners’ Vocabulary, Anela conferentie, Egmond aan Zee.
    • Leona, N. (speaker), Rispens, J. (speaker), van der Molen, M. (speaker), van Koert-Hoogervorst, M. (speaker), Tijms, J. (speaker) & Snellings, P. (speaker) (26-10-2017). Extramural English vs. motivation: Extramural English as the more important predictor of English language learners’ vocabulary, ORWELL symposium, Amsterdam.
    • Zeguers, M. H. T. (speaker), Aravena, S. (speaker), Tijms, J. (speaker) & Snellings, P. J. F. (speaker) (12-4-2017). Een passender kijk op leesvloeiendheid en Dyslexie. Recent scientific findings and their implications for educational practice, Symposium Rudolf Berlin Center.


    • Verwimp, C. T. (2023). Multidimensional etiology and individual differences in developmental dyslexia. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Aravena, S. (2017). Letter-speech sound learning in children with dyslexia: From behavioral research to clinical practice. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Tijms, J. (2005). Psycholinguistic treatment of dyslexia: evaluation of the LEXY-treatment. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    • RID | Rudolf Berlin Center
      Co-directeur / senior onderzoeker aan het Rudolf Berlin Center.