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Dr. A. (Aslan) Zorlu

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Geographies

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B4.18
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Bio


    Aslan Zorlu is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Human Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam. He is also a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labour, IZA, Bonn-Germany,  the Applied Microeconomics Research Unit, NIMA, University of Minho, Braga-Portugal and the Life Course Centre (LCC), University of Queensland-Australia. He studied economics and econometrics at the University of Amsterdam and wrote a PhD thesis (2002) on Absorption of Immigrants in European Labour Markets.
    He teaches social science (quantitative) research methods on undergraduate and graduate levels and, other courses related to economics of immigration. His research focuses on the adjustment process of immigrants in education, housing and labour markets and the impact of immigration on receiving countries. His other research interests include micro-econometric techniques and the creation and use of individual administrative longitudinal data. He has published articles in scholarly journals and books, including Journal of Population Economics, Demography, Regional Studies and Journal of Housing Economics, Population, Space and Place.


    Research interest areas

    • Statistical Methods
    • Micro-econometrics
    • Panel data analysis
    • Economics of migration
    • Residential mobility and segregation



    • PhD Economics (2002). Tinbergen Institute, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • M.A Economics (1997), Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Teaching


    • Methoden en technieken  (2de jaar)
    • Methoden en technieken  (3de jaar)
    • Population Dynamics and Migration ( 2de jaar)
    • Thesis project Kwantitative Methoden (3de jaar)



    • Master Human Geography: GEO Skills: Research Methods & Techniques Geographial Research Methods and GIS
    • Thesis project Kwantitative Methoden
  • Publications













    • Bijl, R. V., Zorlu, A., Jennissen, R. P. W., & Blom, M. (2008). The integration of immigrants in the Netherlands monitored over time: trend and cohort analyses. In C. Bonifazi, M. Okólski, J. Schoorl, & P. Simon (Eds.), International migration in Europe: new trends and methods of analysis (pp. 199-224). (IMISCOE Research). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Michielin, F., Mulder, C. H., & Zorlu, A. (2008). Distance to parents and geographical mobility. Population Space and Place, 14(4), 327-345. [details]
    • Zorlu, A., & Mulder, C. H. (2008). Initial and subsequent location choices of immigrants to the Netherlands. Regional Studies, 42(2), 245-264. [details]







    Membership / relevant position

    • Zorlu, A. (2015-2016). member, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Demografie.
    • Zorlu, A. (2012). member, European Association for Population Studies.
    • Zorlu, A. (2012). member, European Association for Population Studies.
    • Zorlu, A. (2011). research fellow, Applied Microeconomics Research Unit (NIMA), Univerty of Minho, Portugal.

    Media appearance

    • Zorlu, A. (04-04-2011). Radio 1 over : Uit huisgaan allochtone jongeren [Radio]. Radio 1 over : Uit huisgaan allochtone jongeren.

    Journal editor

    • Zorlu, A. (editor) (2018). Frontiers in Sociology (Journal).
    • Zorlu, A. (editor) (2015). Population Space and Place (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Zorlu, A. (invited speaker) (11-6-2015). Register-based demographic research in the Netherlands, Workshop on New Developments in Register-based Demographic Research.
    • Zorlu, A. (invited speaker) (2-4-2015). The impact of 9/11 on Well-Being of Muslims in Europe, Seminar at Life Course Centre, Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland.
    • Zorlu, A. (invited speaker) (2015). Houdingen ten aanzien van Asielzoekerscentra, presentatie, Gemeente Tytsjerksteradiel, Burgum.


    • Zorlu, A. (participant) (26-6-2018 - 29-6-2018). ENHR annual conference 2018, Uppsala, Uppsala (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Zorlu, A. (participant) (6-6-2018 - 9-6-2018). European Population Conference 2018 (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities