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The GIS team maintains the GIS Lab and supports researchers and students with requests regarding the GIS Lab facilities and services.

The team's members are involved in teaching GIS courses at undergraduate and graduate level, providing assistance for GIS-based research, helping with access to GIS hardware and software, drafting research proposals and carrying out their GIS-related research.

GIS Lab Team

Dr. R.I.M. (Rowan) Arundel

Director of the GIS Lab. Ass. Prof. in Geographic Information Science. GIS researcher and lecturer. Available for advice regarding GIS questions in education and research.

M.J. (Marcel) Heemskerk

GIS Lab contact-person and technical coordinator. Point of contact for all technical and practical matters concerning GIS software and GIS Lab facilities. Marcel Heemskerk’s working days for the GIS Lab are Mondays and Tuesdays.

Dr. E.M. (Els) Veldhuizen

GIS researcher and lecturer. Available for advice regarding GIS questions in education and research.

Dr. S. (Sjoerd) de Vos

Ass. Prof. in Urban Geography. GIS/Statistics lecturer. Available for advice regarding GIS and SPSS questions for education.