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Dr W.R. (Willem) Boterman

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Geographies
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B4.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profiel


    Master degree Political Science (international relations), University of Amsterdam

    Master degree Human Geography (urban geography), University of Amsterdam (Cum Laude)


    PhD Human Geography (urban geography), University of Amsterdam (Cum Laude)


    Education is the most crucial factor in facilitating social mobility but may also play a major role in the reproduction of social inequalities. A wide body of sociological literature addresses the question of how parents strategically use different resources to gain access to desired education. Geographic studies stress the central role of neighbourhood for access to education.

    This project adopts a relational approach to explaining educational inequalities by integrating geographical perspectives with the sociological literature on school choice strategies. It primarily focuses on how parents strategically use various forms of capital (economic, cultural and social) in both the educational and the residential field to secure access to good primary schools. Building on my concept of socio-spatial strategies for school choice and comparing working class and middle class, native and non-native parents, I will investigate how inequalities are reproduced through unequal access to education.
    The main question of this research project is: How can educational inequalities be explained through the socio-spatial strategies of school choice of different groups of parents?

    Mixed Classes and Pedagogical Solutions (MAPS)

    Urban and school segregation in cities result in diversification of the actual educational environments, where children study and spend their time in urban schools. Especially in (lower-)secondary education the levels of school segregation have increased in the capital areas of Finland, Iceland and the Netherlands. How about in (pre-)primary schools? Mixed classes And Pedagogical Solutions (MAPS) intends to offer a comparative view on policies and practices of inclusion in (pre-)primary education.


    Current Research Topics

    School choice and residential choice

    Middle class disaffiliation and new forms of segregation

    Mobility and embodiment

    New relations between city and suburb

    Residential trajectories of the middle classes


    Completed research projects

    * Residential preferences of higher educated workers (2012-2014)

    * Young people on the Amsterdam housing market (2013)




    PhD Dissertation

    Urban middle-class families.
    The study investigates how practices of young middle-class urbanites change when they become parents. It establishes a link between the neighbourhood as place of residence andtheway in which lives are socially and spatially organised. The project combines time-space budget approaches with Bourdieu's theories on practice and taste. It will research the scale of urban middle-class family life, the meaning of place in family life, and the way in which class position structures different residential practices within the middle classes.



    Van Gent, W.P.C. &  Boterman, W. R. (2018) Gentrification of the changing state, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, in press.

    Boterman, W. R. (2018) School Segregation in the Free School Choice Context of Dutch Cities, in Bellei, C & Bonal X. (eds) Understanding School Segregation, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers.

    Boterman, W. R. (2018). A Flavour of Class‐Based Spatial Change: Geographies of Haute Cuisine in the Netherlands. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 109(1), 161-170.

    Hochstenbach, C., & Boterman, W.R. (2018). Age, life course and generations in gentrification. Handbook of Gentrification Studies, 170.

    Tzaninis, Y., & Boterman, W.R. (2018). Beyond the urban–suburban dichotomy: Shifting mobilities and the transformation of suburbia. City, 22(1), 43-62.

    Boterman, W. R., Manting, D., & Musterd, S. (2017). Understanding the social geographies of urban regions through the socio‐economic and cultural dimension of class. Population, Space and Place (online first) .

    Pinkster, F. M., & Boterman, W. R. (2017). When the spell is broken: gentrification, urban tourism and privileged discontent in the Amsterdam canal district. cultural geographies, 24(3), 457-472.

    Boterman, W., & Musterd, S. (2017). Differentiated residential orientations of class fractions. Handbook of new urban studies, 388-407.

    Hochstenbach, C., & Boterman, W. R. (2017). Intergenerational support shaping residential trajectories: Young people leaving home in a gentrifying city. Urban studies, 54(2), 399-420.

    Boterman, W. R. (2017). Molly Vollman Makris: Public housing and school choice in a gentrified city: youth experiences of uneven opportunity.

