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The Centre for Social Science and Global Health is organizing a speed-dating event for scholars in the field of global health, widely conceived, to get together and explore commonalities, discover new approaches and learn more about each other's work. The event also serves as the relaunch of the Centre for Social Science and Global Health.
Event details of Global Health Speed-Dating
2 October 2024
16:00 -17:30

Do you work on health-related topics and yearn to know what your colleagues -- known and unknown, more or less senior --  are plotting, concocting, shedding light on and/or promoting in relation to the rich and varied field of Global Health?

Do you wonder what future there is for ‘Global Health?’

Are you interested in exploring linkages between your and colleagues’ work on human, nonhuman, more-than-human health and wellbeing?

And/or do you want to hang out with colleagues in an informal setting, enjoy a drink together and witness the launch of the renewed Social Sciences for Global Health Centre and its website?

Then we hope you will join us for the SSGH speed-dating event on 2 October! If you want to attend, please fill out the registration form.

Roeterseilandcampus - building B/C/D (entrance B/C)

Room B5.12
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam