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Dr. C. (Charalampos) Tsavdaroglou

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
WP Groep: Docenten Sociologie

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications




    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2020). The Newcomers’ Right to the City: Producing Common Spaces in Athens and Thessaloniki. In M. E. Leary-Owhin, & J. P. McCarthy (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society (pp. 411-421). Routledge. [details]
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2020). The Permanence of Land Enclosures [Review of: B. Christophers (2018) The New Enclosure: The Appropriation of Public Land in Neoliberal Britain]. Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(1), 70-72. [details]
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2020). The Refugees’ Right to the Center of the City and Spatial Justice: Gentrification vs Commoning Practices in Tarlabaşı-Istanbul. Urban Planning, 5(3), 230-240. [details]


    • Gouvias, D., Petropoulou, C., & Tsavdaroglou, C. (Eds.) (2019). Contested Borderscapes: Transnational Geographies vis-à-vis Fortress Europe. Research Group Invisible Cities. [details]
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2019). “Refugee TV” and “Refugees Got Talent” Projects: Affective and Decolonial Geographies of Invisible Common Spaces. In D. Gouvias, C. Petropoulou, & C. Tsavdaroglou (Eds.), Contested Borderscapes: Transnational Geographies vis-à-vis Fortress Europe (pp. 177-194). Research Group Invisible Cities. [details]
    • Tsavdaroglou, C., Giannopoulou, C., Petropoulou, C., & Pistikos, I. (2019). Acts for Refugees’ Right to the City and Commoning Practices of Care-tizenship in Athens, Mytilene and Thessaloniki. Social Inclusion, 7(4), 119-130. [details]


    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2018). Stasis: The Catalyst for the Circulation of Common Space. Protest Camps in Athens, Istanbul and Idomeni. In A. Kioupkiolis (Ed.), Heteropolitics International Workshop Proceedings: Refiguring the Common and the Political (ERC-COG-2016-724692 ed., pp. 100-117). European Research Council.
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2018). The Ecumenical ‘Right to the City’: Urban Commons and Intersectional Enclosures in Athens and Istanbul. In P. Horn, P. Alfaro d'Alencon, & A. C. Duarte Cardoso (Eds.), Emerging Urban Spaces: A Planetary Perspective (pp. 21-41). (The Urban Book Series (UBS)). Springer.
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2018). The Newcomers’ Right to the Common Space: The Case of Athens during the Migrant Crisis. ACME : An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 17(2), 376-401.


    • Tsavdaroglou, C., Petrakos, K., & Makrygianni, V. (2017). The golden ‘salto mortale’ in the era of crisis: Primitive accumulation and local and urban struggle in the case of Skouries gold mining in Greece. City, 21(3-4), 428-447.


    • Athanasiou, A., Kapetanaki, E., Kapsali, M., Makrygianni, V., Mamali, F., Pagalos, O., Tsavdaroglou, C., & Vasdeki, E. (Eds.) (2016). Uni-Conflicts in Spaces of Crisis: Critical Approaches in, against and beyond the University. Workshop: encounters and conflicts in the city.
    • Kapsali, M., & Tsavdaroglou, C. (2016). The Battle for the Common Space, from the Neo-liberal Creative City to the Rebel City and Vice Versa: The Cases of Athens, Istanbul, Thessaloniki and Izmir. In The Practice of Freedom: Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt (pp. 151-182). Rowman & Littlefield.
    • Makrygianni, V., & Tsavdaroglou, C. (2016). Unveiling the Right to the City: Representations, Uses and Instrumentalization of the Right to the City. In Passerelle (Vol. 15, pp. 72-77)
    • Petropoulou, C., Vitopoulou, A., & Tsavdaroglou, C. (Eds.) (2016). Κοινωνικά Kινήματα Πόλης και Περιφέρειας. Research Group Invisible Cities.
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2016). The Claimed Common Space. Between the Creative City and the Rebel City. Aeihoros, 24, 15-39.
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2016). The Location of Cultural Common Space and the New Enclosures in Athens and Thessaloniki: From the Creative City to the Rebel City and Vice Versa. In A. Lahur-Kirtunc, & et al (Eds.), Culture and Space (pp. 273-284). Ege University Printing House.
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2016). Urban Commons and the Right to Ambiance: Gentrification Policies and Urban Social Movements in Barcelona, Athens and Istanbul. In N. Remy, & N. Tixier (Eds.), Ambiances, Tomorrow (pp. 707-712). University of Thessaly Press.
    • Tsavdaroglou, C. (2016). Θεωρητικά περάσματα από τα κινήματα για το «Δικαίωμα στην Πόλη» στα κινήματα κατάληψης του «Κοινού Χώρου»: παγκόσμια παραδείγματα και η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας την εποχή της κρίσης. In C. Petropoulou, A. Vitopoulou, & C. Tsavdaroglou (Eds.), Urban and Regional Social Movements (pp. 105-142). Research Group Invisible Cities.


    • Kaika, M. (organiser) & Tsavdaroglou, C. (organiser) (2020). Public Debate “The Newcomers’ Right to the City” (SPUI 25), Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kaika, M. (organiser) & Tsavdaroglou, C. (organiser) (2020). “The Newcomers’ Right to the City: decolonial communing practices and intersectional spatial justice”, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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