    Van Gent, W. P. C., Boterman, W. R., & van Grondelle, M. W. (2016). Surveying the Fault Lines in Social Tectonics; Neighbourhood Boundaries in a Socially-mixed Renewal Area. Housing, Theory and Society, 33(3), 247-267.

    Savini, F., Boterman, W. R., Van Gent, W. P., & Majoor, S. (2016). Amsterdam in the 21st century: Geography, housing, spatial development and politics. Cities, 52, 103-113.

    Boterman, W. R., & Musterd, S. (2016). Cocooning urban life: Exposure to diversity in neighbourhoods, workplaces and transport. Cities, 59, 139-147.

    Buitelaar, E., Weterings, A. B., Raspe, O., Jonkeren, O., & Boterman, W. R. (2016). De verdeelde triomf: verkenning van stedelijk-economische ongelijkheid en opties voor beleid: Ruimtelijke Verkenningen 2016. Planbureau voor de Leefomgevng.

    Boterman, W. R., & Bontje, M. (2016). ‘The’creative class does not exist: contrasting the residential preferences of creative and technical workers in Amsterdam and Eindhoven. In Skills and Cities (pp. 87-109). Routledge.

    Boterman, W. R., & Bridge, G. (2015). Gender, class and space in the field of parenthood: comparing middle‐class fractions in Amsterdam and London. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 40(2), 249-261.

    Hochstenbach, C., & Boterman, W. R. (2015). Navigating the field of housing: housing pathways of young people in Amsterdam. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 30(2), 257-274.

    Sleutjes, B. & Boterman, W.R. (2014) De Woonvoorkeuren van Internationale Kenniswerkers, in: Raspe, O. et al. Buitenlandse Kenniswerkers in Nederland, Den Haag: Planbureau voor de leefomgeving 

    Sleutjes, B. & Boterman, W.R. (2014) Stated preferences of international knowledge workers in the Netherlands, Den Haag/Amsterdam: Verdus/Universiteit van Amsterdam.

    Boterman, W.R. & B.Sleutjes (2014) Stated preferences of Stated residential preferences of higher educated workers in Amsterdam and Eindhoven, Den Haag/Amsterdam: Verdus/Universiteit van Amsterdam.

    Boterman, W.R. & W.P.C. Van Gent (2014) Housing Liberalization and Gentrification. The Social Effects of Tenure Conversions in Amsterdam, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 105 (2).

    Boterman, W.R. (2014) Gentrification en de terugkeer van middenklassegezinnen naar Amsterdam, in:Bakens, De Groot, H.,Mulder, P.& J, Pen, C-J, Soort zoekt soort: Clustering en sociaal-economische scheidslijnen in Nederland, Platform 31, Den Haag 

    Boterman, W.R. & L.Karsten (2014) On the spatial dimension of the gender division of paid work in two-parent families: the case of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 105 (1) 107-116.

    Boterman, W.R., C.Hochstenbach, R.Ronald & M.Sleurink (2013) Duurzame Toegankelijkheid van de Amsterdamse woningmarkt voor starters, Amsterdam: Centre for Urban Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

    Boterman , W. R . (2013) Dealing with Diversity. Middle-class family households and the issue of 'black' and 'white' schools in Amsterdam, Urban Studies  50:1130-1147.

    Boterman , W. R (2012). Residential Mobility of Urban Middle Class Parents in the Field of Parenthood ,  Environment and Planning A, 44: 2397-2412.

    Boterman , W. R (2012). Residential Practices of Middle Classes in the Field of Parenthood, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, dissertation

    Boterman , W. R (2012). Deconstructing Coincidence. How middle-class households use various forms of capital to find a home, Housing Theory & Society 29 (3), 321-338.

    Boterman, W. R., Karsten, L & S. Musterd (2010).
    Gentrifiers settling down? Patterns and trends of residential location of middle-class families in Amsterdam, Housing Studies 25 (5).

    Boterman, W. (2005) De stad is anders; Gentrification in Kopenhagen als distinctiestrategie, Agora 4.   



    2013-2018                        Research apprenticeship RMUS

    2014-2015                        Advanced Urban Studies

    2016-2018                        Lectures distinction and cycling at the International Summer School Planning the Cycling City

    2010-2018                        Urban Geography

    2014                                Qualitative Methods 

    2013                                 Master thesis-project on gentrification

    2013                                 Literature course gentrification

    2012-2013                        Lectures gentrification at the International Summer School of Housing Studies 

    2011                                 Bachelor Buitenlandervaring

    2008-2010                        Dynamics of Urban Regions

    2008                                 Public Space (Scriptieproject)

    2006                                 Media Cultuur en Maatschappij

  • Presentaties
  • Publications



    • Boterman, W. R. (2023). Population density and SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Comparing the geography of different waves in the Netherlands. Urban Studies, 60(8), 1377 - 1402. Advance online publication.
    • Boterman, W. R., & Bridge, G. (2023). The transition to parenthood in urban space: continuity and disruption of embodied experience and spatial practice. Social & Cultural Geography, 24(7), 1165-1184. Advance online publication.
    • Boterman, W. R., Paulle, B., & Tzaninis, I. (2023). Shared problems, diverging solutions: experts on the Dutch field of education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Advance online publication.
    • Boterman, W., & van Gent, W. (2023). Making the Middle-class City: The Politics of Gentrifying Amsterdam. (The Contemporary City). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Das, M., Boterman, W. R., Karsten, L., & Latten, J. J. (2023). Women's migration to cities. Journal of Biosocial Science, 55(3), 397-424. Advance online publication.
    • He, Q., Musterd, S., & Boterman, W. (2023). Geographical structure of the local segregation of migrants in (sub)urban China. GeoJournal, 88(2), 1449–1467. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Sissing, S., & Boterman, W. R. (2023). Maintaining the legitimacy of school choice in the segregated schooling environment of Amsterdam. Comparative Education, 59(1), 118-135. Advance online publication.


    • Boterman, W. R. (2022). School choice and school segregation in the context of gentrifying Amsterdam. Housing Studies, 37(5), 720-741. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Boterman, W. R., & Ramos Lobato, I. (2022). Local segregation patterns and multilevel education policies. In Y. Kazepov, E. Barberis, R. Cucca, & E. Mocca (Eds.), Handbook on Urban Social Policies: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare (pp. 219-233). Edward Elgar Publishing.
    • Boterman, W. R., & Ramos Lobato, I. (2022). Meddling with school choice: comparing education policy interventions and their impact on school segregation. Comparative Education, 58(4), 470-488. [details]
    • Dignum, E., Athieniti, E., Boterman, W., Flache, A., & Lees, M. (2022). Mechanisms for increased school segregation relative to residential segregation: a model-based analysis. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 93, Article 101772. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Foli, A., & Boterman, W. R. (2022). Cultural repertoires of school choice: Intersections of class, race and culture in Pretoria and Amsterdam. The Sociological Review, 70(6), 1220 -1239. [details]
    • He, Q., Boterman, W., Musterd, S., & Wang, Y. (2022). Perceived social distance, socioeconomic status and adaptive residential mobility in urban China. Habitat International, 120, Article 102500. Advance online publication. [details]
    • He, Q., Musterd, S., & Boterman, W. (2022). Understanding different levels of segregation in urban China: a comparative study among 21 cities in Guangdong province. Urban Geography, 43(7), 1036-1061. Advance online publication. [details]







    • Boterman, W. R., & Bontje, M. (2016). 'The' creative class does not exist: Contrasting the residential preferences of creative and technical workers in Amsterdam and Eindhoven. In S. Musterd, M. Bontje, & J. Rouwendal (Eds.), Skills and Cities: implications of location preferences of highly educated workers for spatial development of metropolitan areas (pp. 63-85). (Regions and cities; Vol. 95). Routledge. [details]
    • Boterman, W. R., & Musterd, S. (2016). Cocooning urban life: Exposure to diversity in neighbourhoods, workplaces and transport. Cities : The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 59, 139-147. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Savini, F., Boterman, W. R., van Gent, W. P. C., & Majoor, S. (2016). Amsterdam in the 21st century: geography, housing, spatial development and politics. Cities : The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 52, 103-113. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Gent, W. P. C., Boterman, W. R., & van Grondelle, M. W. (2016). Surveying the Fault Lines in Social Tectonics; Neighbourhood Boundaries in a Socially-mixed Renewal Area. Housing, Theory and Society, 33(3), 247-267. [details]



    • Boterman, W. R., & Karsten, L. (2014). On the spatial dimension of the gender division of paid work in two-parent families: the case of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 105(1), 107-116. [details]
    • Boterman, W. R., & van Gent, W. P. C. (2014). Housing liberalisation and gentrification: the social effects of tenure conversions in Amsterdam. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 105(2), 140-160. Advance online publication. [details]





    • van Gent, W., Ntarladima, A-M., van Vulpen, B., Hochstenbach, C., Giezen, M., Boterman, W., Pinkster, F., Harris, V., & Stenvers, D. J. (2023). Gezond wonen in de regio Amsterdam: Woningmarkt, omgevingskwaliteit, gezondheid, en ongelijkheid in de metropoolregio. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]


    • Boterman, W., & van Gent, W. (2015). Segregatie in Amsterdam. Stedebouw & Ruimtelijke Ordening, 2015(3), 34-39. [details]



    • Boterman, W. R. (2011). Social reproduction, middle-class family households and the issue of ‘black’ and ‘white’ schools in Amsterdam. In The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings


    • Boterman, W. R. (2010). Deconstructing coincidence: How various forms of capital enable middle-class households finding a home. In Urban Dynamics and Housing Change: Conference papers (Vol. 22).




    • van Gent, W. P. C., & Boterman, W. R. (2011). Gentrification in Amsterdam: housing policy, tenure transitions and changing neighbourhoods. Paper presented at Seminar “Gentrification in the Netherlands: A process of change and a changing process", .

    Prize / grant

    Talk / presentation

    • Boterman, W. (speaker) & van Gent, W. (speaker) (4-4-2023). Boekpresentatie: Making the Middle-class City, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.…
    • Boterman, W. (speaker) & van Gent, W. (speaker) (7-12-2022). Willem R. Boterman and Wouter van Gent, Presentation of the Book “Making the Middle-Class city. The Politics of Gentrifying Amsterdam”, SciencesPo.…
    • van Gent, W. (speaker), Boterman, W. R. (speaker) & Hoekstra, M. S. (speaker) (15-8-2017). Overheidsgestuurde gentrificatie of buurtvernieuwing? Symbolische politiek en beleidsinterventie in een arbeidersbuurt in Amsterdam, Dag van de Sociologie.
    • Hochstenbach, C. (invited speaker) & Boterman, W. R. (invited speaker) (26-5-2016). Spatializing intergenerational support, Housing Wealth and Welfare Conference (HOUWEL & HOWCOME projects), University of Amsterdam.
    • Hochstenbach, C. (invited speaker) & Boterman, W. R. (invited speaker) (28-5-2015). Intergenerational parental support, young people's housing trajectories and their impact on neighbourhood change in Amsterdam, Conference RC28 (research committee on social stratification), Universtiy of Tilburg.
    • Hochstenbach, C. (invited speaker) & Boterman, W. R. (invited speaker) (17-7-2014). Starting from unequal positions: Patterns of Young Households Starting on the Amsterdam Housing Market, ISA confference (RC43: research committee on housing and the built environment), Yokohama.
    • Boterman, W. R. (invited speaker) & Musterd, S. (invited speaker) (21-3-2014). Cocooning Urban Life, International conference “Beyond Residential Segregation”, Utrecht.
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  • Ancillary activities
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