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The significance of energy communities within European energy systems has been underscored by their inclusion in European Union legislation, reflecting the growing imperative for greenhouse gas mitigation and the call for energy democracy. Join us as we explore the complexities of collective action and the potential of cooperative ownership models in fostering sustainability and empowering citizens.
Event details of Rising Together: Polycentric Governance, Niche Expansion and the Scaling of Energy Communities
16 May 2024
12:00 -13:00

About this lecture

There is high hope and ambition attached to energy communities in European energy systems, with their significance underscored by their incorporation into European Union legislation. As the imperative for greenhouse gas mitigation intensifies and the call for energy democracy grows louder, understanding how and why energy communities scale becomes paramount. Against the backdrop of local and sub-national actions reshaping climate governance this lecture focuses on these questions. By adopting a polycentric governance perspective, the conditions facilitating scaling can be elucidated and organized along multiple dimensions, highlighting the complexities of collective action.

Empirical examination across various jurisdictions within the EU also sheds light on a variety of contexts within which energy communities operate. From instances of resistance to more supportive environments, the dynamics of scaling vary significantly. This analysis unveils scaling as a nuanced process shaped by a confluence of market, state and community logics, resulting in institutionally complex settings. In its essence, this lecture will also link to societal discussions on the democratization and sustainability of energy systems. It highlights the inherently political nature of transitions and emphasizes the potential of cooperative ownership models, as exemplified by energy communities, in fostering sustainability and empowering citizens.

Roeterseilandcampus - building B/C/D (entrance B/C)

Room B2.01
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam