About Charalampos Tsavdaroglou
Charalampos Tsavdaroglou is a scholar in critical urban studies and his work specializes in migrants’ urban and housing commons, mobile commons, refugee camps, the newcomers’ right to the city and urban social movements. He is currently Post-doctoral researcher in the Horizon 2021-2027 program: “Prototypes for addressing the housing-energy-nexus” (PREFIGURE) at University of Amsterdam, examining the energy conditions in refugee camps and housing shelters in Northern Greece. During the academic years 2017-2024 he was PI in the HFRI research program: “Refugees’ solidarity city. Institutional policies and commoning practices in Athens, Mytilene and Thessaloniki” (RECITY) at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Post-doctoral Researcher in the Horizon H2020 program “Arrival infrastructures as sites of integration for recent newcomers” (REROOT) at University of Thessaly, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Amsterdam conducting research, under the supervision of Prof. Maria Kaika, on the refugees’ right to housing in Belgrade, Athens and Istanbul (REHOUSING), visiting fellow at the Urban Studies Institute in University of Antwerp, and Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Thessaly, University of the Aegean and at the National Hellenic Research Foundation. Following his viva in ‘Commons and Enclosures: Dialectic Approach of Space’ in 2016, in the School of Architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, he has undertaken tutorial and supervisory duties in the fields of migration studies, human and social geography, urban sociology, urban and spatial planning and urban governance. In particular, he has been appointed as a Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam, the Hellenic Open University, the University of the Aegean, the University of Thessaly and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules on Migration in Europe, Human Geography, Cultural Geography, Sociology of Space, Urban Planning, Spatial Governance, Theories of Commons and Risk and the City.